Tender For request for proposal for selection of ca firm as financial managementconsultant for providing one full time qualified chartered accountant on site to ndmcscl.
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - engagement of ex servicemen as gatemen for three years on contract basis in the sections of cne bpb agtl scl jrbm ktx bhrb etc on 75 nos engineering and traffic level crossings under lumding div total 165 nos ex servicemen
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - providing engineering job service etc in civil department of 04 nos diploma degree civil engineer at nstps
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - support for machine operation and associated activities in central maintenance work shop and facility engineering in heep bhel haridwar
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - annual rate contract for miscellaneous engineering works at numaligarh refinery limited nrl item 10 deputation of engineers at site,custom bid for services - annual rate contract for miscellaneous engineering works at numaligarh refinery limited nrl item 20 charges of engineer at home office
Tender For corrigendum : hiring of sweeping services through 02 two numbers of brand new integrated self-propelled heavy duty single engine mechanical suction road sweeping machines which are run by diesel, ev, cng, lng fuel for the use of engineering department to clean ro
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - repairing of transmission of lhd mc no 50 model 142 by 1500 make ms simplex engineering foundry works pvt ltd and vishwa make 90 kw btl make 90kw 55kw belt conveyor drive head at saoner mine no 3 ug mine nagpur area
Tender For appointment of consultant for preparation of dpr, tender documents for balance civil and other services along with all allied works for existing building and providing architectural engineering consultancy services for development of unused purchas