Tender For supply of suture - sics blade set , eye drapes , goggles post oprative black goggle , dispo needle 26 1/2 inch , signoloc roll , suture 10.00 , post chamber intra ocular lens iol , hydroxypropyle methyl cellulose inj viscomet 5ml appa swami , hyaluronidase 1500 iv inj hylase 1500 iv , inj lignocaine with adrenaline 2% neon , inj trypan blue inj bluerex , inj pilocarpine inj carpinol , xylocaine 4 percent topical , tab acetozolomide tab dimox 250 mg 1 x 10 strip , moxifloxacin with dexamethasone e d mosi d e d , moxifloxacineeyedrops mossi e d , tobramycine e d , ofloxacin eyedrop oflox e d , hypersol e d , ciprofloxacin eyue drop ciplox e d , ciprofloxacin with dexamethasone e d ciplox d e d , atropine eyedrop atropin e d , flurbinprofen eyedrops aflur e d , appadine e d , cyuclopentolale eyedrops cyclopent e d , tropicomide with phenylephine eyedrop tropico plus e d , prednisolone eue drop predmet e d , timolol maleate eyedrop lotim e d , proparcaine eyedrop lotim e d , occupol ointment plain , occupol-d ointment