Tender For dg ratnagiri industrial area...m and r to water supply scheme at ratnagiri.... annual comprehensive maintenance with upgradation of online laboratoryequipments at wtp, chalkewadi.
Tender For bid to ras bid to ras tender for supply of various laboratoryequipments - pipette set , 2d rocker shaker , water bath , weighing balance , vortex shaker
Tender For tender for other lab equipment - other laboratoryequipments, photomultiplier tube kit, bp apparatus (sphygmomanometer), ecg machine, single phase ac voltage controller using scr, igbt vi characteristics demonstration kit, single phase full wave converter demonstration kit, step down dc chopper using igbt/mosfet demonstration kit (details specificqations for all above items as per )
Tender For supply and installation of laboratoryequipments for government and government aided colleges of manipur. - physics, digital function generator, dual channel variable dc regulated power supplies, op-amp (ic741), coupling coefficient of piezoelectric crystal expt. set, dielectric constant apparatus (with tunable frequency), 20 mhz dual channel oscilloscope (cro), four probe apparatus, malus law apparatus., dipole antenna, wolaston air film (asico), brewster s law expt setup, plancks constant using led , determination of wavelength of laser source using diffraction of single and double slit, magnetic susceptibility gouys balance method expt set, bh curve apparatus with solenoid, ultrasonic diffraction grating expt set, microwave optics system trainer kit, stefan boltzmann constant apparatus, fibre optic trainer kit for numerical aperture, plancks constant expt. , geology, rocksmins geological hammer, polarizing microscope , brunton compass, garmin gps etrex 10x, botany, portable autoclave, burette, 50ml, centrifuge machine (mini), digital microscope with inbuilt camera, digital balance, digital spectrophotometer (single beam), medical microscope, horizontal gel electrophoresis with power supply, garmin gps etrex 10x, hot air oven (digital), magnetic stirrer, micro centrifuge tubes 1.5ml, 500/box, rotary microtome, auto digital ph meter, volumetric pipette, class a, 5ml, soil and water testing kit, soxhlet extraction apparatus, silica thin-layer chromatography (tlc) plates, mini vertical unit, water bath, 6l, chromatographic chamber, column chromatography, with integral sintered disc (grade-1), colorimeter cuvettes glass, dessicator, with cover, neutral glass with porcelain plate, ganongs potometer, ganongs respiroscope, kjeldahl digestion unit with glass part, max and min thermometer, ninhydrin sprayer, pipette pump 10ml, porcelain crucibles, separating funnel with i/c polypropylene stopper, squibb shape, ptfe needle valve,(500 ml), thermometer mercury 360 deg c, digital anemometer cup type with counter, conductivity meter , dissolved oxygen meter, distillation unit , 4l/hr make:- supertek features:-, flask, conical (erlenmeyer) graduated, (100 ml), digital flame photometer (single channel), hygrometer (digital), laminar air flow (horizontal), muffle furnace, rain gauge, shaking incubator, 12l, soil thermometer, stopwatch, tissue grinder, bod incubator, hydrometer, vernier/slide calliper (digital), soil moisture meter, uv transilluminator, winkler bottles (bod), 300ml (2/pkt), zoology, rotary microtome (erma type), sahlis haemometer, haemocytometer, sphygmomanometer (dial type), stethoscope, centrifuge machine (fixed rpm), museum specimen balanoglossus, museum specimen- herdmania, museum specimen-branchiostoma, museum specimen-petromyzon, museum specimen-myxine, museum specimen-sphryna, museum specimen-pristis, museum specimen-torpedo, museum specimen-chimaera, museum specimen-exocoetus, museum specimen-heteropneustes, museum specimen-echeneis, museum specimen-anquilla, museum specimen-hippocampus, museum specimen-tetrodon, museum specimen-flat fish, museum specimen-ichthyophis, museum specimen-necturus, museum specimen-alytes, museum specimen-salamandra, museum specimen-chelone, museum specimen-trionyx, museum specimen-varanus, museum specimen-uromastix, museum specimen-chameleon, museum specimen-draco, paper chromatography, digital precision balance (600g, 0.01g), distillation unit, 4l/hr, calorimeter, museum specimen- limulus, museum specimen- peripatus, museum specimen-nautilus, model of ornithorhynchus, dissolved oxygen meter, hygrometer (digital), hydrometer, ph meter digital, soil moisture meter, thermometer 360 deg c, hot air oven (digital), centrifuge machine (mini), medical microscope, bod incubator, slide- sections of amphioxus through pharyngeal region, slide- sections of amphioxus through intestinal and caudal region, slide- sections of balanoglossus through proboscis, slide- sections of balanoglossus through branch
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply and installation of laboratoryequipments under nuhm uphc& namma clinic programme for the year 2024-25 under 15th finance budget