Tender For roof mounted ac package unit rmpu type-i of sidwal/intec or equivalent make for lhb eog coaches conforming to rdso sp ecification no: rdso/pe/spec/ac/0061-2005, rev.1 or latest and microprocessorcontroller unit: 01 no as per rdso specification no: rdso/p e/spec/ac/0139-2009, rev.1, type-1 or latest complete with accessories as per scope of supply as envisaged in the rdso specifications.1. r dso approved sources only be considered.2. earthing lug arrangement on rmpu shall be as per drg. no. icf/sk-3-7-6-035. note: packing ins truction as follows: special condition: 1. roof mounted ac package unit shall be packed with corrugated paper with water proof jute fabric an d supplied and staged in pallets. the pallets should be painted and have firms logo for identification. the ac package unit shall confirm to r dso drawing no: rdso/pe/sk/ac/0069-2004(rev.2) or latest. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For roof mounted ac package unit rmpu type-i for lhb eog coaches in coach set consistin g of rmpuwith r-407c refrigerant: 02 nos to the rdso specification no: rdso/pe/spec/ac/0061-2005, rev.1 and microprocessorcontroller unit: 01 no as per rdso specification no: rdso/pe/spec/ac/0139 -2009, rev.1, type-1 complete with accessories as per scope of supply as envisaged in the rdso spec ifications.1. rdso approved sources only be considered.2. earthing lug arrangement on rmpu shall be as per drg. no. icf/sk-3-7-6-035. note: packing instruction as follows: special condition: 1. roof mount ed ac package unit shall be packed with corrugated paper with water proof jute fabric and supplied an d staged in pallets. the pallets should be painted and have firms logo for identification. the ac packa ge unit shall confirm to rdso drawing no: rdso/pe/sk/ac/0069-2004(rev.2) or latest. [ warranty pe riod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For repair of display system , repair of microprocessorcontrolunit , repair of humidifier unit , repair of bty 12v 20ah , repair of oxygen sensor and flow sensor
Tender For supply and commissioning of 1(one) unit of coagulator with solid state microprocessorcontrolled unit to offer bipolar output with controlled irrigation system for department of neurosurgery ot at calcutta national medical college and hospital
Tender For corrigendum : supply of roof mounted ac package unit rmpu type-ii for lhb power car, con sisting of rmpu with r407-c refrigerant -01 no. to the rdso specification no. rdso/pe/spe c/ac/0061-2005 rev-1 and microprocessorcontroller unit- 01 no. to the rdso specification no.rdso/pe/ spec/ ac/0139-2009 rev.1, type - i complete with accessories as pe r scope of supply as envisaged in the rdso specifications and without air bellows (suppl y air, fresh air and return air). note: 1. rdso drawing no rdso/pe/sk/ac/0069-2004, rev-3 o r latest shall be followed. 2. standardisation of location of ntc, ohp & esti sensors sh all be as per rdso modification sheet no rdso/pe/ms/ac/0087 (rev-0)-2022. 3. mounting det ails for rmpu switch panel shall be provided as per drawing no.icf/sk3-7-2-062 alt- a. 4. dif ferential pressure switch (dps) based heater protection system for rmpu shall be provided as per rds o modification sheet no. rdso/pe/ms/ac/0089 (rev-0)-2022. 5. packing instruction as per pi-026 ver.1.0 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]