Tender For selection of consultant for conducting prefeasibility study & preparation of techno-economic feasibility report (tefr) for development of greenfield international airport in amaravati in the state of andhra pradesh
Tender For selection of consultant for preparation of techno economic feasibility report for development of greenfield airport at srikakulam in andhra pradesh
Tender For providing consulting services for connection of various pond with hdpe 315mm diameter pipe from modhera-dharoi pipeline, aadundra-kherva pipeline, matpur-brahmanwada pipeline, modhera-motidau pipeline, khorsam - matpur s.s.s canal pipe line and khorsam - sarasvati pipe line of mehsana and patan dist. includes for techno-economic study detailed survey and geological investigation with three alternative paths, with economical path and accordingly finalizing the prefeasibility report, design, and drawing with estimates, draft tender paper, detailed technical specification of civil, mechnical works and evaluation of expression of interest tender documents etc..
Tender For techno-economic feasibility study and master plan preparation for development of integrated logistics park (ilp) in pushpak node, navi mumbai
Tender For techno economic viability study for the project of hyderabad metropolitan water supply and sewerage board for implementation of automated smart water valves project to modernizing the water distribution system by integrating advanced technologies.
Tender For preparation of techno economic feasibility report (tefr)/detailed project report (dpr) as per sagarmala guidelines of government of india for the development of rabindranath tagore beach at karwar in uttara kannada district,karnataka state.
Tender For providing consultancy services for preparation of techno-economic feasibility study, dpr, bidding documents for epc and technical cum financial consultancy for redevelopment of berth no. 9 at mormugao port on epc mode