Tender For corrigendum : supply of passengeremergencyalarmvalve drawing no: - rdso/ sk-97029, alt . (3) specific ation: - 02-abr-2002 (amndt.-4) with appendix-j [ warranty period: 36 months after the date of deli very ]
Tender For supply of passengeremergencyalarmvalve conforming to appendix'j' of rdso specn 02-abr-02, amendment no. 4 of sept 2016 to rdso drg no : rdso/sk - 97029 alt : 3. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of poh kit for passengeremergencyalarmvalve ( peav ) consisting of 9 items ( rdso design) and confirming to rdso specn. no. 02-abr-02 , amendment no. 4 of sept 2016. appe ndix -j drg to rdso [full description of the 9 items and drawings attached in documents column ]