Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of truck and multiutility vehicle for leading of pway material for two years in the jurisdiction of aden dli aden ndls under special repair den iii ndls
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - pdm1v24351 hiring of flatbed truck trailer of capacity 40 mt and 20 mt at paradip refinery paradip odisha
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of 09 ton capacity truck between jaipur ajmerjaipur for transportation of railway wheels railway material for 80 round trip for a period of two years
Tender For providing of domestic logistics by surface - truck; general/prevailing climatic conditions,domestic logistics by surface - hiring of bus; general/prevailing climatic conditions
Tender For providing of handling and transport on lumpsum basis - hiring of suitable truck for transportation of bogies from other units to bhavnagar workshop as per scope of work
Tender For hiring and running charges of super sucker machine and dumper truck for day to day maintenance and emergency needs and removing blockages under jurisdiction of ee(d)-092.
Tender For "hiring of two (02) numbers open body lcv truck along with fuel, driver & maintenance for transportation of material & movement of staff for a period of 03 years".
Tender For corrigendum : vehical hiring eicher or truck of carrying capacity above 5 tons for jasdan divsional store & tms for 24 hrs. annual base under jasdan division
Tender For corrigendum : vehical hiring eicher or truck of carrying capacity up to 5 tons for jasdan divsional store & tms for 24 hrs. annual base under jasdan division