Tender For stage work for temporary restoration of bridle track from severbati to tunder lopara by way of construction of edge wall, snow clearance, slip clearance and wooden crossing length 5.00 km upto 31st march 2026.
Tender For stage work for temporary restoration of bridle track from dumhai to hatri by way of construction of edge wall ,snow clearance, slips clearance and wooden crossing length 5 km upto 31st march 2026.
Tender For stage work for temporary restoration of bridle track from hori bridge to sirshi by way of construction of edge wall, snow clearance, slip clearance and wooden crossing on dangdooru sirshi bridle track length 4 km upto 31st march 2026.
Tender For stage work for temporary restoration of link roads on (i) km 4th of pethgam renie road to hamdandoo by way of slip clearance snow clearance and allied works. l 1.5 km (ii) yordhoo to bhatta link road l 2.0 upto 31st march 2026.
Tender For stage work for temporary restoration by way of snow clearance slip clearance and allied works on bhandarkoot dachhan nowpachi bdn motorable road from km 19th to 32nd for the year 2025-26 upto 31st march 2026
Tender For stage work for temporary restoration by way of snow clearance slip clearance and allied works on bhandarkoot dachhan nowpachi bdn motorable road from km 1st to 18th for the year 2025-26 upto31st march 2026
Tender For supply of food grains, khassi meat, must. oil, masala and other miscellaneousarticles in sub jail tenughat in fin year 2025-26 (01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026)