Tender For expression of quotation to prepare the estimation for implementation of advanced & immersive learning solution in belagavi city with 5 years o&m, warranty & on ground support - bscl-other items if any , bscl-electrical work, delivery and installation, bscl-teacher training, bscl-power back - 1 kva ups with built in battery - as per standard oems warranty, bscl-digital content software for class 1st to 10th as per the updated karnataka state board syllabus in all three mediums (kannada,english/urdu) which ever is requiredat school, bscl-operating system - ops (open pluggable system) - as per standard oems warranty, bscl-interactive panel 65 inches - as per standard oems warranty, bscl-interactive panel 75inch - as per standard oems warranty, bscl-mathematics lab content software for class 6th to 10th for 5 years , bscl-lab content software for science (physics , chemistry, biology) for 5 years , bscl-foam sheet 4mm with eco solvent & matt lamination sticker, blackstar flex panel board as per the wall dimension, bscl-full height storage cupboard - 900 x 450 x 1900mm, bscl-wooden table with storage - 4800 x 1500 x 900mm, bscl-ms sheet table with storage and granite top - 4800 x 1500 x 900mm, bscl-sink unit - 900x700 with storage, bscl-ceiling fans, bscl-civil and plumbing work, bscl-ups 1 kv with 150 ah battery (1 nos), bscl-electrical work for ups, switches, lights and for 2 nos of fans, bscl-balance digital, cap. 2kg, l.c. 0.1gm (100mg)., bscl-indicator paper ph 1-14 (full range), 200 is, bscl-magnesium ribbon (25gms)., bscl-litmus red indicator paper, 100 is, bscl-litmus blue indicator paper, 100 is, bscl-wire gauge, with frame & asbestos centre, bscl-watch glass dia 3inch (superior quality per dozen), bscl-wash bottle 250 ml, bscl-tripod stand, 6inch (heavy quality), bscl-crucible tong (stainless steel), 8inch, bscl-flask tong, 12inch s.s, bscl-beaker tong, 12inch (stainless steel), bscl-thistle funnel, borosilicate glass., bscl-thermometer (30cm length) -10 to 360c, mercury, bscl-thermometer (30cm length), -10 to 110c, mercury., bscl-test tube holder (wooden handle), iron chrome plated,superior quality, bscl-test tube brush (nylon) superior quality., bscl-test tube (borosilicate glass) hard glass, 25x150mm, 50ml pk of 50, bscl-test tube (borosilicate glass), hard glass, 12x100mm,7ml pk of 100, bscl-spirit lamp (100ml), brass, bscl-test tube (borosilicate glass) hard glass, 15x125mm,10ml.pk of 100, bscl-platinum wire, fused with test tube, pure (eki make)., bscl-pipette stand (horizontal) - for 12 pipettes, bscl-measuring jug 500 ml, bscl-measuring cylinder (round base) b.g, without stopper,250ml, bscl-laboratory tray 375 x 300 x 75 mm, bscl-crystal model set - graphite, bscl-glass stirrer 8inch, bscl-models for display (in acrylic showcase), formation of sodium ion, bscl-models for display (in acrylic showcase), formation of chlorine ion in showcase, bscl-filter paper pkt, dia 12.5cm (machine made fine quality)., bscl-deflagrating spoon., bscl-crystal model set - sodium chloride, bscl-crystal model set - diamond, bscl-copper voltameter with jar., bscl-water bath (copper), dia 6inch, bscl-copper plate, with terminal, 6inchx2inch approx.., bscl-copper calorimeter, size 3inchx2inch (in wooden box)., bscl-cork borer, set of 6 (german type)., bscl-clinical thermometer (mercurial), bscl-china dish (porcelain), dia 3inch., bscl-carbon rod, with terminal, 150x15mm., bscl-burette stand with clamp (metallic), superior quality, (sheet metal) adjustable base 7inchx5inchx24inch., bscl-bottle brush (nylon)., bscl-delivery tube l, bscl-sodium vapour lamp setup, sodium lamp wooden box with slits, bscl-sodium vapour lamp setup, sodium vapour lamp (35watt), bscl-sodium vapour lamp setup, sodium lamp transformer (35watt), bscl-spectrometer prism (25x25mm), e.d.f, r.i. 1.65, bscl-travelling microscope, l.c. 0.01mm, 2-motion, in wooden box (superior quality)., bscl-models for demonstration, bio gas plant, bscl-wave motion mac
Tender For fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer standalone or integrated with electrochemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer (eclia) or other immunoassay system with ups backup_
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