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Laboratory Pipette Tenders

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Tender Value

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39607700 Due date: 04 Apr, 202504 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : laboratory items - 10 percent barium chloride solution, 100ml, 4, abatm semi auto (abacus solution), 25ml, 8, anti h lactine (tulip/span), 1 set, 12, auto pipette 10 micro fix, 1 unit, 16, auto pipette ( 10- 100 ), 1 unit, 20, autoclave electric (smallest size ), 1 unit, 24, blood sugar kit (g.o.d.p.o.d.) (span), 1 ml, 28, c.s.f.protein meter, 100 unit, 32, chikengunya rapid kit (30 test/kit), 1 ml, 36, cover slip 10 gm (22 x 22), 1 unit, 40, culture swab without jelly, 1 unit, 44, dengue (igm) antibody elisa kit (96 test/kit), 1 kit, 48, diazzo-b solution, 1 unit, 10 percent barium chloride solution, 100ml, 4, abatm semi auto (abacus solution), 25ml, 8, anti h lactine (tulip/span), 1 set, 12, auto pipette 10 micro fix, 1 unit, 16, auto pipette ( 10- 100 ), 1 unit, 20, autoclave electric (smallest size ), 1 unit, 24, blood sugar kit (g.o.d.p.o.d.) (span), 1 ml, 28, c.s.f.protein meter, 100 unit, 32, chikengunya rapid kit (30 test/kit), 1 ml, 36, cover slip 10 gm (22 x 22), 1 unit, 40, culture swab without jelly, 1 unit, 44, dengue (igm) antibody elisa kit (96 test/kit), 1 kit, 48, diazzo-b solution, 1 unit

CTN :39578360 Due date: 02 Apr, 202502 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of zoology lab equipment - procurement of zoology lab equipment, automatic microtome, tissue embedding moulds, multimedia projector (dlp), basic molecular biology teaching kits, dna fingerprinting teaching kits, dna extraction teaching kit., rna extraction & rtpcr teaching kits, blotting teaching kits, chromatography teaching kits, electrophoresis teaching kits, immunology teaching kits, bacterial genetics & sensitivity teaching kit (microbiology), meiosis lab-work shop kit, mitosis lab-work shop kit, electrophoresis apparatus, digital haemoglobinometer (hbmeter), haemocytometer with counting chamber, rbc/wbc pipettes with latex tubing, stethoscope standard with all accessories, micro pipette (college grade) variable volume any range, microlit electronic micropipette, eectronic waterandsoil analysis kits, soil testing equipment, soil and water testing and under water study equipments, soil and water testing and under water study equipments, electronic pocket testersimported, electrical apparatus, entomological equipment, insect trapsand insect cabinets, craft s entomology pins, insect killing bottle insecticides and insect cages, collection equipments (insect, planktons), general laboratory accessories, stainless steel laboratry tray with cover (surgical), blue seal concavity slides(per packet of 12 slides), dissection boxes (best quality) with stainless steel, skeletons (articulated on base) -human body,fowl in showcase,labeo fish, wallago or any bony fish, pcr, binocular research inclined microscope with imported binocular head, tromascope projection micro-scope (dual purpose), areater (dubble pump) delux quality heavy duty, water filter extra powerful, aquarium net rectangular with handle, aquarium heater submergiable 100 watts, dissection boxes (best quality) with stainless steel, water testing kit model b , gel electrophoresis apparatus, digital haemoglobinometer (hbmeter), automatic hematology analyzer, electronic water & soil testing analysis equipment, research centrifuge machine

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39825536 Due date: 07 Apr, 202507 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For purchase of o.sml micro tube rack , odc mini cooler (blood collection tube) , odc mini cooler (thermo conductive rack) (ino/pk) , odc mini cooler lsml , 1 % dithiothreitol (dtt)-1 g , 1 % dithiothreitol (dtt)-sg , i.sml float rack- 8 places , 1 dc cooler (capacity 1 or 1.8) , 10ml syringe with needle , 10ml syringe with needle (22xl 1f4) , isml centrifuge tube (soo noslpk) sterile , isml centrifuge tube amber conical bottom , 18g needle , lxphosphate buffered saline ca& mg free (sooml) , ix tris edta- ph-7.0 , 2ml screw cap micro tube conical bottom , 20ml syringe , 2ltr plastic beaker , 3% hydrogen peroxide solution , soml centrifuge tube (soonos/pk) , soml centrifuge tube (soonos/pk) racked sterile , soml centrifuge tube large volume wire racks , soml vacuum filter/storage bottle system (12nos/pk) , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 1 ".d with digital , display , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 11-11 with digital , display , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 11-11 with digital , display , a 72s0: n-acetyl-l-cysteine (1 ogm) , absolute alcohol-sooml , absorbent cotton roll , acetic acid glacial , aluminum foil , aluminum weighing boat (100nos/pk) , amber narrow mouth bottle 30ml , amber narrow mouth bottle 8ml (72nos/pk) , antiseptic urinary towelette , apron (white lab coat) full (medium) , apron (white lab coat) full (small) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (medium) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (small) , ast 2 tube carrier set, (pack of 3) , ast 5 tube carrier set, (pack of3) , ast carrier rack 8 set , ast carrier set -5 tube , auto clave label , autoclavable biohazard bags or specimen l2x24 inches (100 , nos/pk) , autoclavable biohazard bags or specimen 19x24 inches (100 , nos/pk) , bd serum vacutainer-4ml , bd serum vacutainer-6ml , bd vacutainer edta tube-4ml (cbc and hbaic) , bd vacutainer trace element plastic (100/pk) , bd vacutainer k2 edta trace element plastic (loo/pk) , bd vacutainer k2 edta plus 6m! (100/pk) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 21g, , 23gx3/4"xi2 (0.8xi9mmx305mm) (50nos) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 23g, , 23gx3/4"xi2 (0.6xi9mmx305mm) (50nos) , beaker 1000ml (20 per case) , beaker 100ml (20 per case) , beaker 500ml (40 per case) , biohazard waste container- 5ltr , blotting paper sheet , bottle with screw cap 1000m! , bottle with screw cap 500ml , bottle with screw cap 100ml , bottle with screw cap 50ml , bp handle- long & medium , carbol fuchsin (zn, strong) , carbol fuchsin practical grade , card board cryo box 36 places for 15m! centrifuge tubes , (8nos/pk) , card board cryo box 81 places for im1l2ml vials (8nos/pk) , card board cryo box 100 places for iml/2ml vials (8noslpk) , card board cryo box 25 places for 1 m1l2ml vials (8nos/pk) , cedarwood oil , cello chiller box (3l, 8l, 12l, 14l, 20l) (without tap) , champ autoclavable variable volume pipettor (20-200ml) , chromotrope 2r , collapsible space saver rack (2 nos/pk) , combilok (4 nos/pk) , conical centrifuge tube rack (l/pack) , conical flask 100 ml , conical flask 150 ml , conical flask 250 ml , conical flask 50 ml , conical flask 500 ml , coup lin jar places-1 0 , corning 2ml external threaded polypropylene cryogenic vial , self- standing with round bottom (500/pk) , cover slip, rectangular- 22mrnx40mm , cover slip, square- 22mmx22mm , cryo apron 42" , cryo cube box 100 places (4nos/pk) , cryo cube box 25 places (8nos/pk) , cryo cube box 50 places (8nos/pk) , cryo cube box 81 places (4nos/ pk) , cryo cube box 81 places (4noslpk) , cryo gloves (medium) , cryo label nitro tag , cryo laser babies (1.28xo.50mm) , cryo marker , cryopure tubes, 2ml white, internal thread , cryo racks, (50 place) , cryo tags (l.50xo.75) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (500nos /pk) (self-standing with external , thread) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (500nos /pk) (self-standing with internal , thread) , cryogenic barcode label l "x 1 " , cryogenic permanent marker blue , cryo vials 1.oml, sta

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39825553 Due date: 07 Apr, 202507 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For purchase of 5ml micro tahe rack , 8 c mini cooler (blood collection tube , oc mini coolm (tuono conductive rack) (norpk) , c mini coo15ml , 1% dahlodrett (dtt)-10 , in duhinthrenol (dtt)-sg , 1.5m float rack-places , 1 c cool (capacity 1 or 1.3) , uni syringe with naalle , 10ml syringe with noodle (22x1 m) , 15ml centrifuge tabe (500 nos/pk) sterile , 15nt centrifuge tube amber conical bonom , 180 needle , isphosphate buffered saline cad mg five (500ml) , is tris edta-p1e-70 , 2ml screw cap miens tube cotizal bettem , 20ml syringe , lur plastic beska , 7% hydrogen peroxide solution , 50mi centrifuge tube (3000nos/pk) , that cerartflage tube (500nos/pk) hacked sterile , somi cerifuge the large volume wire racks , silmi varaum filter surage bottle symom (12es/pk) , chamel multi pipette (variable) lassement iul with digital display , & channel multi pipetta (variable) lerument iui with digital doplay , channel multi pipata (variable) irement il with digital display , a7250: n-acetyl-l-cysteine (10gm) , absolute alchol-500ml , absorbem cotton rod , annual repairstic acid glacial , alaninum foil , aluminum weighing boat (100nes/pk) , ainbet narrow mouth bottle 30ml , anber narrow mouth botile and (72 ) , antiseptic urinary towalette , aprom (white lab cost) fall (medium , apton (white lab cont) full (small) , apmm (white lab cout) half sleeve (medium) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (small) , ast 2 tube carrier set, (pack of 3) , ant 3 tube canter set, (phuck of 3) , ast carrier back , ast carrier -5 the , aute clave label , autoclavable bishanand bugs or specimen 12x24 inches 1100 , nos pk , autoclavable bioltazard hags or specimen 19x24 inchen (100 npk , bd serum vaztainer-m , bd serim vac tal- , bd vastainer edta then (cbc and hhaic) , bd vacutame trace element plastic (100/p) , bd vastaine k2 edta trace element planic (100/7) , bd vinstainer k2 edta plus mi (100/pk) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 210, 23034x12 (0.8x19mmx305man) (2000) , bd vazunaliser safity lock blood collection sets, 230, 2301/12 (0.619mmx305mm) (500) , benker 1000ml (20 per come) , beaker 100ml (20) , beaker 500ml (40 per ome) , biohamand waste comteiner-5ltr , bloning papo shest , battle with screw 1000ml , bottle with screw cap 100 , bottle with screw 100ml , bottle with screw cap 50ml , bp handle long & malim , carti fuchsis (zn, seong) , cartsil fochoin practical grade , card board cryo box 36 places for 15ml cexifage tabes (nos/pk) , card board crye bux 81 places for inilmi vials (nos/) card board cryo box 100 places for imd/2ml vials (nou/pk) , cand beard cryo box 25 man for ind/2mi vials (8nos/pk) , cedarwood nil , cello chiller box (1, 81, 121, 141, 20) (with) , champ autoclavable vurishiz sulume pipettit (20-200m) , chromotrope 2 , collapsille space saver nick (2 nos/pk) , combilok (4 nou/pk) , canina emiflage tube rack (pack) , conical flask 100 ml , comical flask 150 mi , comical flask 250 mi , conical fleek 50 mi , conical flask 500 ml , couplin jar places-10 , corsing 2mi external threaded palypropylese cryogenic vial self standing with round bottom (500/pk) , cover slip restmguir-22mmx40mm , cover slip, square-22mmx12mm , cryo apron 42" , crye cube box 100 placas (4ncs/pk) , crye cuhe box 25 places (en) , crye cube box 50 places (nou/pk) , cryo cute box 81 places (4nos pk) , crye cube box #1 places (4nos/) , crye gloves (medium) , cryo label nitro tag , cryo laser hables (1.20x0.50mm) , cyo marker , cryopure tubes, 2mi white, intersal thenad , cryo racks, (50 place) , cye tags (1.30x0.75) , crye visis 1.8-2ml (100k) (cling with extrsal thread) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (300nos/pk) (self-standing with interma thread , cryogenic baroode label 1"x1" , cryogenic permanent marker hue , cryo vials 1.0ml, sur foot (500nos/p , cryo vials 1.8ml, ste foot, external thread(300n/pk) , cryo vials 18ml, star foot, internal thread(1000nos/pk) , cryo vials 1.8 (star foot, internal thread) (500nos/pk) , cutarab , dp.x. manastast (la


CTN :39829396 Due date: 11 Apr, 202511 Apr, 2025 22.50 Lacs
Tender For procurement of consumables for tb centre - pcr tube, micro centrifuge tube with screw cap (1.5ml), latex gloves medium, latex gloves small, microscopic slides, vinyl gloves, falcon tube . ( 25 per pack, 20 pack per set). rate of one box to be offered), cryo vial, sterile with cap,2ml, filter paper sheet, filtered tips ( 20 - 200 l). ( 96 per pack, 10 pack per box ). rate of one box to be offered ., filtered tips ( 100 - 1000 l). ( 96 per pack, 10 pack per box ). rate of one box to be offered ., filtered tips ( 1 - 20 l). ( 96 per pack, 10 pack per box ). rate of one box to be offered ., filtered tips ( 1 - 10 l). ( 96 per pack, 10 pack per box ). rate of one box to be offered ., transparent autoclave bag, 3ml sterile pasteur pipette indivitually packed, absorbent cotton wool, single use paper towels, disposable plastic petri dish plates, falcon tube ,15 ml . ( 25 per pack, 20 pack per box). rate of one box to be offered), disposable serological pipette, autoclave bags (red), autoclave bags (yellow), surgical gowns , medium, surgical gowns , small, surgeons cap (female ), shoe cover

CTN :39804397 Due date: 31 Mar, 202531 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of lab reagents - name of reagent/consumables with equipments, albumin for bs390, alkaline phosphatase for bs390, alkaline wash solution for bs390, aso for bs390, bilirubin total for bs390, bilirubin direct for bs390, calcium for bs390, cholesterol for bs390, crp for bs390, creatinine for bs390, hdl cholesterol for bs390, glucose hexokinase for bs390, ldl cholesterol for bs390, multicalibrator for bs390, phosphorus for bs390, ra for bs390, sgot for bs390, sgpt for bs390, total protein for bs390, triglycerides, urea uv for bs390, uric acid for bs390, qc norm for bs390, qcc path for bs390, crp for mispai2 ( 30 t), aso for mispai2 ( 30 t), ra for mispai2 (30 t), hbaic for mispai2 (15 t), capillary tube ( 100 nos), sodium conditioner for innolyte plus, weekly cleaning solution for innolyte plus, glucose for merilyser ( 1 ml), urea for merilyser ( 1 ml), creatinine for merilyser (1ml), sgpt for merilyser(1ml), cholesterol for merilyser(1ml), clot activator non vacum, vacutainer needle 22 g, k3 edta tube vacum, clot activator vacum, diluent for pe 6000(20 l), rinse/cleaner for pe 6000 (10l), lyse for pe 6000 (500ml), e-z cleaner for pe 6000 (100ml), probe cleaner for pe 6000(50 ml ), esr pipette for vesmatic 20, bilirubin total for merylyser(1 ml), bilirubin direct for merylyser (1ml), qc level 1 for mindray 900i, qc level 2 for mindray 900i, qc level 3 for mindray 900i, 3.8 % sodium citrate tube( vacum), dpx (250 ml), hitachi cup, anti a (10ml), anti ab (10ml), anti a1 h lectin (5ml), anti b (10 ml), anti d(10ml), anti d igg&igm(10ml), ahg(5ml), ayres spatula, barium chloride, bbr graph lab line, bbr pen lab line, capillary tube, clot activator tube, cover slip 18*18 mm( 1no), cover slip 22*22 mm(1no), cover slip 22*40 mm(1no), dengue igg,igm&ns1 combo card test, diamond pencil, disttiled water(5l), ea 36 (125 ml), esr pipette disposible, filter paper, filter paper sheet(ordinary), fouchets reagent, harris haematoxyline stain(500ml), hav igm card test, hcv card test, giemsa stain (125 ml), malaria pan pv pf, widal card test (double barrel whole blood), streptococcal rapid antigen (card test), 100 %isopropyl alcohol(5l), k3 edta tube non vacum, lancet, liss (250 ml), lepto igm card test, microtip large, micro tip small, micro scopic slide, micro centrifuge tube(500 nos), matrix gel card(144 t), og 6 (125 ml), peadiatric k 3 edta tube, pregnancy card, urine strip multiparameter, 3.8 % sodium citrate tube( non vacum), sodium flouride tube ( non vacum), sodium nitro prusside, sodium hypochlorate (2% 5l), sterile swab, sulphur powder, sulpho salycilic acid, spot band aid, tissue roll, test tube plastic (12*75), test tube glass ( 12*75), test tube brush, tourniquet belt, thermal paper (55 mm), urine container sterile, urine container non sterile, screw capped bottile, urine strip glucose protein, urine strip glucose ketone, viral transport medium ( vtm ), xylene ( 500 ml), vdrl card test, widal slide test (20ml), aso latex, ra latex, crp latex, hematology qc(bc5130), hbsag 0.3 ng sensitivity card test

CTN :39816393 Due date: 15 Apr, 202515 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of calcium kit , esr disposable pipette , gluco strip one touch , ketostick bott of 100 strip , albumin kit , alkaline phosphatase kit , protein kit , plastic tube riya vial , r.a factor kit of 20 test , syringe disposable plastic 2ml with needle , syringe disposable plastic 5ml with needle , uniplastin pt-inr , urea kit , uric acid kit , uristick bott of 100 strip , sgot kit , sgpt kit , widal kit , distilled water can of 5 ltr , cholesterol kit , creatinine kit , glucose kit , bilirubin kit , micro cover glass , crp kit , lancet pricking needle , urine container

CTN :39605716 Due date: 29 Mar, 202529 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of spring balance , magnetic compass , set of three resistors 5 ohm 10 ohm and 15 ohm , measuring cylinder , bar magnet , ring magnet , disk magnet , u shaped magnet , aluminium pipe , slinky , one way key , laboratory , stand , assembly , ms rod , boss head , base , clamp , connecting wire crocodile clips , connecting wire banana clips , metal cylindrical with hook , pendulum ball with hook , split rubber cork , thread , concave mirror , convex mirror , lens double convex , lens double concave , prism , glass slab , plano concave , double convex lens , half cylindrical lens , cell holder , copper strip , enameled cupper wire , nichrome wire , nichrome wires , dia 55mm 24swg , dia 43mm 27swg , dia 38mm 28swg , constantan wire , multicore flexible insulated electric copper wire , 250g weight with hook , ray steak box , protector half , plane mirror strips , beaker 50ml , stirrer , multimeter with battery , laboratory thermometer , perspex lens holder , screen holder , candle holder , wooden scale optical bench , screen , candle , thumb pins , sand paper , pulley with frame rod , plastic box big , plastic box small , stopclock mechanical , kit box , compass , plastic strip a type , plastic strip b type , full protractor 360o , half protractor 180o , geo-board rectangular , plastic box , connectors for strips , connectors t type , set square , rotating needle , scale , micro test tube , test tube holder , test tube stand , dropper with rubber bulb , glass rod and stirring rod , spatula , beaker 10 ml , funnel , dry cell holder , torch bulb with holder , beaker 50 ml , measuring cylinder 10 ml , w- tube , tripod , kerosene burner , laboratory stand , litmus paper , watch glass , china dish , ms rod , clamp , base plate , g-clamp , thermometer laboratory , ph paper , metals zn cu fe , emery paper and sand paper , iron nails , fe filings and zn dust , filter paper , micro test tube brush , dispensing bottle , vials , double mouthed flask , stop cock , pvc tube , micro filtration unit , copper electrodes , connecting wire , magnesium ribbon , cotton wool , wash bottle , pasteur pipette dropper , kit box along with carton , compound microscope , glass micro slides , washing brush , razor blade , micro test tubes , test tube holder , magnifying lens , watch glass , needles , forceps , blotting paper , test tube rack , surgical scissor , glass rod , cotton , muslin cloth , painting brush , measuring pan with holder , laboratory stand assembly , steel rod , boss head , assembly boiling tube with cork fitted glass tube , test tube 20ml , petridis , cover glasses , u clips , knife cutter , split cork , black paper , magnifying glass a type , a box of tooth pick , conical flask , permanent slides , parenchyma , collenchyma , sclerenchyma , epithelial tissue , striated muscles , smooth muscles , nerve cells , hydra budding , spirogya , binary fission in amoeba , hydra , j malarial parasite , showing life cycle , k some diseased plants , l binary fission in paramoecium , specimens , starfish , tape worm , mosquito lifecycle , silk moth , honeybee , cockroach , earthworm , ascaris , plastic boxes

State Government

CTN :39776797 Due date: 04 Apr, 202504 Apr, 2025 19.92 Lacs
Tender For supply of instruments for microbiology water testing laboratory of rural drinking water & sanitation department, chikodi division, belagavi district - convertible refrigerator (250 litres capacity), autoclave (sterilization) 125 litres capacity, autoclave (decontamination) 75 litres capacity, digital colony counter, microscope , , laminar air flow, bio safety cabinet, thermometer (glass), hygrometer, pass box with uv, micro pipette 10ml (fixed ), micro pipette 1ml (variable), serological water bath , (e.coli), heating mantle, bacteriological incubator with inbuilt stabilizer 210 litres capacity , bod incubator with inbuilt stabilizer (25 c) 180 litres capacity , ups/power back up for all instruments, ph meter, fire extinguisher , ultrapure water purification system.
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