Tender For manufacture and supply of 10125 mm curved switches with zu-1 -60 /60e1a1 thick web tongue rail for 1 in 12 turnout bg(1673 mm) for 60kg (uic)/60e1 on psc sleepers to rdso drg no. t- 6155(alt-10) or latest alteration/modification if any up to the date of tender closing with supplier's rails, compl ete set with all parts and fittings, bolts & nuts, plate screws, cast steel/ mild steel plates and nylon cord reinforced grsp etc. as listed in the drawing t-6155 alt-10 or latest and excluding standard fish plates, fish bolts and nuts, elastic rail clips, insulating liners/metal liner and sleepers. (specification: irs -t - 10-20 23 & t -62 -2022, str: tdg 0038, rev.'0' or latest) note: - the responsibility to procure rails will solely lie with the manufacturer (bid including rail cost/per s et) in terms of railway board letter no. 2022/track-i(p)/fabricators dt. 24.01.2022. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufacturing and supplying of a complete set of inspection gauges for joggled fish plate 60 kg to rdso drawing no. t-5849 consists of profile gauge, hole positioning gauge, collar bend gauge (inner), collarbend gauge (outer), length gauge, top notch gauge, bottom notch gauge, hole plug gaug e, thickness gauge, notch gauge, between surface of fishing planes of fish plate gauge and between surface of fishing planes of fish plate bar gauge etc. gauge material will be stainless steel ss-304 grade. rdso certification for correctness of gauges will also be arranged by the agency on the basis of railways letter to rdso [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufacturing and supplying of a complete set of inspection gauges for joggled fish plate 52 kg to rdso drawing no. t-5848 consists of profile gauge, hole positioning gauge, collar bend gauge (inner), collar bend gauge (outer), length gauge, top notch gauge, bottom notch gauge, hole plug gaug e, thickness gauge,notch gauge, between surface of fishing planes of fish plate gauge and between surface of fishing planes of fish plate bar gauge etc. g auge material will be stainless steel ss-304 grade. rdso certification for correctness of gauges will also be arranged by the agency on the basis of railways le tter to rdso. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]