Tender For annual rate contract work for providing fogging & antilarva treatment in notified residential area & 52-hector gidc residential area at gidc, umargam.
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - comprehensive cleaning of mangaluru central railway colony for a period of 1095 days as per annexure i scope of work sl no 1 to 6 including 18 percentage gst,custom bid for services - anti mosquito fogging operations at mangaluru central railway colony for a period of 1095 days as per annexure ii scope of work sl no 1 including 18 percentage gst,custom bid for services - final disposal of garbage of mangaluru central railway colony for a period of 1095 days as per annexure iii scope of work sl no 1 including 18 percentage gst
Tender For supply of rodent control and fogging services - title 1 rodent control work details of the branches with area attached with this bid , title 2 inceticides and termite treatmente work , title 3 for kokroches details of the branches , title 4 for mosquito control , title 5 all treatment spraying work , title 6 termite reatment work by drilling procedure