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Meftal Spas Tab Tenders

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CTN :39309228 Due date: 26 Feb, 202526 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of generic medicines for cb dispensary cum poly clinic. - tab. amoxy-kid 125 mg, tab. albendazole, tab. amlip-5, tab. amlip-at, tab. atorva-10, tab. atenolol-50, tab. asthalin-4 mg, syp.asthalin, inj.amikacin 500 mg, cap. becasule, tab. cetrizine, tab. ciplox 500 mg, tab.cheston cold, tab.paracetamol, tab. zupar, tab.cefixime 200mg, syp. paracetamol, syp. cough jar, syp. cheston cold, tab.intagesic- mr, tab.deriphyllin150mg, tab.dulcoflex 10mg, tab.diclofenac50mg, inj.deriphyllin, inj.dexamethasone, inj.diclofenac, omni gel, tab.ecospirin 75mg, tab.enteroquinol, tab.folic acid, tab.fluconazole150, tab.gluconorm g1, tab.gluconorm g2, g.b.h.c. lotion, tab.iburofen400mg, tab. losar 50mg, tab. losar -h, tab.meftal spas, tab.perinorm, tab. metrogyl 400mg, tab. nicip, tab.norflox 400mg, inj.neurobion forte, tab. normetrogyl, oint.nuforce-gm, oint.neosporin, tab.oflox 200mg, tab.oflox-oz, tab. cipcal 500mg, cap.omeprazole20mg, tab.emeset 4 mg, tab.roxid 150mg, tab.zinetac 150mg, syp. respinex, tab. stemtil, telsar 40mg, telsar-h, cap.iron, powder ors, betadine liquid (500ml), cap. tetracycline, inj.t.t, syp.theo-asthalin, tab.uninzyme, tab.zyrik 300mg, tab.zyrik 100mg, melmet 1g, bandage 2 inch. & 4 inch, betadine oint.250 gm, betadine gargle, eye drop ciplox, cotton roll 500 gm, dettol/ sevlon 1 liter, hydrogen peroxide 400 ml, syp. normetrogyl, cap. pentosec dsr, syp. ond, eye drop oflox, disposable face mask, examination gloves 50 pairs, plastic bottle 50 ml, cap. amoxy 250 mg, tab.amoxy 625 mg, tab. hifenac-p, cap. helcolx-lb, gum paint, mouth wash, gauge than, ecg roll, siprit 400 ml, micropore 0.5 inch& 2 inch, cap. calcium vit d3, tab. cefixime 100 mg, udlive 300 mg, syp. calimex 50 ml, tab. telma am, syp azee 100/200 mg (50 ml), syp. cetrizine 50 ml, syp. montair lc 50 ml, syp. albendazole 10 ml, syp. liv 52 200 ml, syp. metrogyl, nasal drop (saline, pediatric) 10 ml, syp. ibugesic plus, syp. digene 100 ml, vildagliptin 50 mg + metformin 1 gm. note:- i) quantity may increase/decrease as pre actual requirment. (ii) the quantity in tender is annual demand. the procurement of the store may be given in phases as per requirement on monthly basis.

State Government

CTN :39283530 Due date: 17 Mar, 202517 Mar, 2025 20.00 Crore
Tender For generic drugs and medicine (edl) (as per annexure 5) - bupivacaine hydochloride in dextrose injection usp each ml contains bupivacaine hydrochloride 5.0 mg dextrose 80.0 mg [2], bupivacaine inj ip 0.5% [4], drotaverine hydrochloride inj 40 mg/2 ml [5], halothane bp [6], isoflurane usp [7], ketamine inj ip 50 mg/ml [8], lignocaine ointment 5 o/o [9], propofol inj ip 10 mg/ml [14], thiopentone inj ip 0.5 g [15], diclofenac sodium inj ip 25 mg/ ml (im/iv use) [19], diclofenac gastro resistant tablet ip 50 mg(enteric coated) [20], fentanyl citrate injection ip 2 ml [21], ibuprofen and paracetamol tablets ip ibuprofen 400 mg+paracetamol 325 mg [22], ibuprofen tab ip 200 mg (coated) [23], ibuprofen tab ip 400 mg (coated) [24], morphine sulphate inj ip 10mg/ml [25], paracetamol syrup ip 125 mg/5ml (detail in rc) [27], paracetamol tab ip 500 mg [28], paracetamol inj. 150 mg/ml [29], tramadol inj 50 mg/ml [33], adrenaline injection ip 1mg/ml im/iv use [34], betamethasone tab ip 0.5mg [35], chlorpheniramine maleate tab ip 4mg [37], dexamethasone tab ip 0.5 mg [40], hydrocortisone sodium succinate injection ip 100 mg base / vial (im/iv use) [42], methyl prednisolone sodium succinate for injection usp 500 mg [44], pheniramine inj ip 22.75mg /ml [45], prednisolone tab ip 5 mg [47], promethazine inj ip 25mg/ml [49], promethazine tab ip 25 mg [50], naloxone inj ip 0.4mg/ ml [51], pralidoxime chloride injection ip 25 mg/ml / 500 mg [52], carbamazepine tab ip 200 mg [53], carbamazepine tab ip 100 mg [54], phenobarbitone tab ip 30 mg [56], phenytoin injection bp 50mg/ml [57], phenytoin oral suspension ip 25mg/ml [58], phenytoin tab ip 100 mg (film coated) [59], acyclovir oral suspension ip 400mg/5ml [62], albendazole oral suspension ip 400 mg/10ml [65], amoxycillin cap ip 250mg [71], amoxycillin capsules ip 500 mg [72], ampicillin injection ip 500 mg [75], benzathine benzylpenicillin inj ip 12 lac units [81], benzathine benzylpenicillin inj ip 6 lac units [82], cefoperazone and sulbactum for injection cefoperazone sodium eq. to cefoperazone 1 g and sulbactum 0.5gm (im / iv use) [86]), ceftazidime inj ip 1g [89], ceftriaxone inj ip 1g /vial [93], ceftriaxone inj ip 500mg/vial [95], cephalexin cap ip 250 mg [96], cephalexin capsules ip 500 mg [97], chloroquine phosphate inj ip 40 mg/ ml [98], chloroquine phosphate tab. ip 250mg eq to 155 mg of chloroquine base film coated [99], ciprofloxacin injection ip 200mg/100ml [101], ciprofloxacin tablets ip 250 mg film coated [102], clotrimazole vaginal tab ip 500mg [105], compound benzoic acid ointment ip benzoic acid 6 o/o + salicylic acid 3 o/o [106], co-trimoxazole oral suspension ip each 5 ml contains trimethoprim 40 mg and sulphamethoxazole 200 mg [107], co-trimoxazole tablets ip trimethoprim 40 mg and sulphamethoxazole 200 mg [108], gentamycin injection ip 80mg/2ml (im/ iv use) [116], griseofulvin tablets ip 125 mg [117], metronidazole tablets ip 400 mg (film coated) [123], norfloxacin tab ip 400mg film coated [124], quinine dihydrochloride inj ip 300 mg/ml [131], bleomycin injection ip 15mg (bleomycin sulphate injection 15 units) [134], chlorambucil tablets ip 5 mg [136], cisplatin inj ip 50 mg/ 50 ml [137], cyclophosphamide inj ip 200 mg [138], cyclophosphamide inj ip 500 mg [139], cytarabine injection bp 500mg [141], danazol cap ip 50 mg [142], daunorubicin inj ip 20 mg [143], doxorubicin inj ip 50 mg/ 25 ml [144], etoposide inj ip 100 mg [146], flunarizine tab 5 mg [147], l-asparaginase inj 10000 iu [149], leucovorin calcium inj ip / calcium folinate inj ip 10 mg /ml [150], mercaptopurine tab ip 50 mg [152], methotrexate tab ip 2.5 mg [154], paclitaxel inj ip 260 mg [155], paclitaxel inj ip 100 mg [156], vinblastine inj ip 10mg/ 10ml [158], vincristine inj ip 1mg(vial)/vincristin injection usp 1mg/ml (amp) [159], levodopa 100 mg + carbidopa 10 mg tab., levodopa and carbidopa tabs ip 250 mg. + 25 mg. [161], deferasirox tab 100 mg [165], deferiprone cap 250 mg [167], deferiprone cap 500 mg [168],

CTN :39292767 Due date: 18 Feb, 202518 Feb, 2025 20.00 Crore
Tender For supply of generic drugs and medicines (edl) - bupivacaine hydochloride in dex~.rose injection, usp each ml contains bupi vaca ine, hvdrochloride 5.0 mg dextrose 80.0 mg [21, buoivacaine ini ip 0.5% [41, drotaverine hydrochloride inj 40 mg/2 ml [5], halothane bp [6], iso flurane usp f71, ketamine in' ip 50 mg/ml [81, lignocaine ointment 5 % [9], propofollni ip 10 mg/ml [141, thiopentone inj ip 0.5 g 11 5], diclofenac sodium inj ip 25 mg/ ml (imilv use), [1 91, diciofenac gastro resistant tablet ip 50, mg(enteric coated) [20], fentanyl citrate injection ip 2 ml [2 1], ibuprofen and paracetamol tablets ip ibuprofen, 400 mg+paracetamol 325 mg 1221, ibuprofen tab ip 200 mg (coated) [231, ibuorofen tab ip 400 mg (coated) 1241, morphine sulphate ini ip i omg/ml [251, paracetamol syrup ip 125 mg/sml (detail in rc), [271, paracetamol tab ip soo mg [281, paracetamol inj. i so mg/ml 129], tramadol inj so mg/ml [33], adrenaline injection ip i mg/ml imilv use [34), betamethasone tab ip o.smg [351, ch lorpheniramine maleate tab ip 4mg [37), dexamethasone tab ip 0.5 mg 1401, hydrocortisone sodium succinale injection ip, 100 mg base i vial (imflv use) 1'421, melhyl prednisolone sodium succinate for, injection usp 500 mg [441, pheniramine inj ip 22. 75mg /ml [4s), prednisolone tab ip 5 mg [47), promethazme inj"ip 25mg/ml [49j, promethazine tab ip 25 mgj 50j, naloxone ini ip o.4mg/ ml [si1, pralido~ime chlonde injection ip 25 mg/ml / 500, mg 1521, carbamazepine tab ip 200 mg [s3], carbamazepine tab ip 100 mg [54), phenobarbitone tab ip 30 mg [56], phenytoin injection bp 50mg/ml [57), phenytoin oral suspension ip 25mg/ml [58], phenytoin tab ii' 100 mg (film coated ) [591, acvclovir oral suspension ip 400mg/5ml (62), albcndazole onl suspension ip 400 mgl loml, [651, amoxyciliin cap ip 250mg [7 1), amoxycillin capsules ip 500 mg rn1, ampicillin iniection ii' 500 mg [751, benzathine benzylpenicillin inj ip 12 lac units, [8 !l, benzathine benzylpenicillin inj ip 6 lac units, [ 821, ccfoperazone and sulbactum for injection, cefoperazonc sodium eq. to cefoperazone i g, and sulbaclum 0.5gm (1m / iv use) 1861), ceftazidime ini ip i g [891, ceftriaxone inl ii' i g /vlal 1'931, ceftriaxone inj ip 500mglv131 [951, cephalexin cap ip 250 mgj9l, cephal exin capsules 10 500 mg [971, chloroquine phosphate jnj ip .. 0 mg/ ml [981, chloroquine phosphate tab. !p 2s0mg eq 10 155, mg ofc hl oro~ui n e base film coated [991, ciprofloxacin injection ip 200mgil ooml rio i j, clproflox(l.cin tai;iels ip ~50 mg film coat~d, clotrimazole vaginal tab ip 500mg [ los], compound benzoic acid ointment ip benzoic, acid 6 % + salicylic acid 3 % [106], co-trimoxazole oral suspension ip each 5 ml, contains trimethoprim 40 mg and, sulohamethoxazole 200 mg rl071, co-trimoxazole tablets ip trimethoprim 40 mg, and sulohamethoxazole 200 mg r i 081, gentamycin injection ip 80mg!2ml (lm/ iv use), [1 16], griseoful vin tablets 10 j?5 mg rl 171, metron idazole tablets ip 400 mg (film coated), rl 231, norfl oxacin tab ip 400mg film coated [1 241, quinine dihydrochloride inj ip 300 mg!mi [1 3, bleomycin injection lp 15mg (bleomycin, sulphate in iection is units) rl 341, chlorambucil tablets ip 5 mg r 1361, cisplatin inj ip 50 mg/ 50 mrr1 37], cyclophosphamide inl ip ?oo mg rl 381, cyclophosphamide inj ip 500 mg [139], cytarabine in iection bp 500mg rl4 11, danazol cap ip 50 mg [1421, daunorubicin ini ip 20 mg rl431, doxorubicin ini ip 50 mg/ 25 ml [1 441, etoposide inj ip 100 mg [146], flunarizine tab 5 mg rl471, l-asparaginase ini 10000 iu [149], leucovorin calcium inj ip / calc ium folinate inj, ip 10 mg /ml r 1501, mercaotoourine tab ip 50 mg [is,], methotrexate tab lp 2.5 mg rl 541, paclitaxel lni ip 260 mg [1 55], paclitaxe l ini ip 100 mg rl 561, vinblastine inj ip 10mg/ 10mi [158], vincristi ne inj ip i mg(vial)fv incri stin injectio;, usp 1mg/m1 (amo) r1 591, levodopa 100 mg + carbidopa 10 mg tab., levodopa and carbidopa tabs ip 250 mg. + 25, mg. rl 6 11, deferasirox tab 100 mg [1 65

CTN :39267258 Due date: 01 Mar, 202501 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of inj t t 0.5ml vial , inj atropine , inj insulin regular , inj midazolam , inj rabbies immunoglobulin , tab pantop d , tab limcee 500mg , tab meftal spas , tab telmisartan 40 mg , tab telma hctz , tab pre and probiotic , tab allopurinol 300 mg , tab cofsils , band aid , tab trental 400mg , tab naproxen domperidone , tab glimipride 2mg , tab trypsin chymotrypsin , tab sodium valporate cr 500 mg , mouth ulcer gel , knee cap , abdominal belt , cap vit e 400mg , minoxidil solution 5 percent , syp ambroxyl 100 ml , parafin guaze , dengue kit , malaria kit , widal kit , typhoid kit , volini spray , ecg roll , corn cap , oint heprain , aloe vera gel , trop t kit , e d waxoken , ketaconazole shampoo , no scars cream , inj lmwh 60 , inj lmwh 40 , oint lobate-gm , tab duopil , xray devloper , xray fiber , tab metformin sitagliptin , syp citralka , eye drop sodium hyaluronate 0.1 percent , eye drop prednisolone , tab rabeprazole d , cap antioxident

CTN :39138472 Due date: 22 Feb, 202522 Feb, 2025 28.99 Lacs
Tender For bmhrc bhopal invites etender in single bid system for supply of medicines for 2 years rate contract basis - bisacodyl tab 5mg, dopamine inj 5ml, propranolol tab 20 mg, flunarizine tab 10mg, levodopa+carbidopa tab 110mg, lithium tab 300mg, nimodipine tab 30mg, trihexyphenidyl tab 2mg, ciprofloxacin eye drop 10ml, carbimazole tab 20mg, triamcinolone inj 40 mg, doxorubicin inj 50mg, hydroxyurea cap 500 mg, ketamine inj 10ml, folicacid tab 5mg, mupirocin oint 5gm, hyoscine butylbromide inj 1ml, lactobacillus cap, acyclovir tab 800mg, clarithromycin tab 500mg, linezolid tab 600mg, tenofovir 300 mg, vancomycin inj 500 mg, prazosin tab 5mg, propranolol tab 40mg, warfarin tab 5mg, clomipramine tab 25mg, clonazepam tab 0.5mg, donepezil tab 5mg, escitalopram tab 10mg, fluorometholone eye drop 0.1 %, nitrofurantoin cap 100mg macrocrystals, bicalutamide tab 50mg, insulin actrapid inj 40 iu/ml 10ml, rituximab inj 100mg, fentanyl inj 2ml, morphine inj 15mg 1ml, albumin oral protein > 50gm/100gm powder 200gm, thiamine inj 100mg, budesonide inhaler 200mcg, budesonide rotacap 200 mcg, budesonide rotacap 400 mcg, dextromethorphan 10mg+phenylephrine 5mg+chlorpheniramine maleate 2mg syp 100ml, ipratropium bromide rotacap 40mcg, salbutamol neb soln 15ml, salbutamol rotacap 200mcg, framycetin oint 30gm, propofol inj 20ml, ropivacaine 7.5mg+dextrose 80mg inj 4ml, tolterodine tartrate tab 4mg sr, intravenous immunoglobulin inj (ivig) inj 10 gm, polidocanol inj 3% 2ml, sodium nitroprusside inj 5omg, olopatadine eye drop 0.2%, cisplatin inj 50mg, vitamin k inj 10mg (inj phytomenadione), isoprenaline inj 2mg/ml, midazolam inj 1mg/ml 10ml, hepatitis b vaccine 10ml, voriconazole tab 200mg, doxycycline inj 100mg, penicillamin cap 250mg, haemocoagulase inj 1ml, protamine sulphate inj 5ml, sildenafil citrate tab 25mg, brimonidine tartrate eye drop 0.1%, tropicamide 0.8%+phenylephrine 5% eye drop, sodium chloride inj 0.9% 500ml flexible bag, tobramycin neb soln 300mg, bupivacaine inj 0.5% 20ml, polyethylene glycol+electrolyte powder, lignocaine hcl oral topical soln 100ml, ropivacaine inj 0.5% mg 20 ml, acetylcystine inj 20%, magnesium sulphate inj 1ml, ademetionine tablet (sd4 salt) 400mg, phenobarbitone tab 30mg, pyridoxine tab 40mg, hyoscine butylbromide tab 10mg, sodium phosphate enema 100 ml, papaverine inj 30mg 2ml, cabergoline tab 0.5 mg, lorazepam inj 4mg, triclofos syp 30ml, chloramphenicol eye ointment 1%, triptorelin inj 11.25mg, aminophylline inj 10ml, bupropion tab 150mg sustained, hypertonic saline soln 3% 100ml, multivitamin inj 10ml, vitamin e cap 400mg, ephedrine hcl inj 1ml, heparin gel 15gm, hydrogen peroxide soln 400ml, succinylcholine inj 10ml, b.c.g. therapeutic vaccine 40mg, potassium chloride inj 10ml, pheniramine maleate inj 2ml, diltiazem inj 5ml, metoclopramide inj 2ml, calcium gluconate inj 10%10ml, sterile water for inj 5ml, darifenacin tab 15mg cr, hyaluronidase inj 2ml
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