Tender For corrigendum : procurement of ptg items for ptg ballot for mlc teachers elections - , p. s positive plates for web r.o-62 machine (technova) size:467mmx620mmx0.3mm, p. s positive plates for eagle 30 machine (technova) size:560mmx770mmx0.3mm, rubber blankets without patties (cow brand) for web r.o-62 m/c size:497mmx633mmx4ply, offset book black ink for web r.o 62 m/c (coats brand) , p.s positive developer (technova), roller wash (technova), scum remover (technova), gum solution (technova), mobil oil 20w/40 (castrol), plate cleaner-gp (technova), cello tapes , pvc gum tapes 3, benzyne (1 ltr. x 50), rin soaps (small), viscovita sponges, astrolon sheets (thin), image remover (+ve) (100 ml), cotton wool (400 gms.), plate suckers/rubber suckers (as per sample), chalk powder for cutting m/c, plate rivets for web r.o-62 m/c (as per sample), plate patties for web r.o60 m/c (as per sample), blanket patties with screws for web r.o 62 m/c (as per sample), v-belts for web r.o-62 m/c size:2350, novadom fountain solution (no.405), acid font powder (200 gms), cotton waste , p. s positive plates for web r.o-62 machine (technova) size:467mmx620mmx0.3mm, p. s positive plates for eagle 30 machine (technova) size:560mmx770mmx0.3mm, rubber blankets without patties (cow brand) for web r.o-62 m/c size:497mmx633mmx4ply, offset book black ink for web r.o 62 m/c (coats brand) , p.s positive developer (technova), roller wash (technova), scum remover (technova), gum solution (technova), mobil oil 20w/40 (castrol), plate cleaner-gp (technova), cello tapes , pvc gum tapes 3, benzyne (1 ltr. x 50), rin soaps (small), viscovita sponges, astrolon sheets (thin), image remover (+ve) (100 ml), cotton wool (400 gms.), plate suckers/rubber suckers (as per sample), chalk powder for cutting m/c, plate rivets for web r.o-62 m/c (as per sample), plate patties for web r.o60 m/c (as per sample), blanket patties with screws for web r.o 62 m/c (as per sample), v-belts for web r.o-62 m/c size:2350, novadom fountain solution (no.405), acid font powder (200 gms), cotton waste
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 12mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 14mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 16mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 18mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 20mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 22mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 24mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 26mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 28mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 30mm length , polyaxial screw - ti 3.5mm dia - 32mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 20 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 22 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 24 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 26 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 28 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 30 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 32 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 34 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 36 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 38 mm length , shank screw ti 3.5 mm - 40 mm length , occipital plate 5 h - ti - 28-40 mm , occipital plate 5 h - ti - 38-50 mm , occipital screw ti 3.5mm - 6 mm length , occipital screw ti 3.5mm - 8 mm length , occipital screw ti 3.5mm - 10 mm length , occipital screw ti 3.5mm - 12 mm length , occipital screw ti 3.5mm - 14 mm length , occipital screw ti 3.5mm- 16 mm length , top loading crossing link ti small - offset body hook ti left 5 mm , top loading crossing link ti small - offset body hook ti right 5 mm , top loading crossing link ti small - offset body hook ti left 7 mm , top loading crossing link ti small - offset body hook ti right 7 mm , connecting rod - ti 3.7mm - 40 to 90mm length - in 10mm diff , connecting rod -ti 3.7mm - 100 to 200mm length - in 10mm diff , corpectomy cage ti - cage ti 10mm dia x 100mm length , corpectomy cage ti - cage ti 12mm dia x 100mm length , corpectomy cage ti - cage ti 14mm dia x 100mm length , corpectomy cage ti - cage ti 16mm dia x 100mm length , corpectomy cage ti - cage ti 18mm dia x 100mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 12mm dia - 20mm expandable upto 25mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 12mm dia - 25mm expandable upto 35mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 12mm dia - 35mm expandable upto 55mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 12mm dia - 55mm expandable upto 85mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 14mm dia - 20mm expandable upto 25mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 14mm dia - 25mm expandable upto 35mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 14mm dia - 35mm expandable upto 55mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 14mm dia - 55mm expandable upto 85mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 16mm dia - 20mm expandable upto 25mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 16mm dia - 25mm expandable upto 35mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 16mm dia - 35mm expandable upto 55mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 16mm dia - 55mm expandable upto 85mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 18mm dia - 20mm expandable upto 25mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 18mm dia - 25mm expandable upto 35mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 18mm dia - 35mm expandable upto 55mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti 18mm dia - 55mm expandable upto 85mm length , corpectomy expandable cage ti locking screw small , corpectomy cage with integrated plate ti expandable cage - 12 mm x 20-25 , 25-30 , corpectomy cage with integrated plate ti expandable cage - 14 mm x 20-25 , 25-30 , corpectomy cage with integrated plate ti expandable cage - 16 mm x 20-25 , 25-30 , corpectomy cage with integrated plate ti expandable cage - 18 mm x 20-25 , 25-30 , corpectomy cage with integrated plate ti expandable cage - 12 mm x 30-40 , 40-60 , corpectomy cage with integrated plate ti expandable cage - 14 mm x 30-40 , 40-60 , corpectomy cage with integrated plate ti expandable cage - 16 mm x 30-40 , 40-60 , corpectomy cage with integrated plate ti expandable cage - 18 mm x 30-40 , 40-60 , monolock polyaxial screw ti premium sq - 6.5mm dia - 50 mm , monolock polyaxial sc
Tender For tender for supply of clavicular hook plate lcp complete construct with 03 cortical screws and 02 locking screwscomma left or right side titanium , distal radius lcp t plate 3 point5mmcomma complete construct with 3 locking and 3 cortical screws titanium , distal radius locking platecomma variable angle complete construct with 6 locking and 3 cortical screws stainless steel 316l , antibiotic coated tibial nail with 4x locking boltscomma and 01 end cap titanium , uncemented thr prosthesis set ceramic on ceramic consisting of 1 point uncemented acetabular cup option of three screw holes or no holes 2 point biolox delta ceramic liner 3 point uncemented femoral stem with lateral offset optioncomma 12oblik14 tapercomma 4 point biolox delta ceramic head 28oblik32oblik36mm with different neck lengths comma 5 point three acetabular bone screws point 6 point dome and screw hole caps point , biocomposite interference screwcomma prepackedcomma presterilised screw diameter 6 mm to 12 mmcomma length 15 mm to 35 mm for acl or pcl reconstruction , suture disc for acl pcl reconstructioncomma titaniumcomma all sizescomma pre sterilised point , titanium endobutton with adjustible length suspensory loop made of suture made of uhwpe core with braided polyester jacket for femoral fixation of tendon graft for acl reconstructioncomma with two differently colour coded loops for pulling and flipping , bio absorbable compression screw for osteochondral fracture fixation for osteochondral defect repair , full radius resector for arthroscopic shaver systemcomma disposablecomma presterilisedcomma 3 to 5 point5 cm diameter , radio frequency probe 3 point5 to 4 point5 mm electrode 45 or 90 degreescomma with integrated hand piece and cablecomma pre sterilised and with outlet for suction , disposable pre sterilised needles for suture shuttle for meniscal or root repair for knee scorpion or first pass or similar , suture lasso with nitinol or metal wire loop pre sterilised with disposable pre loaded with handle and mechanism to push the loop into tissue straight 30 degree , 2 point0 mm x 12 mm suture anchor biocompositecomma with sliding 2 to 0 suturecomma fibrewire or orthocord likecomma x 90 cmcomma presterilised and preloadedcomma suturecomma , orthochord or fiberwire no point 2 suture on needlecomma sterilecomma disposablecomma , absorbable calcium sulphate powdercomma pharmaceutical gradecomma with bead kit with option to add antibiotic of choice 5ml or 10ml , high viscosity bone cement with two antibiotics mixed 40 gms , cement mixing bowl with mixing spatulacomma disposable , hip u drape set made of impermeable fabric triple layer consisting of 1 point two large water proof trolley covers of size 160 cm x 240 cm approxcomma 2 point one water proof trolley cover of size 150 cm x 200 cm approxcomma 3 point one impervious reinforced fabric u drape with adhesive tape size 180 cm x 315 cm approxcomma 4 point one hip drape with circular tear drop fenestration 300 cm x 220 cm x 330 cm approx with leg pocket point , unilateral total knee replacement drape setcomma impermeable control plus fabric with triple layer consisting of 1 point two large water proof trolley covers of size 152 cm x 228 cm approxcomma 2 point one water proof trolley cover of size 112 cm x 229 cm approxcomma 3 point impervious reinforced fabric u drape with adhesive tape size 193 cm x 308 cm appxcomma 4 point one knee o drape with reinforced zone , sterile disposable knee arthroscopy drape with fluid collection pouchcomma conforming circular fenestration and tube holderscomma 90 inches x 124 inchescomma compliant with iso 11607 2comma iso 11810 1 standardscomma 10 percent variation in size acceptable , sterile chlorhexidine sponge with applicator for hipcomma approx 20 ml , cling drape film rollcomma sterilecomma transparent point , orthopedic tear resistant glovescomma different sizescomma size 7 or 7 point5 or 8comma ultrathick 0 point33 mmcomma 40 percent thicker than regular glovescomma