CTN :39408373
01 Apr, 2025
4.00 Crore
Tender For corrigendum : supply of spare parts of vcbs - shunt closing coil with plunger assembly [aux vocted">lt: 110v dc], series & shunt trip coils with plunger assembly & mounting bracket [4 coils = 1 set), shunt trip coil with plunger assembly [aux vo
cted">ltage: 110 v dc], fuse hrc link 10 a, hrc fuse base 32 a, spur gear big, spur gear small, pole assambly (barrier, vacuum interrupter & upper-lower bus bar), epoxy barrier, vacuum interrupter, roof bushing, roof bushing with copper stem & assembly, wiring of trolley, operating mechanism, (spring charged store energy), spring charging motor mechanism,, am
meter sele
ctor switch, breaker auxiliary switch [conta
ct: 6 no+ 6 nc] ,, breaker auxiliary switch [conta
ct: 8 no+ 8 nc] ,, vo
meter [type: analog, size: 96x96 sq.mm] (range: 0-15 kv), am
meter (96x96 sq.mm) range: 0-100-200-400/5a, test terminal block rear conne
ction, relay test terminal block, breaker control switch, trive
meter (tvm), ac ht static
meter suitable for 3 ph 4 wire unbalanced load [
ct ratio: 100-200-400/5a ptr: 11 kv/110 vo
cted">lt], numerical relay 3 o/c & 1 e/f, make _____, current transformer [ratio: 400-200-100/5-5a, stc: 16 ka prote
ction core:5p/15 va,
metering core: 0.5s/15 va], indoor single phase resin cast potential transformer, ratio: 11 kv/110 vo
cted">lt, burden: 100 va,, pt primary fuse [ rating: 11kv, 3.15 amp,, jaw conta
ct / disconne
cting conta
ct [ ratio: 630 amp & above], charging link with assembly for bb1-3, epoxy post insulator, wiring of trolley , type:rb1-3, power fa
meter, shunt trip coil with plunger assembly, aux vo
cted">ltage: 110 vdc, bridge re
ctifier, power pack 100watt ,110vdc, upper terminal-l type, middle terminal-l type, earthing bus bar l type [50x6 mm copper], copper flexible bus bar, pt jumper, middle terminal-pad, top terminal pad, limit switch/micro switch, toggle switch, door switch, 32 pin plug socket, push button-black shroud, local-remote switch, terminal conne
ctor, indication lamp, antipumping relay, heater, thermostate, labour charges per breaker for inspe
ction & fixing of required spare parts to put defe
ctive breaker in operating condition