Tender For procurement of machinery and equipment on behalf of directorate of health services hp - cardiac monitor, high pressure high speed horizontal steam instrument sterilizer, phacoemulsification unit, fess endoscopy unit, ent operating microscope, oae(clinical), ent workstations /treatment unit, shaver system cum micro drill, digital mammography unit, analogue mammography machine, computed radiography system for mammography, electro hydraulic operation table for orthopaedic surgery, surgical instrument set (ortho), autopsy(mortuary)table, mortuary cabinet (6- body), laparoscopic set with instruments, ctg machine, delivery table(obstetric labour table), foetal doppler, multipara monitor (obg), video colposcope, suction apparatus, autoclave horizontal, autoclave vertical, autoclave ot automatic, multi-channel electrocardiographic, fogging machine for ot (fumigator), crash cart trolley, infusion pump, retinoscope, indirect ophthalmoscope, electric cautery, laryngo-laryngoscope, digital otoscope, head light(ent), power drill for ortho, power saw for ortho, harmonic scalpel, laparotomy set, single puncture laparoscope for tubal ligation, spot light, note :-1.the basic price of the goods to be quoted without gst.2.all the prices should be quoted in indian rupee (inr) only.3.the cmc should be quoted year wise without gst.4.cmc rate and turnkey work (if any) shall be included for determining l-1 bidder.5.gst shall be payable as applicable from time to time.6.charges towards packing & forwarding, inland transportation, insurance (local transportation and storage) would be borne by the supplier from warehouse to the consignee site, loading/unloading and other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination as per section-i shall also be borne by the supplier.7.the price should be inclusive of supply, installation, commissioning charges.8.l-1 will be determined item-wise on total basic price of the equipment (all inclusive) (excluding gst) + total cmc (if any) (excluding gst) + turnkey work (if any) (excluding gst) for all the items as mentioned in section-i.9.in case of optional accessories/items (if any), rates may quoted in separate pdf file (along with the price bid), which will not be considered for determining l-1 bidder. it is reiterated that the bidder should not submit this in the technical bid.it is certified that the cost of goods shown above, is all inclusive except gst.signature of authorizedsignatory with seal
Tender For supply of srph345008-autoclavable plastic bags -hidispo bag-40x20-(1). autoclavable disposable bag for sterilization of lab wares and disposal of contaminated material. (2). the materials used f or the bags shall be non-chlorinated hdpe/pp and their blends. (3). the bags should have transpar ent and imprinted with biohazard label. (4). the bag should suitable for steam sterilization at 121 degree celsius and should able to hold items securely during autoclaving.(5). preferable size & ca pacity of the bag is 32 inch x 20 inch and cable of holding around 9kg weights or similar. unit: no. ]
Tender For supply of - ent opd treatment unit - workstation withsinuscope zero degree and 70 degree or 90 degree ent opd treatment unit (workstation with sinuscope 0 & 70 / 90 ) features: high vacuum oil-less suctionsystem with twin jar twin halogen cold light source shadow free head light warmer system (dual mode) fibre optic cable with armour protection led otoscopewith life time of > 30,000 hrs (optional) led x-ray lobby(optional) instrument drawer with safety lock
Tender For supply of printing items in tmch tezpur - advice slip (1/16), advice slip (1/8), acutance register, attendant visiting card yellow, attendant visiting card red, audiology unit sheet (ent sheet), c/s report form 21cm*14cm, cause of death (a4 paper), clinical biochemistry report (a4 paper), consent form ent (a4 paper), discharge certificate (gynae septic) (a4 paper), discharge certificate (obs - baby) (a4 paper), discharge sheet (a4 paper), doctors sheet (a4 paper), ecg report (a4 paper), ecg requisition, hematology report(a4 paper), history sheet (a4 paper), history sheet(psychaitry deptt) (3 pages), indent book (3 folio), injury report form (a4 paper), intake and output(a4 paper), investigation sheet (a4 paper), lab form a ( path) 21cm*14cm, lab form b (path) 21cm*14cm, lab form c ( path) 20cm*18cm, lab form c (bio) 21cm*14cm, major ot record register, medical certificate (a4 paper), medicine chart(a4 paper), medico legal case record register, medico legal injury report sheet (a4 paper), micro lab form (ii) 21cm*14cm, micro lab form d 21cm*14cm, minor ot record register, money receipt book type-a 21cm*14cm, money receipt book type-b 21cm*14cm, mrd (otorhinolaryngology head neck surgery sheet) (both sided), nurses daily record (a4 paper), nurses quick reference record(a4 paper), nurses record for icu(a4 paper), operation list (legal size), operation record sheet(a4 paper), post mortem report sheet (a3 page), pre printed money receipt (7x6x2), pre printed mrd (summery sheet) (10x12x1), pre printed note sheet paper (legal size), pre printed registration sheet (10x12x3), report of histopathology./fnac(a4 paper), reporting pad office of the professor of head deptt. of forensic medicine of toxicology, slit and skin sheet(a4 paper), stock register for medicine 500 pages, tpr chart, urine and semen examination report sheet(a4 paper), vaccination card, indoor register (formatted), icu consent form (a4 paper), patient history sheet (psychiatry, 8 pages), pledge card for eye donation, eye donor s card (to be laminated), medical certificate(a4 paper), prescription for glasses (a4 paper), facts about eye donation in english(for public awareness)+ facts about eye donation in assamese(for public awareness) both side joined, advices for post operative period in assamese (for cataract surgery mainly)+ advices for post operative period in english (for cataract surgery mainly) both side joined, thanks letter to be issued to the concerned family after eye donation, pre operative check (list for ward sister in english)+ pre operative check (list for ward sister in assamese) both side joint, ml register, surgery ot list(a4 paper), pre-op direction & check list (a4 paper), investigation chart (a4 paper), operation consent form (a4 paper), blood donor questionnaire & consent form (4 pages), appreciation certificate (a4 paper), blood requisition form (a4 paper)/blood component form, transfusion reaction report form(a4 paper), template for elisa(a4 paper), abo & rh grouping test report 21cm*14cm, blood bank money receipt, blood bank sticker size (6.5*1.75), patient registration register, transfusion reaction register, blood component register, consumables register, equipments register, blood discard register, blood stock register, donor master record register, blood issue register, cross matching register, syphilis screening register, malaria screening register, hbsag rapid screening register, hcv rapid screening register, whole blood label (a,b,o,ab) (blood bank sticker o+/b+/a+/ab), hbsag elisa screening register, hcv elisa screening register, hiv elisa screening register, serum grouping register, cell grouping register, patient record register, blood collection register, donor reaction register, donor referral register, donor deferral register, component separation sop binded copies, component separation sop laminated copies, component separation register, facility based post neonatal death review form, form no. 1 serological test (micro
Tender For supply of merocel nasal pack 8 cm , external nasal splint aluminium medium size , 4.0 proline suture material , ent workstation with endoscopic unit