Tender For procurement of material for construction of cc channel from shekarappa agricultural land to siddegowda agricultural land in hiregouja village of hiregouja go in ckm taluk - rcc pipes np3 600 mm dia including collars hrg04, add watering charges at 1 percent on material hrg04, add handling , loading and unloading at 2 prercent on mater ial hrg04, add handling , loading and unloading at 1 percent on material hrg04, add brush, putty, sand paper at 2 percent on cost of paint hrg04, painter class i hrg04, mixer (concrete) 1 cum capacity hrg043, hom of vibrator 0.71 days hrg04, tmt bars fe 500 hrg04, broken stone aggregate 40 mm size hrg04, broken stone aggregate 20 mm size hrg04, broken stone aggregate 12 mm to 10 mm size hrg04, binding wire hrg04, plasticizer or super plasticizer hrg04, display board or cib hrg04, coarse sand (zone iii) hrg04, water proofing cement paint hrg04, portland cement hrg04