Tender For supply of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering lab equipments - universal testingmachine , rockwell cum brinell hardness tester , impact testingmachine charpy and izod , digital torsion testing machie , digital spring testingmachine , thermocouple , infrared thermometer , digital pyrometer , models of safety valve, blow off cock, steam stop valve, feed check valve, economizer , model of air compressor , model of lancashire boiler , model of nestler boiler , demonstration actual cut section model of two stroke single cylinder petrol engine , actual cut section model of four stroke single cylinder diesel engine , model of solex carburettor , model of amal carburettor , model of ignition system of an automobile , model of water cooling system of an automobile , model of lubrication system of ic engine , model of mpfi system , model of crdi system , single plate clutch , multi plate clutch unit , centrifugal cluth unit , cut section of synchromesh gear box , propeller shaft , cut section of differential assembly , model of mechanical brake , model of abs brake system , model of hydraulic brake system , ackerman steering gear mechanism , davison steering gear mechanism , model of rack and pinion steering gear , model of power steering gear or re-circulating type worm and wheel or other type of steering gear , model of ac pump , model of su pump , wheel balancing machine , automobile electric system , brake master cylinder , sliding mesh gear box , cut section model of 4 cylinder 4 stroke petrol engine , ac induction motor with vfd for motorizing already existing models in lab , metallurgical microscope , polishing machine , heat treatement furnace muffle surface , spark test apparatus , metallurgical cut off machine , standard prepared readymade samples and specimen with photographs , venturimeter and orificemeter apparatus , bernoulli theorm apparatus , darcy law apparatus , centrifugal pump test rig , pelton turbine model , francis turbine model , pressure measuring bench , go-no go thread plug gauge , go no go snap gauge , go no go ring gauge , cylinder rollers and spherical balls , slip gauges set , surface roughness tester , v block , tool maker microscope , auto collimator with stand , angle deckor with set of angle gauges , profile projector , screw thread micrometer , sine bar , radius gauge , comparator stand , angle plate , mechanical comparator with stand , clinometer , gear tooth vernier , thread measuring gauge , refrigeration cycle testing rig , digital anemometer , open hearth furnace with blower electric , anvil with stand , swage block , wood working lathe , spot welding set , electric metal cut off saw , hand lever shearing machine , hand hack saw frame , flat chiesel , carpentry vice , sharpening stone for carpentry tools , gas welding torch with tip , gas cutting torch with tip , oxygen regulator , hose pipe for acetylene , hose pipe for acetylene , pipe threading die set , mig welding set , tig welding set , mould making hand tools set hand rammer, lifter, trowels, shovels, vent wire, hand riddle, sprue pin , moulding flasks cope and drag , green moulding sand , parting off sand , crucible , bench grinder , shaper machine with standard accessories , slotting machine with standard accessories , horizontal milling machine arbor size 23mm and 32mm with standard accessories , grinder attachment for lathe , portable digital multimeter , portable digital wattmeter single phase , portable digital energy meter , ohms law verification kit , kirchhoffs law verification kit , portable digital ammeter ac , portable digital ammeter dc , portable digital voltmeter ac , portable digital voltmeter dc , resistance in series and parallel , hydrometer , rlc circuit trainer kit , dc shunt motor shunt generator set , dc shunt motor series generator set , dc motor alternator set , squirrel cage induction motor , slip ring induction motor , single phase capacitor start motor , scot connection transformer , three phase
Tender For supply of equipment for basic science laboratory - quinckes tube , torsional pendulum , hall effect experiment , stadiometer , refrigerator , r o water purifier , harpenden calliper , polygon law of forces apparatus , verification of lamis theorem , simply supported beam apparatus , inclined plane setup , bell crank lever apparatus , moment of inertia of flywheel setup , screw jack setup combined , wheel and axial setup , worm and worm wheel setup , reynolds apparatus , bernoullis theorem apparatus , mouthpiece orifice , impact of jet on vanes , triangular rectangular notch , venturi meter and orifice meter , friction factor apparatus miner losses , centrifugal pump constant speed , tachometer , kaplan turbine , hydraulic jump , hydraulic tilting flume , turbine flow meter , micro manometer , metzer binacular microscope , hydraulic mounting press 3t , specimen leveler , damped spring mass vibrating system , static balancing using steel balls , motorized gyroscope , whirling of shaft apparatus , cam analysis apparatus , universal governor apparatus , universal vib vibration lab , epi cyclic gear train holding torque apparatus , turn table apparatus , 4 bar mechanism slider crank oscillating cylinder whitworh 4bar link mechanism , gear trains single stage spur gear with intermediate gear differential gear , stefen boltzman constant apparatus , heat and mass transfer apparatus , thermal conductivity of insulating powder apparatus , heat transfer through heat exchanger apparatus , four probe conductivity energy gap of semiconductor , dielectric constant dielectric constant of insulating materials , capacitance box , he ne laser determination of wavelength of laser , spectrometer dispersive power determination of wavelength of source , bomb calorimeter calorific value of solid liquid lab , digital conductivity meter determination of conductance and strength of the acids and base , photo electric calorimeter determination of absorbance and verification of beers law , refractometer refractoriness of the solids and liquid samples , digital bulk density apparatus to determination of density of solid substances , redwood viscometer no ii to determine the viscosity of thin samples , water analyzers includes calorimeter do conductivity tds ph salinity and temperature , bod incubator determine the amount of biological oxygen required in water samples , cod apparatus determine the chemical oxygen requirement in water samples , torsion testingmachine , tensile testingmachine springs , vernier calipers 200 mm and 300 mm , universal testingmachine 60 tones , dial gauge plunger and lever type with magnetic stand , malus law apparatus , electric vibrator , gray prism spectrometer , newtons ring with spherometer and plano , polarimeter half shade and biquartz , rf oscillator