Tender For corrigendum : supply of dental instruments - general surgery kit including tracheostomy kit , osteotomy kit , minor surgical kit , cleft surgery set , bone grafting set , emergency kit , truma set including bone plating kit , distraction osteogenesis kit , electro surgery unit for dental application , fumigator , ultrasonic cleaner capacity 3.5 lts , pulse oximeter , piezo surgical unit , needle destroyer , formalin chamber , fibreoptic laryngoscope , punch biopsy forceps , dermatome
Tender For corrigendum : online tender for fixing rate contract for supply and installation of basic diagnostic arthroscopy set and instrument for hip surgery to govt. institutions - basic diagnostic arthroscopy set, instruments for hip surgery
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of machinery and equipment on behalf of directorate of health services hp - cardiac monitor, high pressure high speed horizontal steam instrument sterilizer, phacoemulsification unit, fess endoscopy unit, ent operating microscope, oae(clinical), ent workstations /treatment unit, shaver system cum micro drill, digital mammography unit, analogue mammography machine, computed radiography system for mammography, electro hydraulic operation table for orthopaedic surgery, surgical instrument set (ortho), autopsy(mortuary)table, mortuary cabinet (6- body), laparoscopic set with instruments, ctg machine, delivery table(obstetric labour table), foetal doppler, multipara monitor (obg), video colposcope, suction apparatus, autoclave horizontal, autoclave vertical, autoclave ot automatic, multi-channel electrocardiographic, fogging machine for ot (fumigator), crash cart trolley, infusion pump, retinoscope, indirect ophthalmoscope, electric cautery, laryngo-laryngoscope, digital otoscope, head light(ent), power drill for ortho, power saw for ortho, harmonic scalpel, laparotomy set, single puncture laparoscope for tubal ligation, spot light, note :-1.the basic price of the goods to be quoted without gst.2.all the prices should be quoted in indian rupee (inr) only.3.the cmc should be quoted year wise without gst.4.cmc rate and turnkey work (if any) shall be included for determining l-1 bidder.5.gst shall be payable as applicable from time to time.6.charges towards packing & forwarding, inland transportation, insurance (local transportation and storage) would be borne by the supplier from warehouse to the consignee site, loading/unloading and other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination as per section-i shall also be borne by the supplier.7.the price should be inclusive of supply, installation, commissioning charges.8.l-1 will be determined item-wise on total basic price of the equipment (all inclusive) (excluding gst) + total cmc (if any) (excluding gst) + turnkey work (if any) (excluding gst) for all the items as mentioned in section-i.9.in case of optional accessories/items (if any), rates may quoted in separate pdf file (along with the price bid), which will not be considered for determining l-1 bidder. it is reiterated that the bidder should not submit this in the technical bid.it is certified that the cost of goods shown above, is all inclusive except gst.signature of authorizedsignatory with seal
Tender For supply of hernia laprotomy laproscopy surgery instrument sets - sponge holding forceps 10 inch hernia surgery , bp handle no 4 hernia surgery , toothed dissecting forceps 8 inch hernia surgery , plain dissecting forceps 8 inch hernia surgery , crile artery forcep cvd 6 inch hernia surgery , backhaus towel forceps 5 inch hernia surgery , artery forceps str 8 inch hernia surgery , artery forceps cvd 8 inch hernia surgery , allis tissue forceps 8 inch hernia surgery , hernia ring forceps hernia surgery , gemini ligature forceps 9 inch hernia surgery , dandy artery forceps 5 point 5 inch hernia surgery , mayo hegar needle holder 8 inch hernia surgery , metzenbaum scissors cvd 8 inch hernia surgery , farabeuf retractor set of 2 hernia surgery , roux retractor set of 3 hernia surgery , weitlaner retractor 10 inch hernia surgery , intestinal clamp 10 inch str hernia surgery , ss instrument tray with cover 12 inch x 10 inch hernia surgery , mosquito artery forceps cu 6 inch laprotomy surgery , mosquito artery forceps cu 8 inch laprotomy surgery , mosquito artery forceps cu 5 inch laprotomy surgery , boys allis 5 x 6 teeth 6 inch laprotomy surgery , boys allis 5 x 6 teeth 8 inch laprotomy surgery , babcock delicate 6 inch laprotomy surgery , babcock 8 inch laprotomy surgery , kantrowitz right angled forceps 8 inch laprotomy surgery , kantrowitz right angled forceps 9 inch laprotomy surgery , kocher ochsner cu 8 inch laprotomy surgery , mayo hegar needle holder 6 inch laprotomy surgery , mayo hegar needle holder 7 inch laprotomy surgery , mayo hegar needle holder 8 inch laprotomy surgery , towel clip backhaus 5 inch laprotomy surgery , scalpel handles no3 small laprotomy surgery , scalpel handles no4 small laprotomy surgery , non toothed dissecting forceps medium 8 inch laprotomy surgery , toothed tissue forceps medium 8 inch laprotomy surgery , micro adson fine non toothed 4 3 bar 4 inch laprotomy surgery , adson toothed heavy tip 4 3 bar 4 inch laprotomy surgery , debakey 2mm tip 6 inch laprotomy surgery , debakey 2mm tip 8 inch laprotomy surgery , metzenbaum cu 6 inch laprotomy surgery , metzenbaum cu 7 inch laprotomy surgery , metzenbaum cu 8 inch laprotomy surgery , mayo scissor cu 8 inch laprotomy surgery , pool suction cannula 9 inch st laprotomy surgery , hartmann vascular cu 8 inch laprotomy surgery , hartmann vascular st 8 inch laprotomy surgery , morris 70 x 64mm 9 3 bar 4 inch laprotomy surgery , deaver retractor 5 25mm 15 inch laprotomy surgery , deaver retractor 6 38mm 12 inch laprotomy surgery , deaver retractor 50mm 12 1 bar 4 inch laprotomy surgery , czerny retractor 38 x 22mm top 38 x 23mm 7 inch laprotomy surgery , foerster ballenger 10 inch laprotomy surgery , balfour abdominal lateral blade 60 x 35mm centre laprotomy surgery , baby senn miller blunt 6 inch laprotomy surgery , mayo safety clamp medium 6 inch laprotomy surgery , instrument tray with lid 15 inch x 12 inch laprotomy surgery , lotion bowl 5 inch large laprotomy surgery , kidney tray 10 inch laprotomy surgery , trocar size 11 mm laproscopic instruments , trocar size 6 mm laproscopic instruments , reduction sleeve 11 bar 5 mm laproscopic instruments , clickline kelly grasping forceps laproscopic instruments , clickline bowel forceps laproscopic instruments , coagulating and dissecting electrode lshaped with connector pin for unipolar coagulation size 5 mm working length 36 cm laproscopic instruments , coagulating and dissecting electrode spatula sheaped blunt with conn ector pin for unipolar coagulation size 5 mm working length 36 cm laproscopic instruments , clickline metzenbaum scissors laproscopic instruments , unipolar high frequency cord with 4 mm plug length 300 cm for model s karl storz erbe type t older models and ellman laproscopic instruments , koh macro needle holder ergonomic handle with ratchet left curved ja ws with tungsten carbide inserts 0 5 mm length 33 cm for use with suture material 0 bar 0 7 bar 0 laproscopic instruments
Tender For supply of paediatric surgery instruments - paediatric telescope 1.9mm 0 degree with cystoscopy sheath 8.5 fr having working channel and obturator and with adapter bridge , paediatric telescope 1.9mm 30 degree with cystoscopy sheath 7.5 fr and obturator and with adapter bridge , compatible resectoscope sheath and working element for above telescopes , paediatric resectoscope hook for above set , paediatric ureteroscope length 60cm 6 by 7.5 fr , paediatric ureteroscope length 60cm 4.5 by 6.5 fr , cystoscopy long forceps dj stent removal , guide wire 0.025 mm , ureteric catheter 0.035 mm , coagulating electrode for above set , cystoscopic cautery lead , compatible triway dj stent removal forceps , cystoscopy dormia basket
Tender For tender for supply and installation of ent equipments for health institutions under nppcd programme - micro drill with 2 hand pieces and burr heads (2sets), oto scope, pure tone audio meter, digital pure tone audio meter, micro-ear surgery instruments (2 sets)