Tender For repairs to security wall, fencing gate, paver block, drain repair and other miscellaneous b/r work and desuludging ,cleaning and repair of sewage line, soakage well, septic tanks including at aor of age b/r -iii area under ge 969
Tender For token no. ge/k-91/2024-25 - repair to footpath, drain, hardstanding, staging and repair/cleaning of sewage line, soakage well and septic tanks in various units at budhkharbu and heniskut under ge kargil
Tender For cleaning of septic tanks including upgradation of man holes etc. and sewage line before start of yatra at yatri niwas chanderkote for y-2025
Tender For desludging, cleaning and repair to sewage lines, manholes, nahani trap, septic tanks, soakage wells, drainage line, cover slabs and other connected works at md accn and shelter
Tender For removal of chocking roots, clearing the sand and silt deposits inside the manholes and cleaning the septic tanks at analmin nagar for the period from 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026
Tender For ktps-v vi-stages-civil-o m-iii-cleaning of overhead tanks, water sumps and septic tanks at tggenco housing colony, new bombay colony, ksp camp colony, one no. d type block at c colony for the period from april-2025 to march-2026.
Tender For cleaning of sewage lines septic tanks area drains floor or gully traps and repair to boundary wall hard standing gate and dispersal area and dispersal area etc at cgra kozhikode and icgs beypore in the area of age b/r cg nedumbassery
Tender For comprehensive maintainenance of sewage line including cleaning of manholes and septic tanks etc and repairs to sewage line in otm accn and md accn at zone b area at ins rajali nas arakkonam