Tender For corrigendum : electraialn material supply at nagarpanchayat bahadura dist- nagpur for year 2025-2026 - indoor led lamp up to 9w, led street light fitting for 26 to 26w, led street light fitting for 40 to 55w, led flood light fitting for 50 to 75w, led flood light fitting 75 to 90w, led flood light fitting for 100 to 120w, led flood light fitting for 120 to 150w, led light driver for 26 to 50w, led light driver for 50 to 75w, led light driver for 75 to 100w, led light driver for 100 to 120w, led light driver for 120 to 150w, surge protection device 10 kv for led light, square / round shaped led panel light suitable for 9 w - 12 w., led panel light square / round shape suitable for 19 to 24 w, spmcb 6a to 32a, spmcb 40a to 63a, dpmcb 40a to 63a,, spn mcb 6a to 32a, spn mcb 40a, tpmcb 16 a to 32a, tpmcb 40a to 63a, fpmcb 16a to 32a, fpmcb 40a to 63a, four pole isolators only switch version of miniature circuitbreakers of 40a, four pole isolators only switch version of miniature circuitbreakers of 63a, spndb one pole for spmcb 1 no on iron/ gi frame, double pole isolator only switch version of miniature circuitbreaker of 40a, double pole metal clad switch 240v, 16a, double pole metal clad switch 240v, 32a, double pole metal clad switch 240v,63a, triple pole metal clad switch 415v, 16a, triple pole metal clad switch 415v, 32a, triple pole metal clad switch 415v, 63a, triple pole metal clad switch 415v, 100a, triple pole metal clad rewireable fuseswitch 415v, 200a, wptc alluminium service wire 2 core 4 sq mm, wptc alluminium service wire 2 core 6 sq mm, insulation tape roll, wptc alluminium service wire 2 core 10 sq mm, flat flexible 3 core 4 sq mm pvc sheathed submersible type copper cable, flat flexible 3 core 6 sq mm pvc sheathed submersible type copper cable, exhaust fan heavy duty 230 v a.c. 50cycles 300 mm. 1400 rpm, wall fan 400 mm, regular ceiling fan of 1200 mm., condenser 4 mfd, condenser 2.5 micro farad for ceiling fan, pvc casing-n-capping of size 25 mm, pvc casing-ncapping of size 32 mm, ceiling rose / batten holder / 6a., lamp holder 230 v.a.c. supply., street light wall bracket made from 40 mm. dia, 1.5 sq.mm f.r copper wire, 2.5 sq.mm f.r copper wire, 4 sq.mm f.r copper wire, 6 sq.mm f.r copper wire, 7/20 sq.mm f.r copper wire, fuse wire 100 amp, 2 pole contractor, 3 pole contractor, digital time switch, analog timer, dwc pipe 50 mm dia, armoured cable 2 core 4sq. mm. aluminium conductor, armoured cable 2 core 6sq. mm. aluminium conductor, armoured cable 2 core 10sq. mm. aluminium conductor, armoured cable 2 core 16sq. mm. aluminium conductor, armoured cable 4 core 10sq. mm. aluminium conductor, armoured cable 4 core 16sq. mm. aluminium conductor, armoured cable 3 core 25sq. mm. aluminium conductor, armoured cable 3 core 70sq. mm. aluminium conductor, porcelain base cut out 415 v 16 a, porcelain base cut out 415 v 32 a, porcelain base cut out 415 v 63 a, porcelain base cut out 415 v 100 a, single phase online ups, 3 phase online ups, 100 ah exit tall tubuler battery, 120 ah exit talll tubuler battery, 150 ah exit tall tubuler battery, single phase 1 h p submersible openwell water pump, single phase 1 h p submersible water pump for borewell, 3 phase 3 h p submersible water pump for borewell, 3 phase 5 h p submersible water pump for borewell, 3 phase 7.5 h p submersible water pump for borewell, 3 phase 3 h p submersible openwell water pump, 3 phase 5 h p submersible openwell water pump, 3 phase 7.5 h p submersible openwell water pump, single phase 1 h p submersible water pump for borewell, d. o. l. starter suitable for 250v. single phase, 50 cycles with connected to supply upto 3 h.p., d.o.l. starter 400v. 3 phase, 50 cycles with connected to supply upto 7.5 h.p., d.o.l. starter 400v. 3 phase, 50 cycles with connected to supply for 7.5 hp to 10 h.p. relay range 13-21 amp, screw driver set, patti pana set, ring pana set, cutter, nose plyer, plyer, 32 a main switch, 63 a main switch, 100 a main switch, flat cable 3 co
Tender For tender for supply aluminum bimetallic clamp of 100 kva 200kva tc tinned copper fuse wire and half stud for various sdn under vijapur division ugvcl
Tender For drinking water motar rewinding items for billahalli gp ranebennur taluk haveri dist - motr lifting charge /billahalli2, bladeset/billahalli2, statercoil/billahalli2, connector /billahalli2, volt meater/billahalli2, amps meater /billahalli2, capactershunderd ten to two hunderd ten/billahalli2, running thitry six m f dtwenty five m fd/billahalli2, capacater sfifty m f d/billahalli2, pump share /billahalli2, allentment washer /billahalli2, do bush/billahalli2, ipbush /billahalli2, pump soft twelve mm/billahalli2, single phase bole and impllie/billahalli2, single phase bole and imolliercora /billahalli2, single phase bole and imolliercora five/billahalli2, single phase bole and imolliercora four/billahalli2, moter bush /billahalli2, tp plate/billahalli2, moter changuard/billahalli2, moter cuppling/billahalli2, moter mess/billahalli2, cable guard12/billahalli2, thurstbearing plate/billahalli2, body circlife/billahalli2, eightmm allen key screw/billahalli2, eight x seventy five mm stud/billahalli2, flange eight mm/billahalli2, housingk /billahalli2, oil scale twenty five twenty and fourty /billahalli2, eight mm stud /billahalli2, eight x twenty mm stud /billahalli2, connector/billahalli2, stater coil /billahalli2, stater bladuset/billahalli2, stater relay /billahalli2, three crore foursgm m cable one meter /billahalli2, threecrore two and five sq mm cable one meter/billahalli2, sixmm copper wire one miter/billahalli2, star detta stater ltlk /billahalli2, nutral link/billahalli2, voltmeater/billahalli2, amps meater/billahalli2, auto stater/billahalli2, singleprawenter /billahalli2, pennal bord two x twenty one x two/billahalli2, fuse sixty three amps/billahalli2, stater do ltlk/billahalli2, pump patti twelve stage thirty two/billahalli2, pump patti ten stagetwenty nine inch /billahalli2, pump patti eight stage twenty three inch/billahalli2, pumpallen key screw /billahalli2, pump mess ss/billahalli2, flatewasher one pc ms/billahalli2, ten mm nut ms/billahalli2, stage slive twnty five xfifty xfive/billahalli2, stage slivetwnty five xfifty xfive/billahalli2, stge bush g m/billahalli2, do bush gm/billahalli2, ipbush gm /billahalli2, pump shoft twenty mmx twenty nine inch /billahalli2, pump shaft twenty mm twenty six inch ss /billahalli2, pump shoft twenty mm x twenty three inch ss/billahalli2, pump chavi twelve mm/billahalli2, pocanacter1/billahalli2, ip canacter /billahalli2, pump bole/billahalli2, motor bush gun mettel l b/billahalli2, water nut brass/billahalli2, water nut p v c/billahalli2, motor chavi guard brass /billahalli2, motor cuppling /billahalli2, motor chavi /billahalli2, motor messss /billahalli2, cable guard/billahalli2, rotory surclife one eight mm/billahalli2, rotory surclife twenty mm/billahalli2, thrust bearing plate/billahalli2, six inch body surclife/billahalli2, eight x thirty five m m stud /billahalli2, stud ten x seventy five mm /billahalli2, flange eight mm /billahalli2, flange ten mm/billahalli2, housing /billahalli2, oil seal/billahalli2, ten m m nut ss/billahalli2, stud ten x twenty five m m /billahalli2 , conacter three phase motor/billahalli2, water two h p motor reawinding single phase/billahalli2, water three h p motor reawinding single phase/billahalli2, water three hp motor reawinding/billahalli2, water five hp motor reawinding /billahalli2, water six hp motor reawinding/billahalli2, waterseven and half hpmotor reawinding/billahalli2
Tender For supply of street light materials - street light materials, 40 w tube light, 40 w tube light starter, 40 w copper choke, 40 w electronic choke, tube light side holder, 40w tubular fluoresent super brigth lamp, 40w ballast for fluoresent lamp, 40w planet electronic ballase heavy duty, 1 x 40 w street light fitting cover (cylinder), 1 x 40 w street light fitting cover (square), 1 x 40 w street light fitting, 1 x 40 w street light fitting pipe, 1 x 40 w street light fitting clamp, 1 x 40 w street light fitting side holder, 20w led street light fitting set, 25w led street light fitting set, 30w led street light fitting set, 36w led street light fitting set, 45w led street light fitting set, 50w led street light fitting set, 60w led street light fitting set, 100w led street light fitting set, 150w led street light fitting set, 1/18 pvc insulated copper wire, 3/20 (2.0 sqmm) flex copper wire, 3/20 pvc insulated vir copper wire, 7/16 pvc insulated vir copper wire, 7/20 pvc insulated vir copper wire, 25w/30w led street light fitting board, 2.5 flex wire, 1/18 copper wire, 3/20 copper wire, 7/16 copper wire, 7/20 copper wire, hook up wire, insulation tape, 250 w sodium lamp, 250 w sodium holder, 250 w s.v choke, 250 w s.v ignator, 250 w s.v capacitor, 250w sodium street light fitting, 250w sodium street light cover, 250w sodium street light gi pipe, 250w sodium street light pipe cover, 150 w sodium lamp, 150 w s.v choke, 150 w s.v ignator, 150 w s.v capacitor, 250w metal halide choke, 150w metal halide choke, 150w metal halide lamp, 150w metal halide ignitor, 150w metal halide capacitor, 250w metal halide lamp, 250w metal halide ignitor, 250w metal halide holder, 250w metal halide capacitor, 400w metal halide choke, 400w metal halide lamp, 400w metal halide ignitor, 400w metal halide capacitor, 400w metal halide holder, 40a isolator, 40a contactor, 63a 4 pole mcb switch, 63a s/p mcb switch, 63a 6 way connector, 63a isolator 4 pole, repair work & service charges for highmast flood light fittings (per pole), 3/20- 2 core aluminium wire, 4 sq.mm 3 core flat cable, 2.5 sq.mm 3 core flat cable, 1.0 sq.mm multi standared flexible copper cable, 1.5 sq.mm multi standared flexible copper cable, 2.5 sq.mm multi standared flexible copper cable, 4.0 sq.mm multi standared flexible copper cable, 24x24 meter board, 18x18 meter board, 12x12 meter board, 1/18 pvc insulated vir aluminium wire, 3/20 pvc insulated vir aluminium wire, 7/20 pvc insulated vir aluminium wire, 7/20 aluminium wire, 3/20 aluminium wire, 70 w sv lamp, 70 w sv choke, 70 w sv holder, 70 w sv capacitor, 70 w sv ignator, 1x40 w street light fitting glass, 40 w street light fitting side plate, 16 amps main switch, 32 amps main switch, 63 amps main switch, 32 amps main switch (dp), 5000 w street light automatic on/off timer switch, photanic intellingent automatic street light controlling divice switches timer / sensor on/off including fixing all complete set, 16 amps fuse carrier, 32 amps fuse carrier, 63 amps fuse carrier, 100 amps fuse carrier, 1x40 w street light fittings set with clamp set (2 sets), bolt-nut, 20mm gi, bend pipe, 3/20 wire, 1/40 w street light fittings set with heavy duty copper choke, starter, tube, led street light fittings accessories clamp set (2 sets) 32 mm bend pipe, bolt-nut wire, 25w led street light fitting pcb & drive including service charges, 45w led street light fitting pcb & drive including service charges, 18w led lamp, 20w led lamp, 23w led lamp, 30w led lamp, 36w led lamp, 40w led lamp, 50w led lamp, 72w led lamp, 100w led lamp, 120w led lamp, 36w cfl lamp, 36w cfl choke, 1x36w cfl street light fitting, 36w cfl pipe, 36w cfl fitting clamp, 36w cfl light cover, 25/30 w led street light fitting board, 25/30w led street light fitting drive, timer clock
Tender For bid to ras supply of led batten (q2) , mcb - miniature circuit - breakers for a.c. operation as per is / iec 60898 (part 1) (q2) , led garden light (v2) (q2) , led bulkhead light (q3) , propeller type ac ventilating fans - exhaust fans (v2) as per is 2312 (q2) , light emitting diode driver (q4) , elecric bells and accessories as per is 2268 (q3) , piano type non modular domestic fan regulator as per is 11037 (q3) , fixed capacitors (fixed capacitor for single phase ac electric fan) as per is 1709:1984 (q3) , modular electrical enclosure switch board boxes for modular type accessories (q3) , modular piano type domestic electrical switches as per is 3854 (q3) , molded case circuitbreakers (mccb) as per is / iec 60947 (q3) , switch fuse unit (q3) , plastics bib taps pillar taps angle valves and stop valves as per is 9763:2000 (latest) (q3) , connection pipe with nuts (v2) (q3) , towel rail / ring for bathroom (q3) , tower bolts (ferrous metals) as per is 204 (q3) , flushing cistern (q3) , toilet seat covers (v2) (q4) , door handles as per is 208 (q4) , wire nails (q4) , xlpe cable for working voltages up to and including 1.1 kv as per is 7098 (part 1) (q2) , piano type non modular domestic electrical sockets - is 1293 (q3) , curtain pipe, sider and mounting bracket (q4) , bathroom or toilet mirror (v2) (q4) , waste pipe (q3)