Tender For medical, surgical, laboratory and post-mortem equipments - medical, surgical, laboratory and post-mortem equipments, digital ir thermometer, stethoscope, micro chip reader, examination table ss top large - 8ft x 4ft, examination table ss top medium - 6ft x 2.5ft, instrument trolley with ss top on caster wheels-ss, mayo trolley - ss, medicine trolley- ss, instrument cabinet, metallic, painted white and glass front, hand wash basin with stand - ss, iv stand- ss, electric sterilizer (12x4x6 in)- ss, patient stretcher canvas - 6 x3 , ss kidney tray 6", ss kidney tray 8", ss tray with lid 8 x 8 , autoclave 100ltr, refrigerator 250 ltr double door, automatic washing machine top loading - 6l, fumigator (fogster), fly catchers, uv lamps for theatre disinfection, platform weighing balance 500 kg, knives various type and size, axe various size, chain-saw, hand hammer, hand saw- ss (small & medium size), chisel - ss, hooks - ss, carts on roller/ wheel barrow, metal detector, pm cleaning room ower jet water cleaner, binocular research microscope with battery back-up, centrifuge machine, electronic weighing balance upto 100gms, hiviral transport medium, haemoglobinometer, refrigerator for reagent storage, -20 deep freezer -200l vertical, blood vacutainers, syringes 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 50ml
Tender For procurement of machinery and equipment on behalf of directorate of health services hp - cardiac monitor, high pressure high speed horizontal steam instrument sterilizer, phacoemulsification unit, fess endoscopy unit, ent operating microscope, oae(clinical), ent workstations /treatment unit, shaver system cum micro drill, digital mammography unit, analogue mammography machine, computed radiography system for mammography, electro hydraulic operation table for orthopaedic surgery, surgical instrument set (ortho), autopsy(mortuary)table, mortuary cabinet (6- body), laparoscopic set with instruments, ctg machine, delivery table(obstetric labour table), foetal doppler, multipara monitor (obg), video colposcope, suction apparatus, autoclave horizontal, autoclave vertical, autoclave ot automatic, multi-channel electrocardiographic, fogging machine for ot (fumigator), crash cart trolley, infusion pump, retinoscope, indirect ophthalmoscope, electric cautery, laryngo-laryngoscope, digital otoscope, head light(ent), power drill for ortho, power saw for ortho, harmonic scalpel, laparotomy set, single puncture laparoscope for tubal ligation, spot light, note :-1.the basic price of the goods to be quoted without gst.2.all the prices should be quoted in indian rupee (inr) only.3.the cmc should be quoted year wise without gst.4.cmc rate and turnkey work (if any) shall be included for determining l-1 bidder.5.gst shall be payable as applicable from time to time.6.charges towards packing & forwarding, inland transportation, insurance (local transportation and storage) would be borne by the supplier from warehouse to the consignee site, loading/unloading and other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination as per section-i shall also be borne by the supplier.7.the price should be inclusive of supply, installation, commissioning charges.8.l-1 will be determined item-wise on total basic price of the equipment (all inclusive) (excluding gst) + total cmc (if any) (excluding gst) + turnkey work (if any) (excluding gst) for all the items as mentioned in section-i.9.in case of optional accessories/items (if any), rates may quoted in separate pdf file (along with the price bid), which will not be considered for determining l-1 bidder. it is reiterated that the bidder should not submit this in the technical bid.it is certified that the cost of goods shown above, is all inclusive except gst.signature of authorizedsignatory with seal
Tender For supply and fixing of electrical , medical materials and maintanance to barathipuram abc centre in zone -3 - supply and fixing of following materials including cost and conveyances of all charges etc completed as per standard specifications, artery forceps straight 6", artery forceps curved 6", allis forceps 6", needle holder 6", thumb forceps rat tooth, bp handle no-4, metsenbaum scissor staright, towel clamp, mosquito forceps straight, mayo scissor straight, spay hook, kidney tray 8", instrument tray medium, bio medical waste bin 15 ltr, scrub l, scrub xl, scrub xxl, 10*10 fixomull tape, drape green sheet 1 mtr *300, soldering electric welding solder, sterilizer 12*6, vertical autoclave 12*12, a/c service and gas filling, ceiling fan, exhaust fan 450mm, 1 hp motor starter, 15amps switch with gang box, plumbing work, 180l fridge, stabilizer, 18w led fitting with light, welding work, electrical wiring and labour charges, `
Tender For supply of vertical, top loading cylindrical autoclave machine for steam and pressure sterilization, steril izer chamber capacity in l (usable volume) 20 - 25 liter, sterilizer chamber type -circular, sterilizer chamb er material double walled ss 304 or higher grade steel, working temperature 121 degree celsius (with inst allation , demonstration and commencement at consignee location) make- htico/sareen surgical/indo surg ical ]