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Tender For supply of reagent p500 - glucose , alkaline phosphatase , sgot , sgpt , bilirubin total , triglycerides , cholesterol , urea bun , creatinine , total proteen , bilirubin direct , albumin , amylase , uric acid , hdl direct , ldl direct , calcium , ldh , sample cup , cc control level 1 , cc control level 2 , multi calibrator , cleaning sol 1 , cleaning sol 2 , cleaning sol 3 , addicative wash , reaction cuvettes 600 , halogen lamp p500
Tender For procurement of lab reagents and consumables on pac basis - albumin bcp , alkaline phosphatase , alanine aminotransferase , aspartate aminotransferase , calcium cpc , cholesterol 2 , hdl cholesterol , ldl cholesterol , creatinine , direct bilirubin , gamma glutamyl transferase , glucose hexokinase , inorganic phosphorus , iron , lactate dehydrogenase l p , magnesium , total bilirubin , tibc , total protein , triglyceride , urea nitrogen , uric acid , haemoglobin a1c 3 , microalbumin urine , c reactive protein , rhematoid factor , transferrin , atellica ch a lyte na k c l , a lyte imt standard a , a lyte imt standrad b plus salt bridge , a lyte imt diluent , a lyte imt dilution check , atellica ci free thyroxine ft4 , atellica ci free triiodothyronine ft3 , atellica ci tsh3 ul ii , atellica ci vitamin b 12 vb12 , atellica ci vitamin d total vitd , atellica ci ferritin fer , atellica ci fsh , atellica ci luteinizing hormone lh , atellica ci prolactin prl , atellica ci testosterone ii tstii , atellica ci total hsg thcg , atellica amh , atellica ci progestrone prge , atellica ci enhanced estradiol ee2 , atellica ci psa , atellica ci free psa , atellica ci atpo , atellica ci pth , atellica ci total ige tige , atellica ci folate fol , atellica ci cortisol cor , atellica ci dhea so4 dheas , alp 2 cal , chem cal , enz 1 cal , enz 2 cal , hdlc cal , ldlc cal , a1c enz cal , crp 2 cal , microalbumin urine cal , spcl chem cal , check reagent , cleaner , conditioner , diluent , dilution cuvette , label 2 x 1 therm trans , lamp coolant , reaction cuvette , rgt probe cleaner 1 , rgt probe cleaner 2 , rgt probe cleaner 4 , wash , water bath additive , barcode labels , printer ribbon , tube top sample cup 1ml , cuvettes , sample tips , acid , base , wash 1 , apw1 , apw3 2pk , t3 t4 vb12 anc rgt 2pk , vb12 dtt rel kit , fol dtt rel kit , cal 30 2pk , cal 80 2pk , cal a 2pk , cal b 2pk , cal c 2pk , cal e 2pk , cal o 2pk , cal q 2pk , multi diluent 1 2pk , multi diluent 3 2pk , thcg diluent , ee2 dil 2pk , tlge dil 2pk , vitd dil 2pk , fol dil 2 pk , vitd qc kit 2 lev x 3 vials x 2ml , ch reagent probe , ch dilution and sample probe , ch source lamp , im reagent probe , im aspirate probe , im waste probe , ci preventive maintenance kit , atellica im active b12 quality control ab 12 qc , atellica im amh quality control , atellica im anti thyroid peroxedase qc , atellica im intact para thyroid hormone quality control
Tender For tender for supply of labware - handheld motorized pipette to use with glass and serological, pipette, mechanical micro pipettes (manual), 2 to 20 ul, mechanical micro pipettes (manual), 20 to 200 ul, mechanical micro pipettes (manual), 100 to 1000 ul, multichannel manual pipette 12channels, 10-100 ul, multichannel manual pipette 12channels, 30 to 300 ul
Tender For work contract for calibration of equipment instrument labware used for water analysis in environment lab and dm chemical lab-i at sstpp, mppgcl dongalia
Tender For supply of extraction kits and antibodys - ecm gel from engelbreth holm swarm murine sarcoma , 18 1 tap dotap 1 2 dioleoyl 3 trimethylammonium propane chloride salt , tris 3 aminopropyl amine , angiotensin ii , human endothelial cell culture medium , disposable cuvettes for sizing , n hydroxy succinimide nhs , n 3 dimethylaminopropyl n ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride edc , cathepsin g from human leukocytes , polyvinylpyrrolidone average mol wt 40 000 , gel elute pcr clean up kit , gel elute gel extraction kit , deoxynucleotide set 100 mm each , streptavidin from streptomyces avidinii , poloxamer 188 solution , nikkomycin , magnesium sulfate solution fro molecular biology 1 m plus minus zero point four m
Tender For supply of lab side leucocyte removal filter with air venting system for prbc attached set for blood transfusio , aphaeresis kit for total plasma exchange , aphaeresis kit for platelet collection , cuvetee for for hb meter for diaspect ts machine , stago sta desorb u , stago sta neoptimal , fibrinogen degradation , stago owren koller buffer , 4 channel bench top cuvettes , 4 channel bench top balls , stago sta cuvette
Tender For corrigendum : supply of reagents and consumables for seimen - centaur fer 50 t , centaur vb 12 500 t , centaur folate ba 100 t , centaur vitamin d 500 t , centaur fsh 100 t , centaur lh 60 t , centaur prl 50 t , centaur thcg 50 t , centaur ft3 v2 250 t , centaur ft4 250 t , centaur t3 400 t , centaur t4 500 t , centaur tsh 500 t , centaur tsh3 ult 500 t , centaur afp 100 t , centaur psa 100 t , centaur cea 100 t , kit cuvettes 3000 pack , centaur acid or base rgt 1 and 2 5000 t , centaur xp wash 1 , centaur cln soln 12 pk , centaur t3 or t4 or vb12 anc r , centaur vb12 ra kit 2 btl , centaur fol dtt rel agt , cen 180 cala 2 pk , cen 180 calb thcg us 2p , cen 180 calc 2 pk , cen 180 cald 2 pk , cen 180 calq psa 2 pk , randox immunoassay premium qc level 1, 2 and 3 tri level