Tender For supply of lab equipments physics gc reodar- flywheel , maxwell's needle , a simple pendulum , compound pendulum , sextant , kater pendulum for g , measurement of charge by ballistic galvanom-eter. , leakage method using ballistic , galvanometer , galvanometer into ammeter , galvanometer into voltmeter(c , faradays law of induction ( , boltzmann constant k by pn junction diode. , specific heat of a liquid by the method of cooling , temperature by platinum resistance thermometer , dispersive power of prism material. , sodium light using method of newton's rings. , michelson interferometer. , diffraction by laser beam , perform ac signal analysis using cro , resistance by color code and verify using a multimeter. , to calibrate temperature using a thermocouple and spot galvanometer , negative feedback amplifier. , zener diode and study voltage regulation , inverting and non-inverting operational amplifier. , demodulation using diode.