Tender For supply of hiv rapid test kits (q2) , dengue rapid test kits (q2) , typhoid rapid test kits (q2) , malaria rapid test kits (q2) , hbsag rapid test kits (q2) , syphilis rapid test kits (q2) , hcv rapid test kits (q2) , urine test strip (q2) , hemoglobin test strips (q2) , point - of - care hemoglobinometer (q2) , blood glucose meter - glucometer (v2) (q2)
Tender For supply of blood glucose test strips (v2) (q2) , urine test strip (q2) , hcv rapid test kits (q2) , hbsag rapid test kits (q2) , dual rapid test kit for hiv and syphilis (q2) , hemoglobin test strips (q2)
Tender For corrigendum : supply of nutrient agar hi media five hundred grams , peptone water hi media five hundred grams , columbia blood agar base hi media five hundred grams , uti hi veg chrome agar hi media five hundred grams , maconkey agar hi media five hundred grams , muler hinton agar hi media five hundred grams , oxidase disc hi media one vial , gram stain kit hi media one kit five hundred ml , agar agar hi media five hundred grams , blood culture bottle vibles brain heart infusion twenty into seventy ml , tcbs media hi media five hundred grams , loefflers serum slope hi media five hundred grams , tellurite blood agar hi media five hundred grams , selenite f broth hi media five hundred grams , carry blair media hi media five hundred grams , water testing kit rapid hicoliform , rapid hepatitis a card test ten tests , rapid hepatitis e card test ten tests , hav igm elisa kit ninety six tests , hev igm elisa kit ninety six tests , ninety mm disposable petriplates , one hundred mm disposable petriplates , beaker five hundred ml brorosil , conical flask one thousand ml brorosil , conical flask five hundred ml brorosil , test tubes fifteen into one hundred twenty five ml , test tubes ten into seventy five ml , test tube rack steel small and large , ph strips , hi media sterile swabs , glass slides , glass cover slips , cotton roll , amikacin antibiotic disc two vial , ampicillin antibiotic disc two vial , amoxy clavulanic acid antibiotic disc one vial , aztreonam antibiotic acid one vial , azithromycin antibiotic disc one vial , cefepine antibiotic disc one vial , ceftriaxone antibiotic disc one vial , cefoxitin antibiotic disc one vial , ceftrazidine antibiotic disc one vial , cefuroxime antibiotic disc one vial , chloromphenicol antibiotic disc one vial , ciprofloxacin antibiotic disc one vial , clindamycin antibiotic disc one vial , doxycycline antibiotic disc one vial , erythromycin antibiotic disc one vial , ertapenem antibiotic disc one vial , gentamycin antibiotic disc one vial , gentamycin high level antibiotic disc one vial , imepenem antibiotic disc one vial , linezolid antibiotic disc one vial , meropenen antibiotic disc one vial , minocycline antibiotic disc one vial , netilmicin antibiotic disc one vial , nitrofurantoin antibiotic discone vial , piperacillin tazobactam antibiotic disc one vial , tetracycline antibiotic disc one vial , tobramycin antibiotic disc one vial , teicoplanin antibiotic disc one vial , cotrimoxazole antibiotic disc one vial , vanconycin antibiotic disc one vial , colistin antibiotic disc one vial , fosfomycin antibiotic disc one vial
Tender For providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - anganwadi; suppy of stethoscope; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost),facility management services - lumpsum based - anganwadi; suppy of digital blood pressure monitor; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost),facility management services - lumpsum based - anganwadi; suppy of digital weighing scale; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost),facility management services - lumpsum based - anganwadi; suppy of measuring tape; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost),facility management services - lumpsum based - anganwadi; suppy of urine test strips; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost),facility management services - lumpsum based - anganwadi; suppy of hemoglobinometer with strips; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost),facility management services - l
Tender For tender for supply of dry view laser imaging film 12 x10, dry view laser imaging film 10 x 08, fuji medical dry imaging film 12 x10, tab bicalutamide 50 mg, urine container sterile, chlorzoxazone 500 mg and diclofenac 50 mg and paracetamol 325 mg tab , cap rifaxamin capsule 550 mg , tab betahistine dihydrochloride 8 mg , tab adeometionine 400 mg , syringe disposable plastic sterile 10ml with needle, tab zidovudine 300mg, syp cyproheptadine hcl 2mg per 5ml bott of 100ml, erba single reaction cuvette, erba d dimer reagent 1x4ml and 1 x 7ml, bio rad control l1 12x5ml, bio rad control l2 12x5ml, erba d dimer control p 5 x 1ml, erba d dimer control n 5 x 1ml, erba actime 10 x 5ml, erba control p 10 x 1ml, check-stix combopk 25 1x25, erba protime ls 10 x 5ml, erba calcium chloride reagent for pttk 10x10 ml, malaria paracheck 25 test , ethanol, entero check kit rapid test for igg ig m for salmonella pack of 25, multi stix simens 10sg 1x100, barcode stationary roll, barcode ribbon cartridge 110 mm, gram stain readymade kit, esr westegren disposable tubes, disposable petridish, slide microscope frosted end glass thickness 1point 15 to 1point35 mm, dextrose monohydrade for oral use 100 gram, strips albumin and glucose bottle of 100 strips, ra factor test kit kit of 25 test, widal test kit agglutination test pack of 50 tests, microtips 200 to 1000 microliter pkt of 500, microtips 2to 200 microliter pkt of 500, soft tissue paper for lab pkt of 100 nos, 740 lypchk diabetes control biorad blvl 6x0 point 5 ml, lypocheck urine chemistry biorad qc l1, lypocheck urine chemistry biorad qc l2, crp test kit of 50 test
Tender For tender for supply of lab reagents - haematology thiazin stain concentrate dilutes in 500 ml when prepared pack of 200 ml , haematology reagent a buffer ph 6.8 concentrate dilutes in 5 ltrs when prepared pack of 30 ml , haematology eosin stain concentrate dilutes to 500 ml when prepared pack of 220 ml , haematology aeroix additive for meoh pack of 135 ml , g6pd rapid test , occult blood test rapid , rapid test for pan malaria antigen ict based for p.v and p.f , dengue ns1 igg and igm , ict based rapid test , multistix r 10 sg , keto diastix bott of 50 strips , ready to use leishman stain with buffer , cartridge no 12a for hp laserjet , taqmancopy number assay mto s 10 hs00965010_cm cat no 4400291 , taqmancopy number ref assay rnasep 750x cat no 4403326 , fg taqman gt master mix 1 ml each cat no 4371353 , pmrara quantitative rt pcr complete kit including cdna synthesis kit 100 rxns , dntp mix 1 ml , ntrk 48 rxns by diatech pharmaogenitics , idh 1 and 2 , 48 rxn by diatech pharmaogenitics , bcrabl quantitative tr pcr complete kit including cdna synthesis kit 100 rxn dntp mix 1ml , hla a ssp 20 test , hla b ssp 20 test per kit , hla dr ssp test , 20 test per kit , hla b 27 ssp 96 test , rnase decontaminant spray , bottle of 250 ml , molecular grade deionised water , light cycler 480 sealing foil pack of 100 foil , anti hla negative control 0.5 ml vial , dna molecular ladder 100 bp vial of 200 micro ltr , dnase and rnase free sterile microcentrifuge tube 1.5 ml 500 tube per pack , genomic dna extraction for hla typing with uv spectrophotometere a 260 280 ratio for ectracted dna being 1.8 and with batch certificate of analysis coa , taq polymerase 5 unit per micro lit 50 microliters vial , rabbit complement 1.0 ml vial , anti hla positive control 0.5 ml per vial , lymphoprep solution pack of 500ml , invitrogen fetal bovine serum size 500 ml , phosphate buffer saline q3 , 10x tbe buffer pack of 500 ml , micropipettes sterile filter tips for 0.2 to 10 micro ltr pack of 96 by 10 extended length tarsons , sterile terasaki plates of 72 well , rpmi 1640 bottle of 250 ml , biorad control l1 12 x 5 ml , biorad control l2 12 x 5 ml , biorad liquicheck urine chemistry control l1 pack of 12 x 10 ml , biorad liquicheck urine chemistry control l2 pack of 12 x 10 ml , bio rad lipocheck diabetic control , kit of 6x0.5 ml , cardiac marker control trilevel pack of 6x3 ml , adhesive spot bandage band aid size 1 inch , gram stain kit ready to use kit of 1000 ml each , zn stain kit ready to use kit of 1000 ml each
Tender For bid to ras supply of antibiotic disc ampicillin 10mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc amikacin 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc amo intoicilin to clavulanic acid10 or 20mcg , antibiotic disc cefepime30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 , antibiotic disc ceftrio intoone30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc cefoto intoime30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc ciproflo intoacin 05mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc levoflo intoacin 05mcg pack of 5 , antibiotic disc co to trima intoozole1 point25or23 point75mcg , antibiotic disc do intoycyline 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc clindamycin 02mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc cefo intoitime 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc norflo intoacin 10mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc nitrofurantoin300mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc piperacillin plus tazobactum 100or10mcg pack of , antibiotic disc chloramphenicol 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges , antibiotic disc azithromycin 15mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc gentamicin 10mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc teicoplanin 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc linezolid 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc cefoperozone 75mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc penicillin g10mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc colistin 10mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 d , antibiotic disc bacitracin 10mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc optochin 05mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc imipenem 10mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc erythromycin 15mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc meropenem 10mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc ampicillin plus salbactum10or10mcg pack of , antibiotic disc streptomycin 120mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc vancomycin 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc cefi intoime 05mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc cefozolin 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc high level gentamicin300mcg pack of 5 cartridges , antibiotic disc cefo intoitin 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , antibiotic disc tetracycline 30mcg pack of 5 cartridges each of 50 discs , atcc strain of e coli kit of 2 sticks , atcc strain of pseudomonas aeruginosa kit of 2 sticks , atcc strain of staphylococcus aureus kit of 2 sticks , mueller hinton agar , triple sugar iron agar , strips for ketodiasti into test , part no 10310483 chek sti into combopack 25 25 testsorbottle , rapid pap stain , zn stain kit hot method 4 into100 ml , grams stain kit 4 into125 ml , g6pd test kit qualitative to visual method , uniplastin 1 into5 ml , pttk reagent 2 into2 ml with calcium chloride 2 into2 ml kit , bio to rad l1 , bio to rad l2 , bio to rad diabetic control , hemostar cuvette stirer 1 into100 , autozero disposable esr pipette , paraffin wa into melting 56 degree centigrade to 60 degree centigrade , tissue embedding ring plastic white 1 cm height form base , micropipettes tips for 1 to 200 micro ltr , micropipettes tips for 500 to 1000 micro ltr , stain methylene blue , occult blood test kit kit of 50 tests , slide microscope thickness 1 point15 to 1 point35 mm size bid details/ 2 / 54