Tender For corrigendum : supply of lab equipment - details decription attach in the specfication document ), bench top single beam systronics uv spectrophotometer 340 999 model no 167 covers 190to 1100 nm 4 position cuvette holder automatic wavelength selection 128x64 graphical lcd printer interface usb computer interface with professional scanning software specifications wavelength range 190 1100nm spectral band width, remi cis 24 plus orbital shaking incubator size 580 by 600 mm shaking speed range 20 to 250 rpm voltage 220 240v external dimensions 800 x 1150 x 1300 mm chamber volume 215 ltrs, manual baby mini power pack manual bio world, mini horizontal gel electrophoresis system, advance rotary microtomy latest spencer 820 type with razer, compound microscope, laboratory hot air oven, laboratory eggs incubator capacity 80 lit, ph meter digital, conical flask 200 ml insufficient number available, electronic balance, gel electrophoresis assembly with digital power pack, thermal cycler, cooling centrifuge, gel documentation unit with computer, micropipette, tips of micropipette, eppendorf tubes, pcr tubes, deep freezer, laminar air flow, ph meter, soxhlet apparatus with heating mantle, autoclave, bottle top dispenser with dual inte technology, centrifuge, digital chemical balance, double door refrigerator, d o meter, digital ph meter with electrode lcd display, digital photoelectric colorimeter, digital potentiometer, distillation apparatus, dryer and temperature controller, blower, chemical thermometer, calorie meter, beaker 50ml 100ml 250ml 500ml and 1000ml catering to various volume crafted from high quality 3point3 borosilicate glass the low form design with a wide base and tapered spout, funnel, pipette, burette, burette stand, mortar pestel, electronic balance, burette brush, test tube brush, conical flask, volumetric flask capacity sg 100 100ml sg 250 250ml sg 500 500ml sg 1000 1 000mlmaterial glass heat resistance with graduation, wire gauze, round bottomed flask, periodic table poster, gas connection and fitting in new lab, water bath digital, digital ph meter, digital blood pressure machine, blower, single needle lock stitch sewing machine, over lock or inter lock sewing machine, usha steam ironpro s13816, notice board, inverter, water coller
Tender For supply of botany lab equipments - procurement of botany lab equipment, modular laboratory workstation (with sink, switches) specification steel/ iron made, total size 500sq feet, real time electrophoresis system, with power supply specificationvertical slab gel system polyacrylamide gel, craft s micro imaging system specificationimported camera eyepiece with computer or laptop connectivity with usb port, entomological dissecting microscope specificationlens 83 mm dia. eye-pieces 10x and 20x, donna- pattal making machine specificationfully automatic double die crank machine, raw material banana leaf, palash leaf, etc, 220v, 1hp motor, mild steel , imported e-learn interactive white boards specification75 inches 4k uhd touch screen led tv ultratouch display interactive flat panel monitor(3840 x 2160 pixels) , horizontal laminar flow specification4 2 2 (stainless steel body) 90 lt./per hepais 90 + 20 fpm noise level in very low, working fluorescent light, pcr teaching kit specificationtest efficient and easy to use, colony counter specification4 digit, microlit micropipette specificationmultichannel 8 channel fully auto removable, dahl digestion unit specificatonaluminium heating block and fumes extraction system, digestion of plant, soil sludge, food grams, processing 100 ml tubes, leaf area meter specificationfully automatic, portable water/soil kit specificationph mv conductivity, tds salinity, turbidity, d.o. and temp., magnetic stirrer with hot plate specification2 liters capacity, water bath rectangular specification16" 12" 4" 12 holes of 3" diameter, seed germinator specificationsingle chamber, suitable for conducting experiments on variety of seeds under different conditions of temp. and humidity. inner size 555 910 605 mm s.s. interior having 6 nos. adjustable shelves. tabular heaters are fitted. windowed front glass door outer inner full view acrylic door enabling to keep temp. and humidity level un-interrupted. full feature digital temp. controller cum indicator with voltmeter stainless steel with 14 trays., tissue culture rack specificationfitted with switches and 0-24 hrs. timer made of mild steel duly painted. rack size 48 21 (depth) is covered with thick ubreakableplexi-glass. each rack fitted with 4 fluorescent tubes and four bulbs. it is a unit with four shelf. each shelf with one u.v. tube for sterilization purpose., electronic balances digital specificationkea-210 200 gm 0.001 gm (1 mg) 80 mm , laboratory bod incubator specification12 cu.ft. 900 650 550mm s.s inner capacity 340 liter, fully automatic fume hood specification1500x750x2100mm, universal phase contrast cum dark field/bright field binocular research microscope specificationequipped with double slidder unit and condenser system which enables bright field, dark ground and phase contrast observation by a simple change over procedure. this microscope is designed latest phase techniques for most convenient observation of all colourless and transparent specimens and living bacteria etc. wihout staining. provides excellent contrast and a perfect flat image. coarse motion with universal locking device and highly sensitive fine focusing reading to 0.002 mm. supplied with imported slider phase contrast cum dark field equipment having phase annuls with abbe condenser and set of phase plates and provision for accurate centering. supplied with din standard optics, fluorescence microscope (imported-flurex) specificationepi-fluorescence arm with butyl in two/four (option) filters (uv, v, b, g) dichoric mirror and barrier filters. wf 10x/fov 20 mm (paired). objective plain achromatic objective 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x. fluorescence objective 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x. standard interference filters 1. b excitation (400-490 nm); 2. g excitation (510-550 nm). optional 1. uv excitation (300-400 nm); 2. v excitation (395-415 nm). transmitted tungsten halogen lamp. fluorescent sources 100 w mercury lamp. complete with instruction manual
Tender For purchase of dental items use in pgids rohtak-, sectional matrix system, , should contain niti separator rings (min. 2) forceps, pin tweegers 100 assorted full contour matrices 25 each of (3.5, 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5 mm) wedges 75 wedges (25 each of small, medium & large size), , separator rings should be of different sizes universal & narrows with excellent spring, strength, memory and consistent separation force, , anatomically shaped tips of rings with space to accomodate wedge, , easy to place 3-d contured matrix bands with holes on top and side to aid in placement and removal., , forcep with locking function and angled grip arms to hold the ring securely., , 100 extra matrices (1 box each of 3.5, 4.5 mm), , european ce/usfda for the product, , rubber dam kit, , should have 6" x 6" dam green medium - 36 sheets, , should have autoclavable, radiodecent 6" plastic frame, , should have 9 winged color coded (included 3 clamps with serrated jaws for structurally compromised teeth) clamps pack with autoclavable box, , should have 6" template, , should have widgets cord (small size), , should have dental dam punch, , should have dental dam forceps, , european ce for the product, , injectable thermoplastic obturation system, , system should offer backfill handpiece and downpack handpiece in same unit ergonomic handpieces 360 cuff on each handpieces for activation. easy control of heating temperature/flow rate filling material indicator for concenient montoring of remaining gutta percha flexible cannulas suitable for curved root canals 20g & 23g cannuals for good adaption to all root canal single patient gp cannulas to prevent cross inflection option to store settings, , surgical peizosurgery unit, , piezosurgery unit perform precise osteotomy procedures., , should work in different modes for bone cutting periodontal purpose endodontics and clinic., , should have foot control, , should have touch screen panel, , working frequency should be 24 to 36 khz, , water flow should be around 25-110 ml per minute, , vibration amplituede of tip should be in the range of 20-100 microns, , should be compatible with all standard tips for osteotomy procedures, , 3d intraoral scanner, , the modelshouldbea trolly based scanner with in-built touch screen and computer with the choice of pen grip., , scanspeed should be maintained for during scanning procedure., , it should be able to provide precise, hd 3d color scanning. the image should be with, , vivid color and details that offer visually appealing images., , scanner should not require powder or liquid for scanning high reflecting surfaces., , the scannershouldbe handheld3dscanner with ultrafast optical scaning/cone focal/triangulation., , , , , ,
Tender For design, support, supply, installation and commissioning, training, warranty and annual maintenance contract of medical cyclotron with turnkey (complete scope as per the attached document in specification) - [equipment -medical cyclotron system] medical cyclotron- bunker type, unshielded with 4 numbers niobium liquid target for 18f production (self shielded), 2 numbers niobium liquid target for 68ga production (unshielded or self shielded), 1 number solid target ( for production of 64cu,89zr, 68ga) (unshielded or self shielded) along with necessary operator and personnel safety interlock system, [equipment -medical cyclotron system] 18f based synthesis modulefully automated cassette-based synthesis module with suitable dual vertical hotcell or equvivalent to handle 20 ci of f18 radioactivity (each working chamber) for routine production of 18f based radiopharmaceuticals., [equipment -medical cyclotron system] synthesis research modulegeneral purpose 18f radiofluorination module with suitable dual vertical or equvivalent hot cell, [equipment -medical cyclotron system] solid target irradiation, processing and synthesis systemsolid target processing system with electroplating+recovery of enriched target+purification) automated module for synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals of zr89,64cu, with suitable hot cell (100 mm lead thickness) [separate prices to be provided for hotcell with camera and hotcell with pb glass window for the working chambers of the hotcells], [equipment -medical cyclotron system] fully automatic dispenser (18f)fully automatic dispenser for vial dispensing with suitable hot cell to handle 20 ci of f18 radioactivity, [equipment -medical cyclotron system] dispenser for solid target-based rpone dispenser for solid target-based radio-pharmaceuticals with suitable hot cell to handle minimum of 5 ci of activity., [equipment -medical cyclotron system] 68ga based synthesis module fully automated synthesis module for radio labelling of 68ga produced from cyclotron with suitable dual vertical hot cell or equvivalent [separate prices to be provided with camera and with pb glass window for the working chambers of the hotcells], [quality control system ] hplchplc with autosampler, [quality control system] gas chromatographygas chromatography with fid and autosampler, [quality control system]tlc scanner, [quality control system] ph reader, [quality control system] mca solid state based mca, [quality control system] dose calibratordose calibrator for qc, lead shielding, [quality control system] bet systemendotoxin test system for quality control, [quality control system]bod incubator, [quality control system] l-bench l-bench for target maintainance, [quality control system] l-bench (qc)l-bench for qc of pet radioharmaceutical, [quality control system]laminar flow benches, [radiation monitoring equipment] central radiation monitoring systemsystem includes software for online data acquisition and backup for six months., [radiation monitoring equipment] gamma area monitor gamma area monitor (0-100mr/h), [radiation monitoring equipment] remote probehigh range gamma monitor with remote probe, [radiation monitoring equipment] stack monitoring systemnai detector for on line stack monitoring systemlead castle for stack monitoring probeintegrated radiation monitoring computer system with complete cabling up to the top floor of building.stack monitoring channel local alarm unitssoftware system for stack monitoringmonitor channel connection kitspare parts kit for stack monitor, stacking monitor channels, area monitors, [radiation monitoring equipment]hand & foot monitor, [radiation monitoring equipment] personal pocket dosimeters (digital), [radiation monitoring equipment] portable gamma dose rateportable gamma dose rate meter + contamination probe, [radiation monitoring equipment] portable survey monitor for neutron, [radiation monitoring equipment] remote probe survey neutron monitor (high range), [radiation monitoring equipment] por