Tender For supply of locking bolt & bracket for locking bolt for boxn wagon flap door arrangement in assembled con dition. one no. assembly is made of one locking bolt (with one no. washer and one no. 6 mm dia rod welded to it) and 2 nos. bracket made from ismc 75 x 40 (one bracket slotted and one bracket not slotted) as per rdso drg. no. wd-90007-s- 01 alt-21, item no.15 and item no.14 respectively. material and specification as per dra wing. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of door hinge foot for flap door of open and covered wagon to irs drg. no. w/dw-287 a lt. 5.assembly drg. no.wd-90007-s-01, alt.- 19 item no.- 12.mat. & specn. as per drg. [ warranty pe riod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of flap door for bcna wagon to rdso drg. no. wd-90030-s- 66, alt.10, item no. 3,13,14, 15 &16. (welded assembly) and material conforming to is: 2062-2011, reaffirmed-2021, grade- e 250 cu a. material for panel, item no.3 to irs specn. m-41-1997, last amendment slip no.2 of march-2006. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of modified flap door assembly for boxn, to drawing/specification rdso drg. no. wd-900 07-s-01, alt. no. 19, item no. 1,4,5,6,7,9 & 10 in assembled condition. [ warranty period: 30 month s after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of prefabricated body side walls, end walls, flap doors & crib angle (cold rolled formed section) as per rdso specification no.wd-16-boxnr-2010(rev.1) of june2016 and amendment no. 02 of december 2018, confirming to a,b,c & d as mentioned below :-(a) body side wall arrangement :- assemb ly of item no. 1 to 17,19,20 & 21 (item no.19 required as loose) to rdso drg. wd-07001-s-08 alt.13 or lat est and items no. 1,2a,2b,8,9 &15 of drg. wd-23027-s-01 alt.1 or latest (item no. 15 required as loose),(1 9+5= 24 assembled items plus 2 loose items, total 26 items). (b) end wall arrangement: assembly of ite m no-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 & 17 along with items no- 6,7,13 & 14 as loose to rdso drg. no. wd- 07001-s-10, alt 12 or latest (13 assembled items plus 4 loose items: total 17 items) (c) flap door arrangements: assembly of item no.3, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c.10, 11,12,13,16 and 17 to drg no. wd-23027-s-01, al t-1 or latest along with item no. 6, 7, 7a, 7b &14 as loose (11 assembled items, 5 loose items; total 16 ite ms). (d) crib angle (cold rolled formed section): - item no. 15, 16 & 17 to rdso drg no. wd-07064-s-01, alt 12 or latest are required as loose. one set of cold rolled formed section consists of: (a) item no. 15 is r equired 02 nos.(b) item no. 16 is required 02 nos. (c) item no. 17 is required 02 nos. material and spec. sh ould confirm to rdso specification no. wd-16 boxnr - 2010 (rev.-1) of june 2016 and amendment no.02 of december 2018. note: - one set consists of two side walls, two end walls, two flap doors and one set of crib angle (cold rolled formed section). as per the above tender description note- one set consists of two side walls, two end walls, two flap doors and one set of crib angle (cold rolled formed section) [ warran ty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]