Tender For repair/maintenance of ext electrification system and lt oh/ug distribution system including lightening protection system at city area under ge alwar
Tender For corrigendum : ge/h-57/2024-25 repair/replacement of lt distribution system with connected works at ahrr under ge e/m rr hospital, delhi cantt-10
Tender For operation, inspection & preventive/breakdown maintennace of complete electrical supply system (both ht & lt), rewinding of motors, maintennace /repair work at all electrical subsstation and inspection preventive/breakdown jobs of shop equipment(cranes, compressors etc) & pump houses as per requirement along with all utility services , total illumination of shops, buildings and roads of the works of sgw kulti
Tender For corrigendum : providing of repair and overhauling service - overhauling of cs make lt air circuit breakers of low voltage distribution system at sewa2 power station; c and s make; no; buyer premises
Tender For repair maint of lt panel, feeder pillar boxes, junction boxes to building, lt distribution system and connected item in zone b tech area under ge (af) tech area agra
Tender For ge(u)/chm-43/2024-25 repair/maint of lt supply system and connected items of works at hq wc, engr branch, ascon, comd officers mess, mes ib, pine area and miscellaneous locations at chandimandir
Tender For repair/maint/replacement of lt distribution system alongwith replacement of old unserviceable lt feeder pillar, lt panels including replacement of old unserviceable mccbs and acbs at technical area of af station barrackpore under ge (af) barrackpore