Tender For supply and laying of lt cable 50 sqmm 3.5c to provide electricity connection for function purpose at barat ghars community centres in south of rajpath area
Tender For supplying and laying of lt cable of size 95sqmm 3.5c 50sqmm 3.5c and 25sqmm 3.5c from g.s pillar no. 45c to meter board at 7 safdarjung road and g.s pillar no. 43a to meter board at 2 safdarjung lane
Tender For tender for supply of laying of 185 sq mm and 120 sqmm 3 core armoured al. conductor cable, installation of dth & apfc panel atakashvani hpt ramgarh, jaisalmer (rajasthan).
Tender For installation of submersible pump motor set and laying of cable to restore water supply at cwr site of katjuridanga (ashna) water supply scheme under bankura mechanical division,p.h.e. dte.
Tender For supply delivery and laying of 1.1 kv grade 35 sq mm 3.5 core pvc insulated al.ar cable and allied works from dg panel to pump house at bishnupur dist. hospital ws scheme under bankura mechanical division, p.h.e. dte.
Tender For repairs to roadside shoulders and gutter damaged due to laying of underground cable of ht and lt by electricity department in v.p kundai of marcaim.
Tender For withdrawing and re-laying of different size of cable in connection with e.i work of supply and laying of al. armoured cable in a new route for charging nts feeder pillar, nbmc h, darjeeling
Tender For corrigendum : work contract for miscellaneous c&i related works - removal of old cable trays, old cables, impulse lines and laying of new cable trays, cables, impulse lines and fabrication & removal of m.s. structures in unit no.3 to 6 of ukai tps.(wt-4753 safety)