Tender For survey, design, supply, execution, installation, testing and commissioning of telecommunication assets consisting of passengerinformationsystem, control communication ensuring compatibility to existing telecommunication system and other associated
Tender For supply of equipments for mechanical department - supply of equipments for mechanical department : [file no :1025/a4/2025], behavior of proximity sensors each of inductive and capacitive type proximity sensor output drive to relay circuit built in power supplies and wooden closed cabinet, ldr characteristics trainer kit to carryout ldr characteristics experiment by varying the intensity of the light provision to vary the light intensity and measuring with lux meter provision to connect voltmeter and ammeter in the ldr circuit built in power supply and wooden closed cabinet, speed control of dc motor using optical sensor 24v dc motor variable speed circuit slotted plate fitted in the shaft of the motor opto interrupter to sense the slot to use the speed of dc motor measured the pulse frequency to voltage converter circuit, arduino trainer kitarduino uno micro controller : a tmega328p.on board sensor component 4no s of led 2no s of push switch one number of 5v relay and buzzer one number of buck converter for 5v one number of 2 x 16 liquid crystal oscillator (lcd) one number of mini breadon board sensor module one number of ultrasonic sensor module (3cm-100cm) one number of soil moisture sensor servo motor with potentiometer, test of dc motor using transistor relay to test of 5v dc motor using push button , limit switch , transistor and relay built in power supply and wooden closed cabinet
Tender For 1.supply, installation, testing and commissioning of integrated upgradable console wi th gps location based public announcement and passengerinformationsystem (papis) and led / lc d destination board as per rdso specification no: rdso/cg-18001 (rev.2) or latest in various typ es of in- service ac & non- ac lhb coaches. led/lcd destination boards will be non-sunk in cavity ty pe as per dy.cde/rcf instruction no.md46291 dated 17.01.2024. mechanical enclosure is as per opt ion (a) of para no. 14.6.2 of rdso specification. after sales maintenance, training and warranty as p er said rdso specification are also in the scope of supply. special conditions of contract are as per a nnexure a. 2.internet connectivity, base monitoring unit (bmu) and centralized web server as per pa ra no. 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 of rdso specification no. rdso/cg/18001 (rev-2) are not in the scope of sup ply. however, hardware and software of papis system should work compatibly with (a) internet conn ectivity (b) bmu and (c) centralized web server which may be added to the system separately on lat er stage by railways.type of coach - lhb-1st ac [ warranty period: 78 months after the date of de livery ]
Tender For supply,commissioning & testing of variable voltage variable frequency (vvvf) equipment for traction motor of type tme-49-35-4 for train -18 input supply: 3-phase, 415 +/- 5% volts, output rating --3 -phase, 415v, 37kw (50hp), 72 amps, mounting type - wall mounting type drive. specification as per attac hed annexure- a. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]