Tender For supply of electrolyte for nickel-cadmiumbattery of wag9/wap7 locos (type b-5, density 1.19) a s per clw specification no clw/es/3/0030 alt-d [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]
Tender For supply of nickel-cadmiumbattery set with standard accessories for use in 3 phase loco to clw s pec. no. clw/es/3/0030 alt-d or latest. each set consists of 26 blocks of 03 cells each. [ warranty pe riod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of nickelcadmiumbattery storage unit (6v,150 ah) dlw pt.no.17051472 drg no. emd pt. no. 10609375,dlw drg.no.10609375 alt aa rdso spec.no..mp (rev-03) july 2 021 ]