Tender For earthwork in formation, blanketing, trolley refuges and construction of various bridges (including miscellaneousllaneous works like pitching, toe wall, floor protection), construction of passengers platforms & circulating area, laying and linking of broad gauge main line, loops lines including points and crossings, track related activities, transportation of p.way material, supply and stacking of stone ballast, signal & telecom (outdoor) design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 25 kv ac ohe & sub-sectioning & paralleling post (sp/ssp) works, modification of ht / lt track crossing, electrification of structures and other miscellaneousllaneous works required for successful completion of work between naliya - vayor in connection with extension of bhuj-naliya gc up to vayor new line of ahmedabad division on western railway.
Tender For providing power infrastructure by laying of 11kv/lt line along the proposed internal roads with required distribution transformers along with shifting of existing ht lines and providing 150 nos 90w led street lights on 9.0 mtrs long octagonal single arm poles at industrial park thatiguntapalli(v), valmikipuram(m), annamayya district under mse cdp
Tender For tenders are invited for erection of overhead 11/22kv ht line/lt line with bare conductor areal bunch conductor transformer centers & service connection in all scheme & work of laying, testing & commissioning of 11 kv/22 kv underground xlpe cable in all scheme for udhana 02 ind s/dn under the jurisdiction of surat ind.
Tender For earthwork in formation, blanketing, trolley refuges and construction of various bridges (including miscellaneousllaneous works like pitching, toe wall, floor protection), construction of passengers platforms & circulating area, laying and linking of broad gauge main line, loops lines including points and crossings, track related activities, transportation of p.way material, supply and stacking of stone ballast, signal & telecom (outdoor) design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 25 kv ac ohe & sub-sectioning & paralleling post (sp/ssp) works, modification of ht / lt track crossing, electrification of structures and other miscellaneousllaneous works required for successful completion of work between naliya - jakhau port in connection with new broad gauge line of naliya - jakhau port section of ahmedabad division on western railway.
Tender For corrigendum : for the work of maint of 11/0.4 kv ss dismantling and uprooting of spare poles of ht/lt lines and balancing of load on 1000 kva tf, erection of pole and laying of lt ab conductor from 250 kva tf with miscellaneous works area of ee 11 kv line south, mrt.
Tender For contract for the work of erection and maintenance work of ht/lt line and tc structure and laying, testing & commissioning of 11/22kv underground xlpe cable with cable end termination & straight though jointing kits under vagra sub divisions under bharuch rural division under various scheme. & various other schemes in any subdivision under the jurisdiction under the bharuch rural division .
Tender For tender for contract for the work of erection and maintenance work of ht/lt line and tc structure and laying, testing & commissioning of 11/22kv underground xlpe cable with cable end termination & straight though jointing kits under atali sub divisions under bharuch rural division under various scheme. & various other schemes in any subdivision under the jurisdiction under the bharuch rural division.
Tender For corrigendum : tender for the work of laying, commissioning and testing of 11kv ug xlpe cable & erection and maintenance of o/h 11 kv ht line/lt line (with bare conductor, mvcc or abc)transformer center, replacement of bare conductor & its accessories, etc. under nd scheme (r&b shifting works) and others schemes under jurisdiction of ronvel sub division (jujwa to ronvel main road winding) under dharampur division.
Tender For work of increasing the capacity of distribution transformer installed, laying new lt line in place of basan balli and repair work of plinth and facing of ditribution transformer under nagar nikay 2024-25 under edd siddharthnagar
Tender For work of installation of dt,laying new lt line and repair and fencing of plinth of dt under nagar panchayat shohrtgarh under municipal body plan year 2024-25 under edd siddharthnagarh.