Tender For procurement of goods suppy installation testing , commissioning of laboratory equipment tender - package1, binocular dissecting microscope, binocular microscope, camera leucida with filter (micro type), camera leucida with filter (prism type), cod analyser, computer system with licenced operating system internet facility, deep freezer, digital balance (0.1 mg ), digital colony counter, digital tds meter, digital soil thermometer, farmers potometer, ganongs potometer, hot air oven, stage micrometer, water and soil testing analysis kit, uv transilluminator, gel electrophoresis unit, microscope camera, water and soil testing analysis kit, anemo meter, autoclave portable, autoclave vertical cap 50 ltr, abbe refractometer, d o meter, soxhlet extractor apparatus, digital ph meter with electrode (led display ), digital photoelectric colorimeter, digital potentiometer, distillation apparatus double distillation capacity 5lt, flame photometer and compressor, muffle furnace, oven hot air, vacuum pump oil free, controller based ph system with electrode and temp. prob
Tender For supply of equipment for basic science laboratory - quinckes tube , torsional pendulum , hall effect experiment , stadiometer , refrigerator , r o water purifier , harpenden calliper , polygon law of forces apparatus , verification of lamis theorem , simply supported beam apparatus , inclined plane setup , bell crank lever apparatus , moment of inertia of flywheel setup , screw jack setup combined , wheel and axial setup , worm and worm wheel setup , reynolds apparatus , bernoullis theorem apparatus , mouthpiece orifice , impact of jet on vanes , triangular rectangular notch , venturi meter and orifice meter , friction factor apparatus miner losses , centrifugal pump constant speed , tachometer , kaplan turbine , hydraulic jump , hydraulic tilting flume , turbine flow meter , micro manometer , metzer binacular microscope , hydraulic mounting press 3t , specimen leveler , damped spring mass vibrating system , static balancing using steel balls , motorized gyroscope , whirling of shaft apparatus , cam analysis apparatus , universal governor apparatus , universal vib vibration lab , epi cyclic gear train holding torque apparatus , turn table apparatus , 4 bar mechanism slider crank oscillating cylinder whitworh 4bar link mechanism , gear trains single stage spur gear with intermediate gear differential gear , stefen boltzman constant apparatus , heat and mass transfer apparatus , thermal conductivity of insulating powder apparatus , heat transfer through heat exchanger apparatus , four probe conductivity energy gap of semiconductor , dielectric constant dielectric constant of insulating materials , capacitance box , he ne laser determination of wavelength of laser , spectrometer dispersive power determination of wavelength of source , bomb calorimeter calorific value of solid liquid lab , digital conductivity meter determination of conductance and strength of the acids and base , photo electric calorimeter determination of absorbance and verification of beers law , refractometer refractoriness of the solids and liquid samples , digital bulk density apparatus to determination of density of solid substances , redwood viscometer no ii to determine the viscosity of thin samples , water analyzers includes calorimeter do conductivity tds ph salinity and temperature , bod incubator determine the amount of biological oxygen required in water samples , cod apparatus determine the chemical oxygen requirement in water samples , torsion testing machine , tensile testing machine springs , vernier calipers 200 mm and 300 mm , universal testing machine 60 tones , dial gauge plunger and lever type with magnetic stand , malus law apparatus , electric vibrator , gray prism spectrometer , newtons ring with spherometer and plano , polarimeter half shade and biquartz , rf oscillator
Tender For it, lab assaying equipment and electronic rotary grading unit for fruits and vegetables purchase computer desktop (hp) , printer color , all in one pc , pc ups , dg set 20kva , fruit penetrometer/fruit hardness , tester/sclerometer , digital hand held refractometer for measuring suger concentration in fruit , digital vernier caliper , fruit pressure tester , ethylene analyzer fro measurement of ethylene concentration in fruit , microscope , electronic rotary cleaning , grading unit for fruits and , vegetable
Tender For supply of copper strip corrosion test apparatus and others - copper strip corrosion test bath , digital refractometer , gas cylinder for gc nitorogen , gas cylinder for gc hydrogen , gas cylinder for gc high purity air cylinder