Tender For construction of lt line near akshayvat ekaru chawk, akshayvat panchayat bhawan and fish farming pond in the sacham nager srijany yojana under edd-2 azamgarh
Tender For maintenance of electrical installation electrical and mechanical installation i/c replacement of lamps and tubes for spg at 9 lkm complex new delhi. (sh: renovation of cascade at fish pond in frontal lawns of 9 lkm, new delhi.)subwork/packages:renovation of cascade at fish pond in frontal lawns of 9 lkm new delhi
Tender For s, e,c of 1 no. 10 cs. and 3 no. 5 cs vt axial mixed flow pump with 1 no. 50 hp, 3 no. 30 hp elect motor, 1 no. 50 hp, 3 no. 30 hp ats starter with 2 no. 250 amp mcc lt panel at sarupgarh road lift rd9500 r and lift near fish pond rd 11500l in vill
Tender For supply of formulated fish feed 4mm pelleted with 26-28 percentage cp under components for inputs for fresh water aquaculture floating feed sinking feed 50 50 for new pond construction