Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of upper pole assembly complete with all internal parts including vaccum interrupter part no j71715199 , lower pole assembly complete with all internal parts including insulating studs and terminal part no j71715099 , vacuum interrupter part no 3vc200014 , spring charge motor part no 3vc400010 07 , closing coil assembly part no 4vc49110 , tripping coil assembly part no j4vc590189 , rectifier unit part no j9574194 , local remote switch 2 pole 2 part no j9574182 , breaker control swith 1 pole trip neutral close part no j9574183 , contact multiplication relay for 110dc antipumping part no j9574187 , winding temperature relay part no j479751 , master trip relay part no j479744 , heavy duty power pack 3 phase part no j479749 , facia enunciator 8 window part no j572656 , alarm bell hooter part no j309777 , power factor meter part no j479650 , self supervising numerical idmt relay highly sensitive for 3 o c and 1 e f broken conductor negative fase sequence protections suitable for cummunication and binary io configuration part no j573694 , bucholze alarm trip part no j480618 , oil temperature relay part no j479477 , trip neutral close switch part no j479677 , indicating lamp fitting set consist of 08 pcs part no j310092c , antipumpimg relay part no j479653 , ammeter selector switch part no j309025 , voltmeter selector switch part no j309024 , timer aux supply 220 v dc part no j9574215 , mechanism complete with spring charge motor 110v 220v dc part no j95736072
Tender For corrigendum : supply of fixed contact assembly 400a part no bd 4510 , arc control pot separator part no ek 6050876 , barrier part no ek 6050869 , insulated bolt big part no pd 420 , insulated bolt small part no pd 8296 , carriage assembly complete 400 630a part no bd 5550 , moving contact assembly part no bd 5551 , jaw contact assembly set part no bd 4050 , auxiliary plug and socket assembly complete set part no bd 4850 , guide pin big part no pd 4043 , guide pin small part no pd 3597 , lead screw assembly part no bd 4860 , operating mechanism complete set part no bd 4911 , rod holder assembly part no bd 4921 , shunt trip coil assembly part no 1650ts , isolating spout assembly with nylon shroud part no bc 9977 , elr core balance current transformer part no ea 6650 , power pack unit 110v dc part no bd 5999 , instrument chamber box complete with internal wiring including selector switches, indication lamps voltmeter, ampere meter, fuse base etc part no bdw 7771 , partition plate assembly part no bd 5255 , operating shutter assembly part no bd 5310 , gas van pipe part no bd 5589 , ocb tank partition part no bd 4711 , earthing bar contact part no bd 8810 , cable entry box part no bd 2290 , idmt relay complete set with 2 over current and 1 earth fault with instantaneous tripping high set part no ea 6561 , high speed tripping relay part no ea 6890 , assorted hardware part no bd 9295 , under and over voltage relay part no ea 6591 , heavy duty earth leakage relay with leakage display time lag facility and cbct part no ea 6641 , trolley complete with all accessories part no bd 8268 , rotary switch complete with link and fixing plate part no bd 9191 , complete wiring set part no bd 5988
Tender For lab equipment and camical-, calcium nitrate, , calcium sulphate, , calcium sulphite, , calcium sulphide, , ferrous sulphate, , ferric chloride, , lodine, , lead acetate, , lead carbonate, , lead nitrate, , potassium acetate, , potassium carbonate, , potassium chromate, , potassium di chromate, , potassium lodide, , sodium bi carbonate, , sodium hydroxide (pellets), , sodium oxalate, , sodium thiosulphate, , silver nitrate a.r., , acid benzoic, , acid nitric, , acid sulphuric, , acid hydrochloric a.r., , acetamide, , acetone, , benzamide, , benzyldehyde, , benzophenone, , chloroform, , carbon tetra chloride, , m-dinitro benzene, , glycerine/glycerol, , 1- napthol, , 2-naphthol, , napthaline, , phenol, , pyridine, , tolune, , beaker 100 ml., , cappillary tube, , boiling test tube 25x150 mm, , condenser 200 mm, , funnel plain short stem, , funnel plain short stem plastic, , filter paper sheet, , rubber tube 6&8 mm., , steel gauge, , test tube 12x75, , chemical thermometer 360 d., , visco metre, , wire guaze(iron), , watch glass 10 cm. borosil, , porceline dish 100 mm., , t.t. brush, , distillation assembly full, , rb flask wide neck 100 ml, , rb flask wide neck 250 ml, , rb flask with socket 24/29 single, , fb flask wide neck 100 ml, , fb flask wide neck 250 ml, , fb flask with socket 24/29 single, , vol. flask with stopper 250 ml, , vol. flask with stopper 1000 ml, , paper for chromatography, , burette stand, , gas burner, , spatual ss, , burette clamp, , conical flask 250 ml, , hot water kettle, , microwave oven, , printer & scanner, , thermas flask, , crusible tongs, , funnel (buehner), , study of or, and, not logic gates (using discrete components) and comparison with ttl ic's with power supply (c.r.), , op-amp as non-inverting and inverting amplifier, , sodium lamp with choke & wooden box, , study of variation of total thermal radiation with temperature with power supply and 2 dual range meters (c.r.), , charging and discharging of a condenser with power supply and 2 multi range meters, , study of the characteristic of junction diode and zener diode, , study of characteristic of a fet, , determine the thermodynamic constant using clements and desorme's method, , to convert a galvanometer into a ameter of a given range, , to convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter of a given range, , diffraction grating, , eyepiece, , newton's ring experiment setup (complete set), , energy band gap in semiconductor diode (complete set), , to study the magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil (complete set), , to study the voltage and current behaviour of an lr circuit with ac power source (complete set), , to determine the moment of inertia of a fly-wheel (complete set), , measure the induction by the anderson bridge coil, , find high resistance by the leakage method, , verification of laws & network theorems in dc circuits, , anned with camscanner,
Tender For corrigendum : electrical lab equipment - colour digital storage oscilloscope 100mhz 1gs/s with fft, voltmeter 0-500v (analog ), voltmeter 0-500v (analog ) moving iron type, ammeter 0-1-2a (analog ) moving iron type, ammeter 0-2.5-5a (analog ) pmmc type, ammeter 0-5-10a (analog) moving iron type, wattmeter lpf dynamometer type, wattmeter 5-10a, 75-300-600v upf dynamometer type, megger 500v 1000m digital insulation tester, single person push button operation, bridge trainer kit, digital earth tester, energy meter 1-phase, trivector meter, dc motor cut section for lab application with manual, transistor characteristics npn-pnp trainer kit, trainer kit for turn off circuit of scr for laboratory purpose, smps trainer kit power supply : 230 v ac , 50 hz, ups trainer kit input voltage 180-260 volts, 50 hz, three phase induction motor cut section for lab application, three phase 6 cage induction motor trainer kit ,, universal motor phase single phase, stepper motor voltage 24-48 vdc, three phase squirrel cage induction motor trainer kit for speed control using auto transformer and vvvf method mains supply : three phase, 415v 10%, 50hz, lux meter, house & commercial wiring installation trainer, speed control of dc shunt motor trainer, speed control of dc series motor trainer, functioning of ct, pt and isolation transformer complate trainer, voltmeter and ammeter method for measurement of medium resistance., clamp meter, dc, ac & wave shaping circuit trainer, oil testing kit, transformer trainer 300 va, dc motor coupled to dc motor trainer, 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor trainer, single phase ac inducation motor trainer, dc motor coupled to 3 ph ac motor trainer, 3 phase ac integrated motor coupled to dc integrated motor setup (motor-generator setup):, electrical load power factor trainer (apfc), complete house wiring installation trainer, 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor trainer, control of 3 ph. squirrel cage induction motor trainer, 3 phase slip ring induction motor trainer, 1 ph. ac induction motor trainer, 3 phase salient pole alternator coupled to dc integrated motor setup (motor-generator setup) trainer, ac servo motor trainer with pid controller, dc servo position control trainer with pid controller, measurement of linear displacement by lvdt transduser trainer, strain gauge transduser trainer, temperature sensing transduser trainer, pressure measurment by piezo resistive transducer trainer, angular speed measurement using stroboscope & tacho meter transduser trainer, op-amp trainer, adc & dac circuits trainer, pelton turbine trainer (assemble & dismantle of micro hydro plant), microcontroller trainer 8051, solar and wind turbine trainer, fuse & mcb characteristics trainer, air circuit breaker trainer (dismantle acb), induction type electromagnetic relay trainer, electromagnetic over current reley i numerical relay trainer, percentage biased differential relay trainer, motor fault simulator trainer, on transmission line protection simulation trainer., lcr meter, digital multimeter, tachometer, wire striper, pliers, ball pen hammer, earth tester, took kit, soldering iron 25 watt with lead
Tender For supply of tnc switch with bell alarm contact part no. 4602321175 , mcb part no. 460232282 , green 24v dc vcb off part no. 460232453d , amber 24v dc autotrip part no. 460232454d , white 24v dc trip ckt healthy part no. 460232455d , red 110v ac r phase healthy part no. 460232457d , auxulary switch auxilary contacts 6 no part no. 190232585 , ammeter selector switch part no. 460232238 , voltmeter selector switch part no. 460232239
Tender For supply of mine line make spares for different equipments - cover bolts , isolator assembly k3 on off , isolatorassembly k4 on off 300a , mounting bar for isolator , coilspring for isolator up to 400a , isolator micro switch assly ,catcher assembly , arc chutes , ammeter100 5 for acb ,ammeter 200 5 for acb , ammeter 300 5 for acb ,ammeter 400 5 for acb , push button actuator for el test ,push button actuator for el reset , potential transformer ,incoming gland , outgoing gland , glass fuse with holder ,power cable for 300a for breaker chamber ic og set ,power cable for 400a for breaker chamber ic og set ,power cable for 200a for breaker chamber ic og set , limitswitch 2no 2nc for breaker , brass terminal , push buttonwith spindle , brass terminal for cp , earth leakage relay50 750m a with time lag with cbct , moving contract forisolator , overload assembly breaker 30a 100a , overloadassembly breaker 110a 200a , overload coil 200 a , movingcontact for breaker upto 200 amps , moving contact forbreaker 400 amps , shunt trip assly complete. , no volt coilassy. under voltage coil assy. without moulding , no voltcoil assy. under voltage coil assy. with moulding , currenttransformer for ammeter , busbar , indicating lamps ,moving contact finger 400a , fixed contact assy. forbreaker , operating handle for isolator , terminal bushingwith insulator dmc incoming 6mm 20mm , terminal bushingwith insulator dmc incoming 8mm 20mm , fixed contactassy. for isolator 400a , overload assembly breaker 310a400a , arc chutes pillar , fixed contact breaker , potentialtransformer 80v , overload assembly breaker 210a-300a ,limit switch no nc for breaker , on off isolator 300a ,rectifier , ht bushing with stud. 3.3kv , reveering isolator3.3kv , ht rec pt fuse , p fuse plate wiring ass. , ht fusesupport base eppxy cast , aux. transformor single phase , support base eppxy cast , aux. transformor single phase , voltmeter selector switch , potential transformor ,isolator handle , off delay timer , incoming throughgoing sealing box with cone and gland assy , outgoingterminal swaling box with cine gland 3 way , copperterminals with dmc bushing , brass terminal with dmcbushing , brass terminal with nylon bushing , isolatorhandle , on off isolator 100a , glass fuse with holder , noactuator , nc actuator , relay coil voltage 2co contact ,pot. transformer , push button with spindle , actuator nonc , hrc fuse 16a , hrc fuse 63a , sensitive earthleakage relay 50 300ma with variable time lag , indicatingled , body bolt , ammmeter , core blancetransformer , thermal overloderelay with block , isolatork3 on off , thermal ol relay ctr 50 5 range 20a 50a ,ammeter 120 5 for lt starter , on delay timer , potentialtransforiner , aux, contactor220v ac , glass fuse withholder , potential transformer 80 va , sensitive earthleakage relay 50 300ma with variable time lag with controltransformer and suitable cbct , pilot relay , brassterminal with dmc bushing , brass stud with dmcbushing for og , hrc power fuse , isolator handle ,thermal o l relay ctr 120 5 range 48a 120a , off delaytimer , aux. relay 220v ac coll 3co base , multi pilot relay12.5 dc , single phasing preventer current operated ,single pole two way toggle switch , actuator no , actuatornc , push button element , isolator on oft rov 300aa ,isolator 3p on off 100a , indicating lamp , potentialtransformer , ht bushing , control relay 110v , dcpower pack , hcr ht pt fuse 3.3kv , pct transformer, aux contractor , natutral earthing resistor , vcbclosing coil , vcb shunt trip coil , vacuuminterrupter , neutral monitoring relay withresistance , earth leakage 5 750 ma and 750 ma 2 a dualsetting with time lag with cbct , 3 pole oil dashpot relay300 5 , dc power pack , vcb limit sweitch , hv bushuing ,isolator , current transformer , vcb shunt trip coil , controlrelay , capictor trip device , vaccum circuit breaker , pottransformer 500va , indicating lamp , contrtol fuse , undervoltage r...
Tender For corrigendum : supply of goods, tools & equipmentforan international standard itotin wireman tradeat iti kubernagar, gujarat, indiapackage 5: wireman trade - low voltage control and systems., residential and small business systems, electrical machine trainer, motor-generator (ac to dc), motor generator (dc to ac) set, linear i.c. trainer, digital i.c. trainer, grid connected industrial photovoltaic training system three phase system, component of typical small hydro power, component of typical water mill, off-grid photovoltaic training system with solar pump system single phase system, building control systems and automation, industrial control system and automation, 20 kv voltage distribution and grid control system, testing lab, ar-vr training set up., portable electric drill machine, pillar electric drill machine, outside micrometer, motorized bench grinder, rawl plug tool & bit, hydrometer, thermometer, soldering iron, copper bit soldering iron, de soldering gun, table vice, ohm meter; series type & shunt type, stock and dies conduit, multi meter (analog), digital multi meter, a.c. voltmeter, milli voltmeter, d.c. milliammeter, ammeter, a.c. ammeter, a.c. ammeter, kilo wattmeter, a.c. energy meter, power factor meter, frequency meter (analog + digital), tachometer with stopwatch, current transformer primary-, potential transformer, growler internal+ external, tong tester / clamp meter, megger, wheat stone bridge with galvanometer & battery 2 nos, earth tester
Tender For corrigendum : supply of goods, tools & equipmentforan international standard itotin electrician tradeat iti vyara, gujarat, india - electrical machine trainer suitable for demonstrating the construction and functioning of different types of dc machines and ac machines (single phase and three phases). should be fitted with friction brake arrangement, dynamometer, and instrument panel and power supply unit., motor-generator (ac to dc) consisting of: squirrel cage induction motor with star-delta starter and directly coupled to dc shunt generator and switch board mounted with regulator, air breaker, ammeter, voltmeter, knife blade switches and fuses, set complete with case iron and plate, fixing bolts, foundation bolts and flexible coupling. induction motor rating: dc shunt generator rating: induction motor rating: dc shunt generator rating:, motor generator (dc to ac) set consisting of-shunt motor with starting compensator and switch directly coupled to ac generator with exciter and switch board mounted with regulator, breaker, ammeter, voltmeter frequency meter, knife blade switch and fuses etc. set complete with cast iron bed plate, fixing bolts, foundation bolts and flexible coupling. shunt motor rating: ac generator rating:, linear i.c. trainer, digital i.c. trainer, component of typical small hydro power, component of typical water mill, low voltage control and systems. with suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, residential and small business systems with suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, building control systems and automation with suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, industrial control system and automation with suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, solar system lab suitable tables, circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the experiments by the student, training system predictive maintenance and condition monitoring of electric drives, electric vehicle motors and battery training & test bench, industrial electrical testing facility with circuits, power supply, control units, software, hardware, wiring, switches ready to conduct the testing by the student, ar-vr training set up., portable electric drill machine, pillar electric drill machine, outside micrometer, motorized bench grinder, rawl plug tool & bit, hydrometer, thermometer, soldering iron, copper bit soldering iron, de soldering gun, table vice, ohm meter; series type & shunt type, stock and dies conduit, multi meter (analog), digital multi meter, a.c. voltmeter, milli voltmeter, d.c. milliammeter, ammeter, a.c. ammeter, a.c. ammeter, kilo wattmeter, a.c. energy meter, power factor meter, frequency meter (analog + digital), tachometer with stopwatch, current transformer primary-, potential transformer, growler internal+ external, tong tester / clamp meter, megger, wheat stone bridge with galvanometer & battery 2 nos, earth tester