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Pediatric Urine Bag Tenders

Get complete information related to latest Pediatric Urine Bag Tenders . from India at Classic Tenders. Search the best available tenders from Indian government tenders, domestic Pediatric Urine Bag Tenders , private tenders, online tenders, tender invitation notice, business tender notices, online tenders and bidding Pediatric Urine Bag Tenders .


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CTN :39070133 Due date: 14 Feb, 202514 Feb, 2025 17.89 Lacs
Tender For supply of pathology consumables staining kits chemicals and serology - eppendorf microcentrifuge tubes 2 ml , microtips 2 to 200 microlitre yellow , microtips 100 to1000 microlitre blue , glass slides 25.4 mm x 76.1 mm 1mm to 1.2mm thick 50 per box , micro cover glass cover slip 22 mm square 10gm per packet , micro cover glass cover slip 22x50 mm rectangular 10gm per packet , micro cover glass cover slip 22x60 mm rectangular 10gm per packet , capillary tubes for bt ct 100 tubes per vial , opticare microscope lens cleaner kit , field stain a 500 ml bottle , field stain b 500 ml bottle , methanol 2.5 litre per bottle , pap staining kit , reticulocytes counting fluid 25 ml , leishmans stain ready to use 500ml per bottle , giemsa stain ready to use 500ml per bottle , ethanol 95 percent 1 ltr per bottle , vacutainer needle 22 g x 1 inch , hemospot test kit 50 tests per kit , hiv 1 and 2 rapid card test , hbsag rapid card test , hcv rapid card test , syphillis vdrl rapid card test , ra latex slide test 100 test per pack , crp latex slide test 100 test per pack , malaria pf pv antigen rapid card test , dengue ns1 antigen rapid card test , dengue igg plus igm rapid card test , widal typhi igg plus igm rapid card test , chikungunya igg pus igm rapid card test , urine pregnancy card test , blood grouping antisera a monoclonal pack of 10 ml , blood grouping antisera b monoclonal pack of 10 ml , blood grouping antisera d rho monoclonal pack of 10 ml bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5819377 dated/ + : 24-01-2025 bid document/ 3 3 1 / 39

CTN :38904414 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 5.85 Lacs
Tender For supply of kit glucose . erba . , kit urea . erba . , kit creatinine . erba . , kit cholesterol . erba . , kit tri glycerides . erba . , kit bilirubin . erba . , kit sgot . erba . , sgpt . erba . , kit total protein . erba . , kit albumin . erba . , kit erba norm . erba . , kit erba wash . erba . , kit erba path . erba . , kit alkaline phosphatase . erba . , kit ggt . erba . , kit ckmb . erba . , urine strips . albumin plus glucose . .1x100 . .sd . , sterile urine container , stool occult blood .1x10 . , rapid malaria kit .1x25 . .sd . , dengue serology .igg,igm plus ns1ag . .1x10 . .j . mitra . , hbsag test .1x25 . .j . mitra . , rapid syphilis test .1x25 . .lev ram . , blood lancets pkt of 200 , drabkin s solution , distilled water . , hypochloride solution , vaccutainer edta . . .k2 . , vaccutainer sterile , urine pregnancy strip .prega news . .1x100 . , crp kit . tulip . , micro pippette tips 5 .200 microleter pkt of 1000 , i chroma 2 hba1c .chroma . , i chroma 2 t3 .chroma . , i chroma 2 t 4 .chroma . , i chroma 2 pct .chroma . , hematology pci . 20 probe cleaner .1x50ml . , hematology pci . 20 lyse solution .1x500ml . , hematology pci . 20 cellpack .1x20ltr . , hematology pci . 20 quality control set , electrolyte pci . lyte de proteiner , pci lyte cleaning solution , pci lyte electrolyte reagent , trop i , widal typhidot . igg .igm . .lev ram . bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5784590 dated/ + : 10-01-2025 bid document/ 2 2 1 / 37

CTN :38966123 Due date: 06 Feb, 202506 Feb, 2025 7.59 Lacs
Tender For supply of hospital laboratory items - esr disposable pipette , sodium hypochlorite solution 5 percent , urine sample collection container 50 ml sterile , deka phan laura urine strips , urine pregnancy kit , crp qualitative for latex agglutination 100 tests , dengue ns1 ag and ab duo , distilled water 5 ltr can , filter paper 9 mm round , glass cover slip microscope 22 x 22 , glucose powder , glucose reagent for semi automatic biochemistry analyser , hbsag card test , hcv card test , leishman s stain , malaria card ict compatible with pv and pf , microscope glass slide 76x26x1.2 mm , reagent for alkaline phosphatase semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for bilirubin total and direct kit for semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for cholesterol semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for hdl cholestrol semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for ldl direct semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for triglyceride , reagent sgot for semi autoanalyzer , reagent sgpt for semi autoanalyzer , reagent uric acid for semi auto analyzer , rheumatoid factor for latex agglutination 100 tests , urea reagent for semi automatic biochemistry analyser , urostick albumin or sugar , vaccutainer plastic plain for serology , vacutainer edta tube , vacutainer sodium flouride tube , widal reagent toh, ah bh bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5826115 dated/ + : 16-01-2025 bid document/ 3 3 1 / 29
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