Tender For supply and delivery of ao plotter, laser distance measurement, duplex speed scanner to town planning and optical auto level to engineering section in mangalagiri tadepalli municipal corporation under general funds
Tender For rc for forbes marshall analyser spares - awa-ea360, pm board. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil inwater/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-he400, analysis flowcell. spares for forbes marshallcx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: a wa-ea209. sample temperature rtd with cable.spares forforbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: a wa-ee839s. xenon lamp box set (xenon, trigger, board, filter and box)-internal. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 se , part number:awa-ea371, xenon power supply card. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-mw101s, photo multiplier box set m board (ea360) + quartzlens d12.7(oe320)+ optical filter 320(oe2-320)+ pm guide , part number:awa-ea351, photox 2200nf. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me620, pm guide. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me630, pm holder. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me640, pm housing. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: awa-me590-d08, aperture ring dia 8mm. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-oe100, quartz disc. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-oe320, quartz lens d12.7. spares for forbes marshalicx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me650, mask for flurometer .spares for forbes marshallcx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-he450, protective tube. spares for forbes marshalicx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-ea853, o-ring for protective tube. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me993, tube brush.spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: awa-he170s, strainer set.spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-ha110, flowcell assembly consist of quartz disc, long andshort term. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series co , part number: awa ea391s, phi photo-detector no 1 for cod. spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series , cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa ea392s, ph2 photo-detector no 2 for cod. spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa-ea370, xenon power supply card. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: fgf4c2011051rtd sample tmperature rtd. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-mpa-tubeset intex, mpa analyser internal and externaltubing set consists sampling tube imtr, clean tube-2mtr <(> , part number:awa-mpa-tubeset int, mpa analyser internal tubing setconsists sampling tube imtr, clean tube-2mtr <(>&<)> pump tube , part number: awa-oe100p, quartz disc pair(b10). spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-ea330, pcx1 microprocessor without display board.sparesfor forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-oe2-550, optical filter for ph2. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa-ea307-fmph, mphdo card. spares for forbes marshallcx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-ea393s (ea391s+ea392s+me565), ph1 <(>&<)> ph2 set withlightguide. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/b , part number:awa-ea309_ee732-fm, rs-485 card <(>&<)> pair ofeeprom.spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: fmscan-falcon-mini24v_1,8 channel scanner, power supply24 vdc.spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/ts , part number: m4e-usb-1485, rs-485 to usb converter. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser. , part number: awa-ea330s, pcx1 microprocess