Tender For repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - industry unit; installation of ibs onboard ins brahmaputra; service provider-1. services - bridge- degutting of existing cabling of nav radars manta and bridgemaster (bridge, bridge top, post 23, ops room and flyco) 2000 mtrs, 2. services -degutting of foundation of existing units of navigational radars, bridge master, ecdis, mr 212 and manta (location- bridge, ops room, post 23 and flyco) 1 job, 3. services- degutting of units of bridgemaster radar, manta and ecdis. (location- bridge, ops room, post 23 and flyco) 1 job, 4. services-degutting and removal of bme radar antenna 1 job, 5. services-bridgetop- degutting and removal of nav radar pedestals/ platforms (qty-02) 2 job, 6. services - bridge manufacturing and fitment of all foundations for installation of mfcs (qty -03), mfds (qty03), optical bearing device (obd) (qty-02), integrated captain console (icc) (qty-02), dgps (qty-02) 12 nos, 7. services - bridge - installation of mfcs (qty -03), mfds (qty-03), optical bearing device (obd) (qty-02), integrated captain console (icc) (qty-02), dgps(qty-02) 12 nos, 8. services- ops room manufacturing and fitment of foundations of mfcs (qty -02), mfds (qty-05), integrated captain console (icc) (qty-01) 8 nos, 9. services- ops room - installation of mfcs (qty -02), mfds (qty-05), integrated captain console (icc) (qty-01) 8 nos, 10. services- post 23 manufacturing and fitment of all foundations for installation including vdr (qty -01), acos (qty-01), mccb (qty-01), ups (qty -03), nddu (qty-02), network switch (qty-02), battery bank (qty-01), transformer (qty-02) 13 nos, 11. services- ops room - installation of vdr (qty -01), acos (qty-01), mccb (qty-01), ups (qty -03), nddu (qty-02), network switch (qty-02), battery bank (qty-01), transformer (qty-02) 13 nos, 12. services - bridge wings/bridge top - manufacturing and fitment of all foundations for installation of mfd (qty -02) at bridge wings (port & stbd) and mfd (qty-01) at bridge top 3 nos, 13. services- bridge wings/bridge top - installation of mfd (qty -02) at bridge wings (port & stbd) and mfd (qty-01) at bridge top 3 nos, 14. services- captain s cabin fabrication and fitment of foundations for installation of mfd (qty -02) at captain s day/night cabin 3 nos, 15. services- captain s cabin - installation of mfd (qty -02) at captain s day/night cabin 3 nos, 16. services - renewal of cable trays (60 mm). (provisioning, installation and renewal of old cable tray including hot work). 500 mtrs, 17. services- manufacuring and fitment of cable conduit 60 sq mm at weather deck 1400 mtrs, 18. services- laying and securing of power cables as per schedule. 1000 mtrs, 19. services- laying of data cable i.a.w cable schedule. 3000 mtrs, 20. services- laying of intra compartment cables as per cable schedule indicated 4000 mtrs, 21. service-termination of old/ unused cables by terminating the shield circumferentially and grounding the core at both ends. 1 job, 22. service for -removal of microtech tiling 1 job, 23. services- surface preparation, deck foundation and deck strengthening for installation of ibs units in all compartments including ops room, bridge, flyco, post, 23, bridge wings (port & stbd), bridge top, captains day cabin/ night cabin and mcr preparation/ strengthening as per drawing. 1 job, 24. services- provisioning of all lagging and welding material during degutting and welding of all devices and compartment. 1 job, 25. services- regutting/degutting of lagging and all other associated units viz firemain line, power supply sockets, cables, trunking etc in all affected compartments due to the installation activities as indicated 1 job, 26. services-fitment of securing brackets on deck head to hold /fasten trunking for cooling system 1 job, 27. services-fabrication and fitment of trunking from deck heads to all cables as per cable route 1 job, 28. services- manufacture and fitment of 10 dec
Tender For restoration of 500 lpm ogp at sub district hospital sunderbani - servicing of air compressor of 500 lpm ogp by way of removing old air oil separator-02 nos, air filter -02 nos, oil filter- 02 nos, and draining compressor oil 40 litres and providing and fitting of new air oil separator 02 nos, air filter 02 nos, oil filter -02 nos, and compressor oil 40 litre. the job includes cost of material and labour charges for repair at site and all taxes as applicable.(compressor make fscurtis model: sem-60-a115electrical motor: 45kw, 60hp, 400v, 50hz), repair to gas pipe line system by way of checking out of leakages of 15mm, 28mm and 42mm copper pipe by way of gas welding/brazing ,replacement of damaged valves of 28mm & 42mm. the job includes cost of material and labour charges for repair at site and all taxes as applicable., repair to electrical main panel of the plant by replacing the damaged 160 amp and 125 amps 3 pole mccb . the job includes cost of material and labour charges for repair at site and all taxes as applicable
Tender For amtc of ephs in sector 5 ue kurukshetra repair of 25hp submersible pump gravel chlorinators ci specials and ms pipe mccb at various tubewell in kurukshetra complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto
Tender For repair and maintenance of electrical items, acs etc.-, repairing & maintenance contract (amc) for the repair of all electrical items i.e.: tube- light, coolers, fan, mcb, mccb, electrical lines, fitting of tube light, fan, coolers, mcb, mccb etc., , (without parts), , repairing, servicing & maintenance contract (amc) for the repair of all type of air- conditioners, , (without parts), , installation charges of new air-conditioner, , replacement charges of outer 1.5 tonne a.c., , replacement charges of outer 2.0 tonne a.c.,
Tender For corrigendum : repair/maint of air circuitbreaker, indoor/outdoor lt panel mccb change over switch and other connected works at stn under ge (af) chabua
Tender For corrigendum : repair / maintenance and improvement of building panel boards, mccb, db and mcb and sub main wiring at zone a under ge (n) bathinda at bathinda mil stn
Tender For geafu-68/2024-25 repair / maint of lt cable / parameter security light, lt panel, mccb, timer / nature switch and certain allied works at air force station nathatop