Tender For sinking oconstruction of rcc cover drain with soak pit from h/o chitta halder to h/o utthan kalsa annual repair damodarpur.f new tube well with soak pit near h/o sachin ghosh at harinkhola under karanjali gram panchayet.
Tender For annual rate contract for repair and maintenance work of sewer line, manhole, frame and cover, drain and cross etc at ward no. 01, 02, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 42, bikaner.
Tender For corrigendum : miscellaneous repair to footpath including kerb stones, drain cover slabs, married accommodation backyard pcc flooring etc and connected works at certain locations of married quarters in north zone under ge (north) binnaguri
Tender For annual rate contract for construction and repair of drain manhole cover ferro cover box culvert pipe culvert in ward 1 to 30 various places in city nagaur
Tender For annual rate contract for construction and repair of drain/manhole cover/ferro cover/box culvert/pipe culvert in ward 31-60 various places in city nagaur