Tender For supply of hptlc automatic quantitative applicator including pc tlc plate heater tlc visualizer and tlc densitometer scanner , automatic gradient multiple development chamber with vacuum pump and accessories , hptlc ms interface pump adapter usbrs 232 4 port and its accessories , mass detector includes esi and apci probe pump controller pc with software and its accessories , solvent front monitoring device , post chromatography visualisation , hptlc derivatizer for 20x20 and 20x10 plate sizes , hptlc method developmentchamber , hptlc silica gel 60 glass backed 10 x 10 cm 25 plates per box , tlc silica gel 60 f254 tlc aluminium sheet 20 x 20 cm 25 plates per box , 10 kva ups for hptlc ms interface system , nitrogen cylinder regulator with trap , comprehensive annual maintenance charges for first year , comprehensive annual maintenance charges for second year , comprehensive annual maintenance charges for third year , comprehensive annual maintenance charges for fourth year , comprehensive annual maintenance charges for fifth year
Tender For supply of zoology lab equipment - procurement of zoology lab equipment, automatic microtome, tissue embedding moulds, multimedia projector (dlp), basic molecular biology teaching kits, dna fingerprinting teaching kits, dna extraction teaching kit., rna extraction & rtpcr teaching kits, blotting teaching kits, chromatography teaching kits, electrophoresis teaching kits, immunology teaching kits, bacterial genetics & sensitivity teaching kit (microbiology), meiosis lab-work shop kit, mitosis lab-work shop kit, electrophoresis apparatus, digital haemoglobinometer (hbmeter), haemocytometer with counting chamber, rbc/wbc pipettes with latex tubing, stethoscope standard with all accessories, micro pipette (college grade) variable volume any range, microlit electronic micropipette, eectronic waterandsoil analysis kits, soil testing equipment, soil and water testing and under water study equipments, soil and water testing and under water study equipments, electronic pocket testersimported, electrical apparatus, entomological equipment, insect trapsand insect cabinets, craft s entomology pins, insect killing bottle insecticides and insect cages, collection equipments (insect, planktons), general laboratory accessories, stainless steel laboratry tray with cover (surgical), blue seal concavity slides(per packet of 12 slides), dissection boxes (best quality) with stainless steel, skeletons (articulated on base) -human body,fowl in showcase,labeo fish, wallago or any bony fish, pcr, binocular research inclined microscope with imported binocular head, tromascope projection micro-scope (dual purpose), areater (dubble pump) delux quality heavy duty, water filter extra powerful, aquarium net rectangular with handle, aquarium heater submergiable 100 watts, dissection boxes (best quality) with stainless steel, water testing kit model b , gel electrophoresis apparatus, digital haemoglobinometer (hbmeter), automatic hematology analyzer, electronic water & soil testing analysis equipment, research centrifuge machine
Tender For supply of college chemistry lab item - abbe refractrometer, analytical balance 200 gram in teak wood case, analytical weight box 100 gm brass, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, digital bomb calorimeter, round centrifuge, double door refrigerator, digital balance 2kg, digital melting point apparatus, digitalph meter, single distillation assembly, fire extinguisher, heating mentle, rectangular hot plate 18 x12 ,18 x24 , roung hot plate, ion meter, kjheldhal distillation unit, magnetic stirrer, melting point apparatus, micro centrifuge machine, microwave oven, mixer small, muffle furnace, multi function printer laser, hot air oven, red wood visco meter no.1, copper water bath 6 , thin layer chromatography, water testing kit, water bath shaker incubator, vacuum pump, microprocessor based conductivity & tds meter, rotary vacuumeva porator, single crucible heater, sprayer, microprocessor based conductivity & tds meter
Tender For supply of uhplc-ms (flash chromatography directed mass) - gas chromatography with triple quadrupole ms/ms with multi sampler for microbial identification system, flash chromatography instrument- one channel, single collection bed, pump, 200-800 nm uv-vis pda, elsd detector and rfid automatic fraction collector. automatic injection valve for solid samples. column holder & pre-column holder. display control touch screen 10- 15 screen - windows 10 with software and license. (1 pack size), flash-mass linker (1 pack size), mass detector with range of 10-1200 m/z. internal turbo pump, external rotary vane roughing pump with oil mist filter and oil return (110 - 240 v a.c.). (1 pack size), esi 230 vac ion source (1 pack size), apci ion source (1 pack size), asap ion source, kit, capillary stand.(1 pack size), glass capillaries for asap (100 pack size), calibration/tune standard mix for esi and apci.(1 pack size), flash dry plunger column for 10g (1 pack size), flash empty dry column for 10g with frits, 20/cs (20 pack size), flash dry plunger column for 25 g (1 pack size), flash empty dry column for 25 g with frits, 20/cs (20 pack size), flash silica normal phase column for 10 g (20 pack size), flash silica normal phase column for 25 g (20 pack size), flash silica normal phase column for 50 g (10 pack size), flash silica normal phase column for 100 g (10 pack size), flash silica normal phase column for 200 g (4 pack size), flash silica normal phase column for 350 g (4 pack size), flash c18 - reverse phase-column for 12 g (2 pack size), flash c18 - reverse phase-column for 30 g (2 pack size), flash c18 - reverse phase-column for 60 g (2 pack size), flash c18 - reverse phase-column for 120 g (2 pack size), flash c18 - reverse phase-column for 240 g (1 pack size), flash c18 - reverse phase-column for 400 g (1 pack size), flash dry plunger column for 50/100 g column (1 pack size), flash empty dry column for 50 g column w. frit, 20/cs (20 pack size), rack 18x150mm , 25 x 150, 4/cs (4 pack size), cables and other kits and accessories (1 pack size), extended warranty 12 months extension (1 pack size) - [7 years after standard warranty], freight & insurance (the insurance from warehouse to warehouse), tpi charges applicable only for lc payment, gst (applicable supplier in india), gst% (applicable supplier in india)
Tender For equipments for science lab - equipments for science lab, chemical balance, paper chromatography testing kit, ph meter digital with electrodes, melting point apparatus digital, d o meter digital, oven universal, potentiometer digital, flame photometer digital, spectrophotometer 340 900 nm, water soil testing kit digital, digital thermostate, cod digestion apparatus, bod incubator, soxhlet apparatus, polarimeter half shaded, vaccum pump, water bath, double wall, measurement of wavelength of he ne laser using ruler with laser complete setup, fiber optics trainer, study of hall effect complete setup, stop watch digital, study of active and passive filter, pulse width and pulse position modulation and demodulation trainer, study of frequency modulation and demodulation trainer, 8086 microprocessor with smps, function generator b 1 hz to 10 mhz, zener regulated power supply, impedance and power factor of lcr circuit, series and parallelresonance circuit, clipping and clamping circuit using operational amplifier, power amplifier, newtons ring apparatus complete with travelling microscope power supply and sodium lamp, stop clock, vernier caliper, travelling microscope, inertia table, photo diode characterstics apparatus, dielectric constant apparatus, complete apparatus to determine em using thomsons method, lees apparatus to determine the hear conductivity of bad conductors of different geometry, mosfet characteristic apparatus, apparatus to determine the value of planks constant complete with photocell light source set of filter and power supply, apparatus to study specific resistance and energy gap of a semiconductor., fet characteristic apparatus, transistor characteristics apparatus with built in power supply and meters, solar cell characteristic apparatus, single stage and double stage rc coupled amplifier feed back amplifier, battery charger 2 to 12 volt, apparatus to study response curve for lcr circuits and to determine the resonance frequency, study of amplitude modulation and demodulation trainer, inertia table, ph meter, autoclave vertical cap 50 lit, rotary microtome with aceesories, compound microscope, dissecting microscope, oven, water and soil testing kit, flame photometer, spectrophotomeyter 340 900 nm, research microscope, thin chromatography kit, autoclave vertical, distillation apparatus single distillation capacity 3lt, water bath double wall 12 holes stainless steel, incubator stainless steel, autoclave portable, thin layer chromatography kit, vortex shaker, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, ph meter, hot air oven stainless steel, digital colony counter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, binocular microscope, electronic digital balance, laminar air flow horizontal, uv single beam spectrophotometer, image projection system, backup power supply unit