CTN :39575649
05 Apr, 2025
Tender For procurement of machinery and equipment on behalf of national health mission - ot table, anaesthesia work station, defibrillator, phototherapy unit, x-ray class="text-red-selected">mobile, x-ray ma
chine 500 ma, x-ray ma
chine 300 ma,
colour doppler ultrasound ma
chine, hysteros
copy set, manual va
cuum extra
ctor, radiant w
arm ma
chine (image intensifier), ot light (shadowless lamp
ceiling type major), video laryngos
cope, flash auto
clave, washer disinfe
ctor, examination treatment light, pulse oximeter, line powered beside neonatal, surgi
cal diathermy bipolar, note :- 1.the basi
c pri
ce of the goods to be quoted without gst.2.all the pri
ces should be quoted in indian rupee (inr) only.3.the
c should be quoted year wise without gst.4.
c rate and turnkey work (if any) shall be in
cluded for determining l-1 bidder.5.gst shall be payable as appli
cable from time to time.6.
charges towards pa
cking & forwarding, inland transportation, insuran
ce (lo
cal transportation and storage) would be borne by the supplier from warehouse to the
consignee site, loading/unloading and other lo
costs in
cidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination as per se
ction-i shall also be borne by the supplier.7.the pri
ce should be in
clusive of supply, installation,
charges.8.l-1 will be determined item-wise on total basi
c pri
ce of the equipment (all in
clusive) (ex
cluding gst) + total
c (if any) (ex
cluding gst) + turnkey work (if any) (ex
cluding gst) for all the items as mentioned in se
case of optional a
ccessories/items (if any), rates may quoted in separate pdf file (along with the pri
ce bid), whi
ch will not be
considered for determining l-1 bidder. it is reiterated that the bidder should not submit this in the te
cal bid.it is
certified that the
cost of goods shown above, is all in
clusive ex
cept gst.signature of authorizedsignatory with seal