Tender For supply of bath mat pvc , bed hard , charpoy ip with top , teapoy , receptacle pvc with bucket , safe meat and milk , form with back , mirror looking large , ladder aluminium , chair cba steel 2 inch cushion , rifle rack with 55 rifles , rack steel 1830x760 x1905 , trestle store room steel , table dinning 6 persons , barber chair
Tender For repair and service of anvd for insas rifle lmg ser no 11908 - reapir and service of anvd for insas rifle lmg ser no 11908 , anvd for insas rifle lmg connector replacement ser no 11908 , reapir and service of anvd for insas rifle lmg ser no 119740 , anvd for insas rifle lmg connector replacement ser no 119740 , anvd for insas rilfe lmg washer repalcement ser no 119740
Tender For supply of rifle shooting range target paper fig 11 , rifle shooting range target paper fig 12 , rifle shooting range target paper fig 1x1 , target wooden pool , patch book , sand bag , target tin fig 11 , paper a 4 jk , paper lgal jk , register printing small arms 14 10