Tender For charging of p.g. material in s.g section & filling of s.g material. - 01. shifting of pg material from pg galas to sg charging point on day to day and shift to shift basis. 02. charging of pg materials to the bucket elevator pit. 03. shifting of empty drums from charging area to designated pg galas. 04. cleaning of charging area & ventury area. 05. cleaning of bucket elevator pit in case of any abnormality as and when required.
Tender For "guide roller assembly as per wap drg.no.711091610390 for m2&m 10 bucket elevator of sand plant.special condition:-1)material test certificate should be enclose d along with supply for roller tube to is:3601 (item no 3)and for shaft material (item n o 1) 2)the bearing fitted shall be procured from authorized agents and the supply shal l accompany inspection certificate from the bearing manufacturers or their authorize d testing agent preferably incorporating the details of trace abllity of the bearing. ]
Tender For supply of seed processing plant - vertical bucket elevator , seed pre cleaner , ducting set , dust cyclone , seed fine cleaner or grader , bins and valves for gravity feeding , seed specific gravity separator , vertical bucket elevator for feeding to packing bin or electronic and weighing bag filling unit , packing bin with supporting structure , electric control panel , automatic electronic and weighing bag filling unit , horizontal conveyor with stitching unit , screens for seed pre-cleaner , grading screens for fine cleaner or seed grader , coarse medium and fine screen decks suitable for the crops , all miscellaneous accessories required for this turnkey project , screens for seed pre cleaner , specific gravity separator screen decks , seed pre-cleaner , seed fine cleaneror grader , coarse medium and fine screen decks , all miscellaneous accessories and piping etc required for performing this turnkey project , coarse, medium and fine screen decks