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Tender For supply and installation of experimental equipment in kisan inter college, avakhara, chainpur under chainpur assembly constituency of kaimur district. - asbsusdus pad with frame, beaker (glass 250 ml, borosilicate glass, beaker (glass) 500 ml, borosilicate glass, behieve shelf (procillian), beurett 50ml. with teflon stop corck, borosilicate glass, burner with lock, china dish basin 2", 2.5" & 3", conical flask (glass)-100ml borosilicate glass, conical flask (glass) 250ml borosilicate glass, conical flask (glass) 500ml borosilicate glass, conical funnel (glass) 3" borosilicate glass, corck borrer set three (metalic) borosilicate glass, cork pressure (metallic) 5.5.,8", crushible with lid (procillian), deflection spoon (copper), dessicator, dropper - 6", filter paper-11cm 1pkt., fractional weight box, gas jar 6x2" lid, glass stirrer -4", glass tube borosilicate glass, test tube hard glass- 6"x1" (glass) borosilicate glass, iron ring with bose head, iron stand with clamp & bose head, kipp's appratus 1000ml polylab piastic, magnet, measuring cylinder (glass)-100 ml borosilicate glass, measuring cylinder (glass)-50 ml borosilicate glass, measuring flask 100 ml borosilicate glass, measuring flask (glass) 250ml volumetric borosilicate glass, motel & pestal, ph paper-0.0 to 10.0 best quality, pippete, reagent bottle-250 ml (glass) borosilicate giass, reagent bottle-500 ml (glass) borosilicate glass, reagent bottle-100 ml (glass) borosilicate glass, retort copper best quality, round bottom flask (glass)-250 ml borosilicate glass, round bottom flask (glass)-500 m borosilicate glass, round file best quality, rubber tube best quality, ruber corck no. 2,3,4,5, sand bath (metallic) 4", spatula (stainless steel), spirit lamp (s.5.), test tube (glass)-5"x5/8" borosilicate glass, test tube brush, test tube holder, test tube stand (fibre), thermometer f/c best quality, thisstle funnel 8" long (glass) borosilicate glass, thraugh (best quality), tongue with crushible (stainless steel), traingular file best quality, tripaod stand-6"x6" best quality, wash bottle (polythene) 500 ml polylab make, watter bath copper-4, wire gauge-6"x6", woolf bottle (glass)-250 ml, hot plate round 10" (electrical, glassware & its contents heating by electrically hot plate size-250x300 mm energy regulator temperature controller provision wrk 220 v ac), hotoelectric calorimeter digital (apparatus for measuring the ansmittance and absorbance of light passing through a liquid wavelength ange: 400 to 700 mm measuring model: %t, abs, cone & k facto), gital electronic balance digital electronic weighing scale is device used to measure mass or weigh it works with the use of a strain gauge ad cell. if you see the analog scales, it uses springs tondicate the weight of e object while digital sealed convert the force of a wight to an electric ened. 300x250mm 0.01 gm,500gm), meter table type (measurement or acidity or alkalinity of a measure from 0.0 to 14 ph measurement range f temperature is 0- degree c), ological water bath nalysis tissue culture, erizymes reaction studies. growth observation and coil m study. size 300x250x175 mm heating lad:1.5 kw), (determination fermentation, versal ovens, (double walled inside made of thick mless steel, out side of mild steel sheet furnished, the temperature is trolled by bimetalic thermostat from room temperature to 253 c with sirivity of plus minus 1c. size-355x355x355mm, 45l1..), (double walled inside made of thick, fersal incubator mless steel, out side of mild steel sheet furnished, the temperature is rolled by a precision thermostat from room temperature to 110 c with arivity of plus minus 0.5c. size 355x355x355mm, 45ltr.), netic stirrer with hot plate (to conduct chemical experiments by mixing component, mixes volume upta-2 l adjustable speed control from 100 to rpm power 2 watt/240v/50-60 hz), digital conductivity meter: table model (digital conductivity mater are, 9, reliable and accurate test instrumen
Tender For supply of glassware et its contents heating by electrically hot plate , apparatus for measuring the transmittance and absorba(lce of light passing through a liquid , water bath rectangular 6.hole. s.s thermostatically controlled electrically , digital electronic balance , measurement of acidity or alkalinity of q solution , preparation of hydrogen sulphide gas by kipp's apparatus , to destroy micro organisms et bacterial sporms by. 18"x18"x18" , to purify water using distillation process by boiling process , determine the indicate the total dissolve solid in a water. , melting point apparatus , apparatus for heating and tempering organic liquids placed in reaction , electrically operated determination of frequencies f electrically maintained tunning fork , measurement between two different resistance , apparatus to separate the fluids, gases, or liquid based on density , experiment for store energy and used to produce very high moment of inertia , apparatus electronic metal oxide semi conductor field effect transistor electronic , electronic device of high power voltage controlled by silicon controlled rectifiers. , digital electronic balance precise measurement of chemicals , microscope created by the reflection of light between two surface spherical surface &. an adjacent flat surface. , travelling microscope , dial type resistance box , apparat~s for measurement of the direction and power of currents. , apparatus required minimum energy &. excite an electron , digital electronic balance , weight box brass , six position microscope , electric discharge lamp using ionized sodium. , to study the input &. output characteristic of common emitter electronic , experiment to measure the refractive index of flat specimens , rheostat 200mm long , experiments of analog circuits related pulse generator , plain slides , dissecting microscope , both eyes viewing high quality image with three dimensional effect binocular microscope , to study true microscopic sized particle by monocular microscope , pathological microscope , incubator to maintain optimal temperature microbiology and monocular biology. to work on 220vac with thermostatic temp. controlled , determination of blood's content of hemoglobin. , determination of performing blood cell count a variety of cell in lab. , biological equipments for storage of bacterial cui ture growth at 37c , chromatographic investigation utilizing ultra violet fluorescence under research centre , measurement of acidity or alkalinity of a solution , to purify water using distillation boiling process. , human articulated skeleton , stationary electromagnet that creates a rotating magnetk field , electrical ovens size: 18"x18"x18" , measurement of different substances in the blood urea. blood enzymes , red blood cell indices calculator estimates the mean corpuscular volume , prepared slides cabinet teakwood capacity 500. slides , apparatus fof measufing the transmittance and absorbance of light passing through a liquid , digital electionic balance , measufement of acidity of alkalinity of a solution , detefmine the indicate the total dissolve solid in a watei , melting point appaiatlls , appafatus fof heating and tempefing ofganic liquids placed in leaction , measufe the pelcentage of watef a given substances, , detefmination of flequencies f electlical/y maintained funning fofk , appafatus to sepafate the fluids,gases, of liquid based on density , expefiment fof stofe enelgy and used to ploduce vet}' high moment of ineftia , iavelling micfoscope , dial type resistance box , appafatus fequifed minimum enefgy & excite an electfon , digital electronic balance" , rheostate 200mm long , expefiments of analog circuits related pulse generator , phenolphthalene indicatoi solutiob , methyl olange indicatoi solution , hydiochlofic acid conc , sodium hydioxide , sodium hydioxide solid , ph scale , litmus papei red , litmus papei blue , potassium peimagnate , nitiic acid conc , glyceiine , staich s
Tender For supply of equipment- athens pad with frame , beaver glass-250 ml, borselicate glast bealior glass 500 ml borosilicate glass , believe shelf (procillisk) , brett 50ml with teflon stap core, borosilicatess , burper with lock , china dish basi 225&f , coral flask (ss)-100ml borosilicate glass , conical flasa glasa 250m! bunosilicate blass , conical flash glasa) 500ml borosilicate glass , comune ass-3 borneath glass , corsk barree set three (metalic) recotilicate gless , cork pressure (metallic) 55,8 , crushible with be (prociltan) , deflection spoon (copper) , desanator , drepper 6 , filter paper-11m1 , fractional weight box , glass stirrer , glass tube borosilicate glass , test tube hard bass-6 (gassifloresilicate glass , iran king with me head , fron stand with stam & bose head , ' - 1000mi-polylab a , magnet , measuring cylinder (glass)- 200 ml borusidicate glass , measuring cyfiniter (glass)-50 mi borosilicate glass , measuring flask-100 ml borosicate glass , measuring flask )glass) 250m/ volumetric borballicate glass , motel& pest , ph paper-00 in 100 best quiny , reagens bottle- 250 mi (glass sarosticate grass , reagent bottle-500 ml (grass) , berpsiente glass , reagent bottle-100 ml (glass) prosilicate class , retort copper best quality , round bottom flash (ass-d borosilicate glas , round bottom flack (glasal-500 mm borosilicate stasz , round file best quality , rubber tube best quality , rubber corck no , sand bath (metallic) 4" , spatula (stainless steell , spirit lamp (5.5 , test tube (glass)-5x borosilicato glass , test tube brush , test tube holder , test tube stand (fibre) , thermometer f/c best quality , thisstle funnel 8" long (glass) borosilicate glass , thraugh (best quality) , tongue with crushible (stainless steel , traingular file best quality , tripaod stand 6"x6" best quality , wash bottle (polythene) 500 polylas make , watter bach copuer , wire gauge-6"x8 , woolf battle (glass)-250m , mot mate round 10" (tilecinical glassware & its contents heating by electrically hot plate size-250x300 mm energy regalator temperature controller provision to wrk 220 v aci , photoelectric calorimeter digital , (apparatus for measuring the , transmittance and absorbance of light passing through a liquid wavelength range: 400 to 700 mm measuring model %, abs, cone & k facto) , digital electronic balance , digital electronic weighing scale is davice used to measure mats or weigh it works with the use of a strain gauge taad cell if you see the analog scales, it uses springs to dicate the weight of the oliject while digital sealed convert the force of a wight to an electric signed 300x250mm 001 gm.500gm) , (moasurement un acidity or alkalinity of a , ph meter table type tofution ph measure from 11.0 to 16 ph measurement range temperature is o 100 degree cl , serological water bath , determination fermentation , & analysis tissue culture, enzymes reaction studies. growth observation and cod form study. size 300x250171 mm heating l c: 2.3 kw) , universal ovens , double walled inside made of thick stainless steci, out side of mid steel sheet furnished, the temperature is controlled by bimetalic thermostat from room temperature to 253 c with sensirivity of plus minus ic. size 355x355 355mm, 45,1 , universal inculiator (double walled inside made of thick stainless steel, out side of milst steel sheet furnished, the temperature is controlled by a precision thermostat from room temperature to 110 with sansirivity of plus minus 0.5c e 355x355x355mm, 45tr) , magnetic stirrer with has plats to conduct chemical experiments by mising wo component, mixes volume upto-21 adjustable speed contral from 100 to 500 rpm power 2 watt/240/50-60 h , digital conductivity meter table model (digital conductivity mater are reliable and accurate test instruments for measurement of conductivity of agucous solution, measurement conductivity & temperature range five range measure the scale-from 0-50000 us/cm) , water distil
Tender For corrigendum : design, supply, installation, commissioning, training of various type of equipments for esdm (electronic system design and manufacturing) of msme training centers located at greater noida, bengaluru, puducherry and idemi mumbai on turnkey basis - decade resistance box , ct/pt calibration system , multifunction calibrator , decade capacitance box , ct analyzer , standard resistors , standard weights (el class) , pippete calibration system , lowtemperaturebath (-80 to ambient degree temperature) , frequency counter , energy meter test system (3 position) , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (high) , decade inductor box , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (low) , sound level calibrator , digital power analyser , decade resistance box (4 nos.) , process calibrator , hv divider , decade mega ohm box , standard weights (e2 class) , 6 and half dmm , temperature indicator , time interval meter , temperature indicator with compensation , standard weights (f1 class) , semi-micro balance (upto 200 gms) , tachometer calibrator , standard thermocouple (type s) without compensation , sound level analyzer , standard platinum resistance temperature (prt) detector , precision balance (upto 6.1 kg) , thermo-couple calibartion furnace (300 to 1100 degree temperature) , lcr bridge , humidity measurement probe , dry block calibrator (ambient to 600 degree temperature) , anechoic chamber with radiated susceptbility and radiated emission test system , alltitude test chamber , compact emc tester , environmental chamber , digital pressure controller (dead weight pressure tester) , line impedance stablizing network , harmonics/flicker measurement test system , impulse generator , rf shielded chamber , vibration plus environmental chamber , three phase regulated variable power source , humidity generator, relative humidity , bump/shock test system , heat deflection temperature test set , vibration test system , electronic load , conducted rf immunity simulator , rohs testing lab - inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (icp-oes) , thermal shock chamber , ac dc current source , ultra precision capacitance bridge , esd simulator , horizontaland verticlal flame chamber , rohs testing lab - energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (edxrf) , single phase regulated variable power source , precision energy standard , rohs testing lab - gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (gc-ms) , ingress of water test system - i set , rohs testing lab - ion- chromatograph (ic) , needle flametest chamber , salt spray chamber , dust chamber , digital storage oscilloscope , defibrillator proof test set , thermostat endurance test set , flexing test apparatus , electrical safety tester , winding resistance meter , temperature recorder , radiation meter , tracking test apparatus , gas detector , cord anchorage test set , digital multimeter (handheld/desktop) , glow wire test apparatus