Tender For supply of instruction leaflets - / shall enter the landed rate per thousand number , leafletfor protec english and taglog unit of measurement isper thousand number and hence bidder shall enter thelanded rate per thousand number , leaflet for ocpnepal unit of measurement is per thousand number andhence bidder shall enter the landed rate per thousandnumber , leaflet instr. for preventol jamaica unit ofmeasurement is per thousand number and hence biddershall enter the landed rate per thousand number , leafletfor nogestol unit of measurement is per thousandnumber and hence bidder shall enter the landed rate perthousand number , leaflet for novex ds and physiciansample unit of measurement is per thousand number andhence bidder shall enter the landed rate per thousandnumber , leaflet for mifepro unit of measurement is perthousand number and hence bidder shall enter the landedrate per thousand number
Tender For supply of master cartons for ocp number and hence bidder shall enter the landed rate pernumber , 10 master carton smartt cycle 1s unit ofmeasurement is per number and hence bidder shall enterthe landed rate per number , 11 master carton smarttcycle 2s unit of measurement is per number and hencebidder shall enter the landed rate per number , 12 mastercarton smart cycle 3s unit of measurement is pernumber and hence bidder shall enter the landed rate pernumber , 13 corrugated box for ocp nepal unit ofmeasurement is per number and hence bidder shall enterthe landed rate per number , 14 master carton 5 plystandardise unit of measurement is per number andhence bidder shall enter the landed rate per number , 15shipper unipil export unit of measurement is per numberand hence bidder shall enter the landed rate per number ,16 master carton novex ds film caoated unit ofmeasurement is per number and hence bidder shall enterthe landed rate per number , 17 master carton-novexnew unit of measurement is per number and hence biddershall enter the landed rate per number , 18 mastercarton ferro plus unit of measurement is per numberand hence bidder shall enter the landed rate per number
Tender For providing of calibration services - metrology measuringinstruments; dimension; nabl labs; hybrid (detailed in scope of work),calibration services - metrology measuringinstruments; dimension; nabl labs; hybrid (detailed in scope of work),calibration services - metrology measuringinstruments; dimension; nabl labs; hybrid (detailed in scope of work),calibration services - mechanical; mass and volume, pressure and vacuum, force, speed & acceleration, hardness & impact, density and viscosity, specific heat & humidity, temperature, pressure; nabl labs; hybrid (detailed in scope of work),calibration services - mechanical; mass and volume, pressure and vacuum, force, speed & acceleration, hardness & impact, density and viscosity, specific heat & humidity, temperature, pressure; nabl labs; hybrid (detailed in scope of work),calibration services - mechanical; mass and volume, pressure and vacuum, force, speed & acceleration, hardness & impact, density and viscosity, specific heat & humidity, temperature, pressure; nabl labs; hyb
Tender For corrigendum : lab equipment botany,chemistry,zoology,physics,geography - package1, distillation apparatus single distillation capacity 5lt, micro pipette (fixed) 1- 5 ml, water bath double wall (12 holes) stainless steel, colorimeter, heating mental with regulator cap 500 ml, autoclave portable, vortex shaker, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, ph meter, hot air oven stainless steel, autoclave vertical 55 ltr, digital colony counter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, binocular microscope, soxhlet extraction unit, chemical balance, digital ph meter with electrodes, heating mental (2 lt) 500 w, d o meter digital, oven universal, vaccum pump, potientio meter digital, electronic digital balance, magnetic strirrer with hot plate, spectrophotometer 340-900nm range, water and soil testing analysis kit, melting point appratus digital, bod incubator, digital thermo meter, ph meter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, water and soil testing analysis kit, digital haemoglobino meter, screw gauge, resistance box (various length), rheostate (various length), ammeter d.c/a.c. (requied ranage), voltmeter d.c./a.c. (requied ranage), galvanometer, digital multimeter, sealss apppearatus to determine the coefficient of thermal condutivityc, sodium vapour lamp, app to study charging and discharging of a capacitor, apparatus for measurement of capacitance abd inducance using impedenace at different frequency, apparatus for measurement of wavelength of i ruler with laser complete setup, impedance and power factor of lcr circuit, serier and parallelresonance circuit, diac and triac characterstics apparatus, vernier caliper, inernier table, photo diode charaterstics apparatus, dielectric constant apparats, interior of earth, geographical terms, model of restless earth., formation of rocks, glacial landscape, three stages of river ( water cycle ), conventional signs, oxygen & carbon cycle in nature, air & water pollution, rock cycle, geomorphological models, folds & faults, geomorphological models, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, outline black board maps on p.v.c., weather maps of india (latest editions), stencil sets in english text, stencil sets in hindi text, raised relief plastic topographical maps, minerals, metallic ores, rocks, rocks forming minerals, minerals & rocks, rocks & minerals, rocks (large size), minerals (large size), clinometer compass, goniometer, mirror stereoscope, pocket stereoscope, aerial photographs, stereo atlas, astronomy fact book, times atlas of the world, bg geographical globes, bg geographical illuminated 2 in1 globe, inflatable globes, political globe with physical shading by nova rico, geographers photographs, the solar system, french curve, planimeter, pentagraph, drawing instrument box, wind wane, rain guage, ranging rods, tripod stand for ranging rods, levelling staff aluminum, levelling staff aluminum, measuring tapes 15 meter fiber glass, measuring tapes 30 meter fiber glass, measuring tapes 50 meter fiber glass, survey umbrella 7 , prismatic compass, brunton compass, plane table complete set as per survey of india pattern, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nystrom, metronome with bell witter
Tender For providing of calibration services - electrical, thermal, annual contract for nabl calibration and repair of measuringinstruments in various areas of aa group aod iod shops and eoh area engg oap aiesl mumbai; voltage, current, power (ac/dc), pressure and vacuum, ..
Tender For repair & calibration of doble make tan delta & capacitance measurement kit bearing sr. no. 11221319. model m4100 at 400kv testing unit under 400kv rs (o&m) dn, padghe.
Tender For it, lab assaying equipment and electronic rotary grading unit for fruits and vegetables purchase computer desktop (hp) , printer color , all in one pc , pc ups , dg set 20kva , fruit penetrometer/fruit hardness , tester/sclerometer , digital hand held refractometer for measuring suger concentration in fruit , digital vernier caliper , fruit pressure tester , ethylene analyzer fro measurement of ethylene concentration in fruit , microscope , electronic rotary cleaning , grading unit for fruits and , vegetable