Tender For work contract for round the clock operation or monitoring and maintenance work of signaling and telecommunication system of secr sgtps siding along operation of 01 no. mechanized non motorized levelcrossing gate at
Tender For balance work of construction of high level bridge 70.50m long over patti drain crossing patti sirhali road including its approaches in district tarn taran under head 5054 rb10.
Tender For balance work of construction of high-level bridge 59.41m long over patti drain crossing patti sirhali mandan road to peera shah including its approaches including 450 dia. h.p. culvert in district tarn taran under head 5054 rb10
Tender For manufacturing, supplying, and installation of rubberized levelcrossing pads at various locations against the various sanctioned work of 1.) kanalus - porbandar section :- improvement to the yards at 5 nos. of locations. 2.)junagadh - somnath section :- improvement to the yards at 6 nos. of locations.
Tender For group work: - track related work under the aden-junagadh section against the sanctioned work of 1.) jetalsar- shapur section: - improvement to the yards at 3 nos. of locations. 2.) junagadh - somnath section: - improvement to the yards at 6 nos. of locations. 2.) junagadh - somnath section: - improvement to the yards at 6 nos. of locations. 3.) aden-junagadh sub division; providing and replacing levelcrossing sleepers and check rails on jetalsar - somnath section. 4) aden-junagadh sub division: providing slack gauge sleeper in curve of more than 4 degree on jetalsar-somnath section. 5 ). jetalsar - somnath (bg) section: -through turnout renewal - switch renewal 52 kg 1 in 12 and 1 in 8.5. psc sleeper fan shaped layout (36 nos) 6.) aden-junagadh sub division: - 52kg improved sej and wooden blocks for supporting welds & as distance blocks.
Tender For repairs & maintenance work of various levelcrossing in agc-dho & bha-etw section during year 2024-25 under jurisdiction of aden/dho/agra (balance work)