Tender For supply of printing items in tmch tezpur - advice slip (1/16), advice slip (1/8), acutance register, attendant visiting card yellow, attendant visiting card red, audiology unit sheet (ent sheet), c/s report form 21cm*14cm, cause of death (a4 paper), clinical biochemistry report (a4 paper), consent form ent (a4 paper), discharge certificate (gynae septic) (a4 paper), discharge certificate (obs - baby) (a4 paper), discharge sheet (a4 paper), doctors sheet (a4 paper), ecg report (a4 paper), ecg requisition, hematology report(a4 paper), history sheet (a4 paper), history sheet(psychaitry deptt) (3 pages), indent book (3 folio), injury report form (a4 paper), intake and output(a4 paper), investigation sheet (a4 paper), lab form a ( path) 21cm*14cm, lab form b (path) 21cm*14cm, lab form c ( path) 20cm*18cm, lab form c (bio) 21cm*14cm, major ot record register, medical certificate (a4 paper), medicine chart(a4 paper), medico legal case record register, medico legal injury report sheet (a4 paper), micro lab form (ii) 21cm*14cm, micro lab form d 21cm*14cm, minor ot record register, money receipt book type-a 21cm*14cm, money receipt book type-b 21cm*14cm, mrd (otorhinolaryngology head neck surgery sheet) (both sided), nurses daily record (a4 paper), nurses quick reference record(a4 paper), nurses record for icu(a4 paper), operation list (legal size), operation record sheet(a4 paper), post mortem report sheet (a3 page), pre printed money receipt (7x6x2), pre printed mrd (summery sheet) (10x12x1), pre printed note sheet paper (legal size), pre printed registration sheet (10x12x3), report of histopathology./fnac(a4 paper), reporting pad office of the professor of head deptt. of forensic medicine of toxicology, slit and skin sheet(a4 paper), stock register for medicine 500 pages, tpr chart, urine and semen examination report sheet(a4 paper), vaccination card, indoor register (formatted), icu consent form (a4 paper), patient history sheet (psychiatry, 8 pages), pledge card for eye donation, eye donor s card (to be laminated), medical certificate(a4 paper), prescription for glasses (a4 paper), facts about eye donation in english(for public awareness)+ facts about eye donation in assamese(for public awareness) both side joined, advices for post operative period in assamese (for cataract surgery mainly)+ advices for post operative period in english (for cataract surgery mainly) both side joined, thanks letter to be issued to the concerned family after eye donation, pre operative check (list for ward sister in english)+ pre operative check (list for ward sister in assamese) both side joint, ml register, surgery ot list(a4 paper), pre-op direction & check list (a4 paper), investigation chart (a4 paper), operation consent form (a4 paper), blood donor questionnaire & consent form (4 pages), appreciation certificate (a4 paper), blood requisition form (a4 paper)/blood component form, transfusion reaction report form(a4 paper), template for elisa(a4 paper), abo & rh grouping test report 21cm*14cm, blood bank money receipt, blood bank sticker size (6.5*1.75), patient registration register, transfusion reaction register, blood component register, consumables register, equipments register, blood discard register, blood stock register, donor master record register, blood issue register, cross matching register, syphilis screening register, malaria screening register, hbsag rapid screening register, hcv rapid screening register, whole blood label (a,b,o,ab) (blood bank sticker o+/b+/a+/ab), hbsag elisa screening register, hcv elisa screening register, hiv elisa screening register, serum grouping register, cell grouping register, patient record register, blood collection register, donor reaction register, donor referral register, donor deferral register, component separation sop binded copies, component separation sop laminated copies, component separation register, facility based post neonatal death review form, form no. 1 serological test (micro
Tender For corrigendum : supply of group tender of medical equipment for histopathology, pathology, microbiology and blood bank dept. - grossing station automated , microtome- fully automated , lab incubator , hot air ove , ph meter , hot plate , semi automatic microtome , esr analyzer , embedding station with hot & cold table & paraffin dispenser , tissue floatation bath , lab refrigerator , electronic balance , slide filing cabinet , block filing cabinet , centrifuge , microscope binocular , microscope binocular with illumination & photography , hematology analyzer-3 part , semi automatic coagulometer , fully automated coagulation analyzer , elisa reader with washer , vertical gel electrophoresis system , ultra deep freezer -80 deg c , cytospin , blood donor couch , blood collection monitor , dielectric tube sealer, handheld , refrigerated blood component transport box , (-40) degree deep freezer , vertical deep freezer - 20deg , ultra high speed centrifuge , plasma thawing bath , blood bank refrigerator , blood bag weighting balance- single pan , water bath , blood gas analyser , autoclave , bacteriological incubator , co2 incubator , anaerobic incubator , laminar air flow , bio safety cabinet class ii type b2 , ultrapure water purification system , fully automated colony counter , technical specification for compound microscope for microbiology
Tender For repair and renovation of existing blood bank at nsg hospital at nabadwip in the district of nadia under the jurisdiction of nadia construction division, p.w.dte. during the year 2024-25
Tender For annual maintenance of high wall, cassette, vertical split ac and window ac system of college building, new s.s building, animal building, morgue building, eye building, blood bank and other buildings under agmc and gbp hospital, agartala, tripura for