Tender For deposit-lsgd planning - lan-sitc of localarea network system at office of joint director(planning) lsgd, kakkanad, ernakulam -general electronics work
Tender For deposit-supply, installation, testing and commissioning of lan connection at district ground water office, pathanamthitta-localareanetworking -general electronics work
Tender For repair/maintenance/renewals to distribution pipelines at naval dockyard, ins satvahana, ins virbahu and attending emergency breakdown to water supply distribution network and other allied work under ge (u-ii) visakhapatnam
Tender For bid to ras providing of customized amc/cmc for pre-owned products - cctv cameras 73 nos with accessories display and network for a period of 02 years; infinova; comprehensive maintenance contract (cmc); as per scope of work; no
Tender For upgradation of ex. di water pipeline network, leakages repairingwork & maintainance work of water related work in thakkarnagar ward of north zone. (a.r.c.)
Tender For in thakkarnagar ward of north zone (1) labour work of upgradationof existing water network of all wds in thakkarnagar ward as required under low pressure & polluition and clamping in connection of water lines and replacement of existing connection in m.s. materials and repair of water lines. (2) labour work for upgradation of existing water line, repairing leakages and imrpoving pressure and working under pollution (3) making valve kundi at diff. places in thakkarnagar ward of north zone. (re-invite)
Tender For necessary improvements and additions to the water line network in ranip, nriyyarnagar and chandlodia areas and roads in the new ward, repair of water line cages, and work under pollution control. (arc)
Tender For work of providing basic infrastructure facilities including water supply distribution network and pumping machinery at gidc nadiad ii (kamla) industrial estate. (re-invited)
Tender For corrigendum : annual rate contract work for erection and maintenance of ht/lt/tc/dodp/tc dp, work for commissioning, laying, testing of ug cable(xlpe cable will be supplied by dgvcl) with cable end termination and straight through joints kits(to be supplied by contractor) as per norms ug cable related through outsourced for dgvcl network under under kherlav-ambach route and other route under pardi rural sdn under vapi rural division