Tender For supply of oil machinery/general purpose machinery oil to is: 493-81 (part-1) gr.vg-100 (with rust preventive characteristics test, as per is: 1448-p-96, method a) to be supplied in 210 ltrs net capacity new, sound and non-returnable ms barrels of is:1783 (pt. i) 1983, gr 'a', type 2. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of machinery oil r/brand,packed in 210 ltrsnon-returnable new steel drum. io cs= servo system-68 bpcs= hydrol-68 hpcs= enklo-68 as per drg.no. nil alt nil [ warranty p eriod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For ambheti vdvk - purchase of machinery andequipments for value addition of minor forest produce under pm vdvk - oil extraction machine, decorticator machine manually operated (for the mahuwa seed), grinder, vacuum sealing machine, semi automatic flour mill operation
Tender For supply of bearing bush se kir , con rod brg std , main bearing , liner , ring , head gaskit , set off joint , set o ring , valve , guide , valve seal , tw , oil seal , thermostat valve , v belt cogged , machinery job works , engine opening fitting , radiator clearing charges , cly head job works , labour only for repairing of 500 kva generator with one oem engineer and helper all as per direction of engineerincharge
Tender For supply of internal combustion engine crankcase oils for automotive application (diesel and gasoline) as per is: 13656 (q2) , general purpose machinery oil as per is 493 (part - 1) (q2)