Tender For corrigendum : procurement of spares for hydrogen recycle compressor and nitrogen compressor at pp unit at iocl paradip refinery - procurement of spares for hydrogen recycle compressor and nitrogen compressor at pp unit at iocl paradip refinery., bushing alignment p/n. w132626, seal oil deflector p/n. 300018ak3im, valve inlet p/n. mlh44432mb32, spring p/n. 9539t16, crab valve p/n. w131493, valve inlet p/n. mlh44432kd5, valve disch p/n. mlh44433kd5, ring packing p/n. r87096c278d24im, ring packing purge,p/n:r87096a278t24im, washer lock p/n. 14a5s36, bush crank pin p/n. 5833c1, bush x hd pin p/n. 5832c1, bush sheave p/n. 166092, crosshead p/n. mlw125207g1, ring scrapper p/n. 27a11b24dim, pushrod p/n. w131775dp3, pushrod p/n. w131775dp4, set screw p/n. x1531t739c, set screw p/n. x1531t742c, setscrew p/n. r83516b8p1, set screw p/n. x1531t735c, pipe suction p/n. 3188e1t2, gasket outer head p/n. 7735d1t132im, seal oil part no 207a11an9044, packing rod comp p/n. mlh65180nbdg5, ring packing set p/n. r87096c298d32im, ringpack purge set p/n r87096e298t32im, crosshead p/n. f38958, washer 3/4 " p/n. 12a5c9, cap breather p/n. 6459b1, dowel pin p/n- 17a13a141, bushing p/n. 3800c1t2, rod unloader p/n. r83517kp1, setscrew hex skt p/n. 109a2s1, bushing main brg p/n. r16430, bushing set p/n. h62654im, bush x hd pin p/n. 5027c1, ring scrapper p/n- 27a11b32aim, spacer packing p/n. w120342, ring packing set p/n. r87096a728t32im, rod packing assly p/n. 1h44450np5t2, rod packing p/n. h44450np5t2, cylinder & liner p/n. 1f30793al2, o-ring p/n. r90244t441im
Tender For supply of compressor spares - grill protection for suction valve part no part no , s a valve suction ist stage part no 8035.17.03.00 , s a valve suction 2nd stage part no 8035.17.10.00 , s a valve suction 3rd stage part no 8235.17.12.00 , ring 118x111x2 for valve cu part no 24.431.180.00 , washer 20x13x1 part no 23.560.203.00 , ring 129x118x2 copper part no 24.431.290.00 , screw tightening m12x1.75x60 for va lve part no 22.194.450.00 , sa valve discharge ist stage part no. 8035.17.04.00 , s a valve discharge 2nd stage part no 8035.17.11.00 , sa valve discharge 3rd stage part no. 8035.17.13.00 , s a valve suction 4th stage part no. 8035.17.14.00 , s a valve discharge 4rt stage part no. 8035.17.15.00 , ring 106x96x1 cu 3ha4 part no 24.431.061.00 , gasket edd quality 95.5x85x2 for 70 cr56 and 57 valve , element for suction filter part no 94.109.905.00 , valve plate part no 8036.12.81.00 , valve plate part no 8035.18.98.00 , ringpiston compression , packing gland ring m55.8x32x10 part no , gasket 250x200x2 betwn body and cove r of fec 280d part no 24.442. , gasket 440 dx286 dx2 for cylinder 2 80 d part no 24.444.400.00 , ringpiston compression 180d part no 35.324.690.00 , gasket front 305 dia x 244 dia x 2 and back 180 dia 185dia cylinder , gasket cover 180 dia x 130 dia x 2 front end part no 24.441.780.00 , ring seal type 32 t6 bu white part no. 35.360.730.99 , ringpiston compression 125d part no 35.324.140.00 , ring o 48x34x7 rubber ha and hb part no 24.540.340.00 , ring pressure breaker f gland pac king bronze part no 35.362.380 , ringpiston 85d lub part no. 35.324.901.00 , ring 118x111.5x2 al ha hat part no. 24.421.180.00 , ring seal type 32 t6 bu white 185 d part no 35.360.730.99 , pin dowel 10dx80 part no 23.311.090.00 , element secondary filter new desig part no 35.190.360.00 , bearing big end f conn rod part no , bearing bush main part no. , nut hex plain m20x2.5 part no. 22.072.335.00 , nut lock hex m20x2.5 part no 22.058.305.00 , tube bundle intercooler first stage part no 94.102.336.00 , tube bundle intercooler second stage part no 94.102.337.00 , tube bundle intercooler third stage part no 94.102.338.00 , s a pump oil 2 4 6 cylinder part no , bolt round head m20x2.5x147 2 4 6 c part no 21.580.200.00 , nut hex plain m20x2.5 en-24 condi tion part no 22.072.335.0 , nut lock hex m20x2.5 en-24 condit ion part no. 22.058.305.00 , ringpiston compression 280d 280dx12x7 ci part no. 35.324.400.00 , ringpiston compression 180 d part no 35.324.690.00 , ringpiston compression 125d spl ci ha part no 35.324.140.00 , ringpiston 85d lub spl ci ha part no 35.324.901.00 , s a valve 3 8 inch bsp n r for 1 2 3 stg part no. , sub assy nr valve high p cy. 4th stg part no. 35.800.400.00
Tender For supply of spares for ingersoll rand screw compressor. 1. element air filter nl g37 pico standard, part no: 23487457, qty - 04 nos, 2. element oil filter, part no: 39911631, qty - 08 nos, 3. pad prefilter 10x1007x 1673 size, part no: 23523772, qty - 04 nos, sl no: 1 to 3 makes one set. [ warranty period: 30 months af ter the date of delivery ]
Tender For the following spares required for screw air compressor make: kirloskar, 2266 lph, and 80 cfm with tank ca pacity 1000 ltrs. a set consist of refrigerated air dryer model krd100 capacity 100 cfm max. pressure 16 bar electri cal supply 400 +/- 10% v, 3ph., 50+/-5% hz, supplied with one pre-filter and two line filters removing oil upto 0.01 mg/m3 and coalesced water & dust upto 0.01 microns. [ warranty period: 18 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of mild steel 12 drawer portable tools trolley , car and motorcycle ignition timing gun inductive xenon timing light for auto repair tools , air compressor with 1 inch air impact wrench, half inch air impact wrench, spec as per pdf uploaded. , engine pistonringcompressor tool installer , valve lifter